Adding an already existing database to Azure - azure

I have created an MVC 5 web application. I have deployed it to azure but I can't seem to add the database that I am using. I know you can create a database on azure and link it to your website but is there a way to add an existing database?

There are several ways to migrate an existing SQL Server database to the Azure environment. See this Migration guide from Microsoft.
I have used the "Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure Database wizard" before and it worked very well and easy. Have a look at this guide.


Migrating SAP Sybase ASE to AZURE

Im new to the cloud universe of Microsoft and confused with their Migration Services, so forgive me if this question seems like there was no effort put into finding an answer myself.
Im evaluating to migratre our Sybase ASE 16 environment to the Cloud, preferably to AZURE, because of Sybase and Microsoft both rely on T-SQL for procedural programming. This being said I was looking through the docs and could not find any out of the box cloud migrating solution for Sybase.
I understand Microsofts definitions of offline and online migration but neither offer a service for Sybase products. I then stumbled up on SSMA ( Micrsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP Sybase ASE). From my understanding this is a tool to migrate a Sybase Database to a Microsoft SQL Server Database and has nothing to with AZURE.
But I could have an AZURE DB sitting in the cloud and just use it as the destination for my migration?
Is this best practice for SAP Sybase ASE migrations to AZURE?
Azure offers a migration tool to migrate to the cloud. If you need to migrate a Sybase Database you will need to use Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP.
In order to migrate your Sybase Database you need to download the SSMA Client and the extension pack for your Microsoft SQL Server.
Inside the SSMA you first have to convert selected database schemas, then synchronize them in the bottom database explorer with your destination database and then you are ready to hit the migration button.
Keep in mind that Microsoft SQL Server is case insensitive by default but you can change the case sensivity on a database level for sysdb in Microsoft SQL Server Manager.
Also it is important to point out that this tool only migrates DDL but not users and permissions.

How To connect Ionic 3 (Angular 5) app to Azure SQL database?

I have an MS Access frontend working with an Azure SQL database as the backend. This all works fine.
The next step is to give some functionality to remote users on mobiles and tablets via an Ionic App.
What is the best way to make an Ionic app interact (READ/WRITE) data with an Azure SQL database?
I am just looking for an initial overview to get a starting position. I would like to keep it within MS Azure if possible.
Is an Azure App the way to go to work as the interface between the two?
There is a plugin for Ionic which allows connection to 'Easy Tables' in the Azure App Service. We found that in order to be able to connect an Access FE to the same tables that we had to make a new SQL db with the usual setup before adding the Easy Tables. If you make the Easy tables first, Azure doesn't show you the SQL database that these relate to and how to connect to it using the standard SQL ODBC connection string.
You can consider having an API which can speak to Azure DB and have NativeScript app to call the API using REST if you are considering real-time option. You can create an Azure Mobile that uses NativeScript as explained here.
To create a REST API with Azure SQL Database please consider this article.

Azure Import Data Tier Application does not have Standard DB option

I created the backup of my live Azure DB using Export option in Azure Portal. I am trying to restore this DB on my staging Azure DB using "Import Data Tier Application". The options listed under Azure DB Editions are Web and Business as shown in screenshot. However I need to create a Standard DB.
Is there a way I can create Standard Azure DB using "Import Data Tier Application"?
This problem was addressed in an updated version of SSMS which you can find in the link below. The SSMS is also in a new stand alone installer now:
I couldn't find such option in my ssms right now. You can choose web or business and import. after importing, change the service tier from the portal to 'standard'.

How to immigrate from current federation system for Web Microsoft Azure databases to the new Elastic scale out in the Basic databases

we discover that the Microsoft Sql Azure Web databases are going to retired in the September 2015.
our application (PHP application) is working on federation mechanism.
how to convert our federation to the new elastic scale out?
is there is a new Sql federation command to create new federations and control them?
is there is an easy way to move data smoothly from the federation mechanism to the new scale out (Web to Basic) databases?
there's no SQL command for doing the migration, the migration steps and a migration utility is available at this link. You will have to do some code changes on your app as well.
The new Elastic Scale features in Azure SQL DB are provided through client libraries that currently are available only with ADO.Net. A complete summary of capabilities can be found at this link. Included are tools that allow migration from federations "in-place". However direct PHP api support is not currently available. I would like to understand your scenario better so please email me directly -- stuarto (at) Microsoft (dot) com.

How to quickly get a MVC 4 w/LocalDb into Azure Web Site/Azure SQL DB ?

This should be simple..
I have done this.
Create default MVC 4 template and publish site to Azure web site. No problem.
Create a Contact model
Create a view/controller and for the model. Now basic CRUD works on the site with the localDB
Enable migrations, add migration, create test data in seed and update migration. Everything works locally. great!
Now how do I get that database into SQL Azure? I thought it was..
Publish and set ContactContext to SQL Azure string. Test connection. Works. Check 'Use this connection at runtime' .( I assume that means when it is copied it will use that connection).. So now I publish.. then goto /Contacts ... it should automatically create the new DB in Azure... but instead I get
Invalid object name 'dbo.Contacts'.
Where did I go wrong ? Is there another way.. Should I just make a script with schema and data and run that on my SQL Azure table instead? I could do that but it seems the 'publish' way would be easier..
When publishing, check your publish settings and see if it executes the code-first migrations.
This fixed it form me ;)
