NPM: edit es6 written plugin in node_modules dir without transpiling - node.js

I've got a plugin I wrote in es6, and I'm currently testing the plugin on a site that I'm building.
When there's an issue, I would like to quickly modify the plugin directly in the node_modules folder, however everytime I need to make a change, I need to rebuild the dist folder for that plugin using babel-cli.
Is there anyway to get around this? Is there a webpack solution for this?

Not sure if understand you correctly where do you execute this code, but any way if it is executed in node - node supports es, just use latest version. If it is browser - then again you have two options execute file without transcompiling it at all, or use babel directly in the browser:

Your problem derives from the use of a transpiler to transform your source code before loading it into the browser. You can avoid this by using an isomorphic module pattern like this example, with introductory article.
Another alternative that is webpack compatible is to use the webpack hot loader.


Is it possible to install and use node modules in my Chrome Extension? [duplicate]

I tried so but I have a 'require is not defined' error. I can't find information about that, can someone enlighten the noob in me please?
It's possible, but you have to be careful. Trying to require() a package means that node will try to locate its files in your file system. A chrome extension only has access to the files you declare in the manifest, not your filesystem.
To get around this, use a module bundler like Webpack, which will generate a single javascript file containing all code for all packages included through require(). You will have to generate a separate module for each component of your chrome extension (e.g. one for the background page, one for content scripts, one for the popup) and declare each generated module in your manifest.
To avoid trying to setup your build system to make using require() possible, I suggest starting with a boilerplate project. You can check out my extension to see how I do it.
An updated answer for 2022
Short answer: yes, you can require/import packages. Rather than going through the tedious work of setting up & configuring a bundler like Webpack on your own (especially if you have no experience with them), there are now build tools you can use to create the boilerplate "scaffolding" for a Chrome extension:
Extension CLI -- this one is well-documented and you can also reference the source code of some Chrome extensions that have used this tool (READ: learn how others have set up their code).
Chrome Extension CLI
Benefits of using them:
New projects are initiated with a default project file structure. Super helpful.
They support modern Javascript (ES6, ES2021), so modules work fine.
They already have bundlers integrated and pre-configured (Webpack in both above cases I think). You therefore don't need to install and configure any on your own.
You can use npm as normal to install any packages/dependencies you need.
Then of course, let the official documentation for Chrome Extensions guide you through the rest.
It's not possible to require node modules directly within a chrome extension. However, it is possible to bundle node applications and packages into the browser for use with your extensions. See here for more: Is it possible to develop Google Chrome extensions using node.js?
Yes, It is possible with esm npm packages.
require is commonjs module loader.
Browser doesn't support commonjs modules system
so that this error showed.
Method 1:
Run npm init -y and add "type" :"module" in your package.json.
create path.js file
add this line in path.js
const fullPath = await import.meta.resolve("npm-pkg-name");
const path = fullPath?.match(/(/node_modules.*)/)[0];
add this line inside package.json
"path": "node --experimental-import-meta-resolve path.js",
Copy console output text. Replace package name with this copied path.
Method 2:
Install other npm package to find and replace
npm packages' virtual path to real path so that chrome browser will find it.
Install Path-fixxer
Add this line in path.js
import setAllPkgPath from "path-fixxer";
then run command : npm run path.
Now open browser to test it.

How can I use NPM modules with Django inside an app?

I have a Django project with 2 apps. I want to use the Notion API in one of the apps, so I have to install it's NPM module. However, I have never use NPM nor a bundler (I understand I have to use one for the import statement).
I have no idea on how to do it. Where should I install the module? Should I install Webpack or something similar? How can I integrate both of this technologies with Django?
Can someone please explain this to me, or reffer to an article/video explaining?
I have been trying for hours now and I can't find anything detailed.
I have checked the following links:
Django how to use npm modules with static/ templates
And a lot more.
They either don't have what I need (they are for react), or I can just not understand them. I know there are probably a lot of articles on this, but either I just can't find them, or they are too complicated for me (sorry I'm dumb).
If anyone can help me, it would make my day.
P.S. I am using Typescript, but I can use vanilla JS if necessary.
You have two things to do in order to get your app working the way you want.
Install, configure, and run a module bundler
Use collectstatic
Module bundler:
You have a few choices, but most use webpack because it is the most popular. I prefer rollup but it is all up to preference.
rollup quickstart:
Since you are using Typescript, see the plugins for bundling Typescript
After you bundle, you should have a main.js file or equivalent. Make sure that main.js is in its own folder. Bundlers will typically do this for you.
Add that directory to your STATICFILES_DIRS in
Note that you will need to set a STATIC_ROOT for this to work. This will be a folder that you will store your collected static files at.
Run python collectstatic
Sidenote: if you are using python runserver to start your application, you don't need to run collectstatic
For those looking for a -workaround solution- this should be great
I found this website that provides you with the bundles to imported in your static files (.html)
So, for my case I needed to download Chart.js latest version's bundle and I found it available here
and add it to your html like so:
<script src="" integrity="sha512-sW/w8s4RWTdFFSduOTGtk4isV1+190E/GghVffMA9XczdJ2MDzSzLEubKAs5h0wzgSJOQTRYyaz73L3d6RtJSg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

Clientside Javascript in Typescript Express projects

I always wondered how I can properly add the clientsided javascript in my express project. I use Typescript and I would also like to take advantage of the Typescript typings (for jquery for instance) when writing my clientside javascripts.
My project structure looks like this:
What I have done until today:
I created all clientsided javascript files in wwwroot/js (e.g. jquery.min.js, registration-form.js) and I loaded them into the header of the appropriate pages.
I had to write ES5 javascript which is compatible with the browsers we would like to support
I couldn't put the javascript files where they logically belong to (e. g. I'd rather put my registration-form.js into src/registration/ instead of the wwwroot)
No Typescript possible :(. No typescript typings, no transpiling to ES5 etc.
In some tutorials I saw they would simply run npm install --save jquery and import it in their clientsided files. So I feel like I must have missing some pretty important stuff, but I couldn't find any tutorials about it.
My question:
What is the "right way / best practice" to write clientsided javascript in Typescript / Express applications (which should also elliminate also the mentioned disadvantages)?
Using TypeScript on the client side is not much different from the server side.
Here is what you can do:
Create client folder for client-side typescript sources
Put tsconfig.json into client folder and configure it to produce "es5" code (target: es5)
Install jquery types (npm install --save-dev #types/jquery)
That's it, now you can write your client side code in TypeScript.
You can compile server-side code with tsc -p ./src (having server-side tsconfig.json under src) and compile client-side code with tsc -p ./client.
I made a simple example of such app, check it here. I put the simple script to build everything into package.json, so you can run npm run-script complie to get both server and client code complied into /dist folder. Then run it with npm start.
Further steps:
Automate your flow: you should be able to start your app locally and then just edit source TypeScript files and the app should be reloaded automatically. This can be done with webpack / gulp / grunt or custom shell script that can be triggered once any of your source file has been changed and saved.
If you find yourself writing good amount of client-side code, check also angular ( It uses TypeScript as preferred language for client-side development and you'll be able to build much more powerful client-side app using it. You may choose another library as well (react, vue.js, etc), see the examples on the TypeScript site.

Lint node.js code on save

I want to lint my node.js code when saving the file (so I don't have to to run npm run eslint manually). If I were to write the frontend, I'd use webpack to bundle and lint my files on save. However, as I currently don't need to bundle my Node.js code (or do I?), I'm not sure if this is the way to go or if I have any other alternative?
How is this usually done with Node.js? I wasn't able to find any answer to that question using Google's or Stackoverflow's search but I might have looked for the wrong thing.
You could use gulp or grunt or any other build tool to watch your project and run es-lint on save.
Or you could just use a text-editor or ide with a js-lint plugin.

Is it possible to require npm modules in a chrome extension ?

I tried so but I have a 'require is not defined' error. I can't find information about that, can someone enlighten the noob in me please?
It's possible, but you have to be careful. Trying to require() a package means that node will try to locate its files in your file system. A chrome extension only has access to the files you declare in the manifest, not your filesystem.
To get around this, use a module bundler like Webpack, which will generate a single javascript file containing all code for all packages included through require(). You will have to generate a separate module for each component of your chrome extension (e.g. one for the background page, one for content scripts, one for the popup) and declare each generated module in your manifest.
To avoid trying to setup your build system to make using require() possible, I suggest starting with a boilerplate project. You can check out my extension to see how I do it.
An updated answer for 2022
Short answer: yes, you can require/import packages. Rather than going through the tedious work of setting up & configuring a bundler like Webpack on your own (especially if you have no experience with them), there are now build tools you can use to create the boilerplate "scaffolding" for a Chrome extension:
Extension CLI -- this one is well-documented and you can also reference the source code of some Chrome extensions that have used this tool (READ: learn how others have set up their code).
Chrome Extension CLI
Benefits of using them:
New projects are initiated with a default project file structure. Super helpful.
They support modern Javascript (ES6, ES2021), so modules work fine.
They already have bundlers integrated and pre-configured (Webpack in both above cases I think). You therefore don't need to install and configure any on your own.
You can use npm as normal to install any packages/dependencies you need.
Then of course, let the official documentation for Chrome Extensions guide you through the rest.
It's not possible to require node modules directly within a chrome extension. However, it is possible to bundle node applications and packages into the browser for use with your extensions. See here for more: Is it possible to develop Google Chrome extensions using node.js?
Yes, It is possible with esm npm packages.
require is commonjs module loader.
Browser doesn't support commonjs modules system
so that this error showed.
Method 1:
Run npm init -y and add "type" :"module" in your package.json.
create path.js file
add this line in path.js
const fullPath = await import.meta.resolve("npm-pkg-name");
const path = fullPath?.match(/(/node_modules.*)/)[0];
add this line inside package.json
"path": "node --experimental-import-meta-resolve path.js",
Copy console output text. Replace package name with this copied path.
Method 2:
Install other npm package to find and replace
npm packages' virtual path to real path so that chrome browser will find it.
Install Path-fixxer
Add this line in path.js
import setAllPkgPath from "path-fixxer";
then run command : npm run path.
Now open browser to test it.
