Access files from project folder in UWP - visual-c++

in my solution I have backgroundtask project which has a "Resources" directory. How can I acess the files of this directory?
I already tried
auto loader = Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForViewIndependentUse();
and I get a "ResourceMap Not Found" error.

Windows::ApplicationModel::Package^ package = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current;
Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ installedLocation = package->InstalledLocation;
this should return the Folder of your project that contains your "Resources" folder.


Azure DevOps Copy Task Failing for DLL with same name

I have maybe one of the simplest releases failing.
I am using the default copy files task to copy everything from the artificat (source/azure repo) to the target (a physical server in this case). On each copy the target is cleaned; all files are deleted from target.
Source Folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_DEV/
Contents: */ (I tried "Contents: **" as well)
Clean Target Folder (checked)
Overwrite (checked)
Flatten Folders (unchecked)
Preserve Target Timestamp (checked)
There are 2 dlls named the same but one file is in the root and another is in a subfolder. It appears that the sub folder gets updated with the root version of the file. I know this because of the different file size. I have confirmed that the repo has 2 different versions of the dll by cloning it to my local.
Root Folder - x.dll (v1) (1300KB)
Subfolder - x.dll (v2) (1400KB)
So on releases...
If v1 is in the root and v2 is in the subfolder, v1 is copied to the root and subfolder.
If v2 is in the root folder, that gets copied to the root and to the sub folder.
If v1 is deleted in the root folder and v2 is in the subfolder, v2 is copied to the subfolder. No file in the root folder.
I tried using a text file with the same name and different file size and that seems to work. Its seems to be only dlls causing the problem.
I have no idea why the root folder file has presidence over the subfolder version. Resource not found: /credentials.json on Java QuickStart for Classroom API

I have implemented the Java QuickStart for the Classroom API and am getting an error message " Resource not found: /credentials.json" at run-time. I copied my credentials.json file to the Project res directory, but continue to get this error. Any suggestions?
I tried it in a different way than I found on other websites, and it worked for me.
replace below code:
InputStream in = GoogleSheetAPIHandler.class.getClass().getResourceAsStream(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH);
With this code:
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH);
You need to import credential.json file into the src/main/resources folder in eclipse. You may be included in the project folder. But you need to import it into eclipse.
locate your credentials.json file in the folder.
click and drag it
drop it in src/main/resource and click ok.
After importing into eclipse it should show like the below image.
There are two steps needed to find the resource in Eclipse:
To have the file in the resources folder
Create the resource folder (if it does not exist): src/main/resouces
Add the credential file to the resource folder: src/main/resouces/credential.json
To have the resources folder in the Source Java Build Path
Go to Eclipse Path Source: Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Source (tab)
Add resources folder: Add Folder ... (button) > resources (check box) > OK (button)
The name of your file has to be credentials only, if you have credentials.json as the name of your file in your folder you will get this error.

Creating A Folder In the Temp Folder

I'm trying to create a folder within the temp folder that doesn't have a random name.
Here is how I was trying to create the folder within the temp folder.
if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{%tmp}\Utilities\SDK')) then
Log('Temp\Utilities\SDK Folder Has Been Created.');
I had a look at this thread, but even with the %, unfortunately, it still doesn't create the folder.The script compiles and runs as expected, however the folder doesn't create even though it says it has in the log file, I understand that the log file will say that because its told too, however, if the folder was unable to be created, wouldnt it crash? or return a false if an if statement was present?
With CreateDir() You must create dirs one after the other and not a dir structure at once.
if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Utilities')) then
if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Utilities\SDK')) then
if DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Utilities\SDK')) then
Log('Temp\Utilities\SDK Folder Has Been Created.') else
Log('Temp\Utilities\SDK Folder ERROR : NOT Created.');
Inno Setup has a function to create a dir structure at once
function ForceDirectories(Dir: string): Boolean;
if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Utilities\SDK')) then
Also keep in mind :
{tmp} all is related to the Inno Setup Temp folder is-XXXXX.tmp
{%temp} is the users Temp folder
I think you want the Windows Temp and not the tmp from InnoSetup
Temporary directory used by Setup or Uninstall. This is not the value of the user's TEMP environment variable. It is a subdirectory of the user's temporary directory which is created by Setup or Uninstall at startup (with a name like "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\IS-xxxxx.tmp"). All files and subdirectories in this directory are deleted when Setup or Uninstall exits. During Setup, this is primarily useful for extracting files that are to be executed in the [Run] section but aren't needed after the installation.
So I think you want to do somethink like this:
if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{%temp}\Utilities\SDK')) then
Log('Temp\Utilities\SDK Folder Has Been Created.');

AWS Lambda access denied to a module in subfolder

I have this Nodejs lambda function where some files are in a subfolder, like this:
- index.js
- connectors/
- affil.js
I have a Cannot find module error when trying to require the affil.js file. Trying to read it with fs.readFile returns an access denied error.
When I move the file to the root folder, it is accessible. Is there a requirement that Lambda functions files must all be at the root directory? How can I fix that?
Mostly it is because of the way zipping the files making the problem. Instead of zipping the root folder you have to select all files and zip it like below,
Please upload all files and subfolders like below. Please include node_modules folder as well in the zip.
As pointed by #Vijayanath Viswanathan, the issue is with how the zip file is created rather than Lambda.
I used to feed gulp-zip with this:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*')
The correct way is to prevent folders from being included:
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
or (if you need to include file with other file extensions)
var src = gulp.src('src/**/*', {nodir: true})

How to get filepath of a file in Azure Service Fabric

I have a project which is in an Azure Service Fabric Solution. How can I get specific full filepath of a content file? The content file is in the same folder with my source code.
What I tried:
But it turns out:
This is a file in bin/debug folder
To get the location of content files you can use:
var path = Path.Combine(
ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.Context, File.ReadAllText(path));
provided that the file Readme.txt has the Build Action is set to "Content" and the Copy to Output Directory setting is set to something else than "do not copy".
