What does this bash ssh command do on remote machine - linux

I have to maintain a bash script.
There several commands are executed via ssh on a remote machine. The following command is used to do so:
ssh $1#$2 ${SSH_OPTS:-} "${CONFIG}; REC=y . \$HOME/.profile; $3 2>&1"
I have some troubles to understand what REC=y . \$HOME/.profile; does. Something with sourcing the .profile on the remote machine but what is REC=yfor?


establish ssh connection and execute command remotely [duplicate]

I wish to run a script on the remote system and then wish to stay there.
Running following script:-
ssh user#remote logs.sh
This do run the script but after that I am back to my host system. i need to stay on remote one. I tried with..
ssh user#remote logs.sh;bash -l
somehow it solves the problem but still not working exactly as a fresh login as the command:-
ssh user#remote
Or it will be better if i could include something in my script that would open the bash terminal in the same directory where the script was running. Please suggest.
Try this:
ssh -t user#remote 'logs.sh; bash -l'
The quotes are needed to pass both commands to ssh. The -t option forces a pseudo-tty allocation.
ssh user#remote logs.sh;bash -l
When the shell parses this line, it splits it into two commands. The first is:
ssh user#remote logs.sh
This runs logs.sh on the remote machine. The second command is:
bash -l
This opens a login shell on the local machine.
The quotes were added above to prevent the shell from splitting up the commands this way.

Why does executing a command over SSH without a visual terminal use a different PATH location?

When executing an SSH session that simply launches a command instead of actually connecting you, it appears as though my PATH environmental variable differs from when I connect to the SSH session normally, and it's missing the location of my binaries for bash commands. Why would this be, and how can I avoid it?
Normal connection of : ssh root#host
Yields a PATH env of
An ssh to execute command but not connect to the terminal directy (ssh root#host ls) yields "ls: command not found". Upon further inspection, the PATH environmental variable is missing /proc/boot, and thus missing the location of the ls binary file.
The PATH env of this 'non terminal' session yields:
but NOT /proc/boot, so it can't call standard actions like ls,mkdir, etc.
Why is this? How can I get my proper PATH when simply executing a command over SSH, but not connecting directly to a displayed terminal?
Run the .profile of the remote server before running commands
ssh user#host "~/.bash_profile; $command"
dets () {
sleep 1;
echo $1
sleep 1
dets "$1" | ssh -T username#ipaddress
Try using the above script passing the command you want to execute to the script i.e. ./sshscr "ls" This will disable pseudo-tty allocation (-T) and then execute the commands through a function det with the commands passed.
This is actually a feature. When you use a terminal ssh session, you get an interactive login session. So the sshd daemon starts your login shell (the one that is declared in /etc/password) as a login shell. The profile files are read and initialize various environment parameters and you can the start entering commands - for old dinosaurs it is the rlogin mode, for younger guys it is just a login mode
When you pass a remote command directly on the ssh line, none of the above occurs. The sshd daemon just sets up a default environment and launches the command - it is the rsh mode for dinosaurs or command mode for younger ones.
How to fix:
The best way is to not rely on the PATH when you pass commands directly in the ssh line:
ssh root#host /bin/ls
Alternatively, you can pass commands to an interactive shell (assuming bash on linux):
echo 'ls' | ssh root#host "bash -i"
But beware it is just an interactive shell, not a login shell: the ~/.bashrc will be read, but not ~/.profile nor ~/.bash_profile

How to connect and run shell script on remote server, via shell script

I hardly know anything about shell script or terminal commands.
Want to achieve:
Make a shell script, that connects to remote server and after connecting to that server, run some commands on that server.
Is it possible?
I have tried googling, but didn't find something, i am looking for.
You can do this using ssh (secure shell), you can refer this question for answers How to use SSH to run a shell script on a remote machine?
/tmp/sh.sh is shell script on remote server.
ssh "root#server-ip" 'sh -c "( (nohup /tmp/sh.sh) )"'
#use following for suppressing the output from remote server script.
ssh "root#server-ip" 'sh -c "( (nohup /tmp/sh.sh &>/dev/null ) & )"'

node.js unavailable via ssh

I am trying to call an installation of node.js on a remote server running Ubuntu via SSH. Node has been installed via nvm.
SSHing in and calling node works just fine:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver
(Server welcome text)
user#remoteserver:~$ which node
However if I combine it into one line:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which ls"
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
No sign of node, so I tried sourcing .bashrc and waiting 10 seconds:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "source ~/.bashrc; sleep 10; which node"
Only node seems affected by this. One thing I did notice was that if I ssh in and then check which shell I'm in it says -bash whilst if I ssh direct it gives me /bin/bash. I tried running the commands inside a bash login shell:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver 'bash --login -c "which node"'
Still nothing.
Basically my question is: Why isn't bash finding my node.js installation when I call it non-interactively from SSH?
Another approach is to run bash in interactive mode with the -i flag:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "bash -i -c 'which node'"
$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
When you run ssh and specify a command to be run on the remote system, ssh by default doesn't allocate a PTY (pseudo-TTY) for the session. Not having a TTY causes your remote shell process (ie, bash) to initialize as a non-interactive session instead of an interactive session. This can alter how it interprets your initialization files--.bashrc, .bash_profile, and so on.
The actual problem is probably that the line which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command PATH isn't executing for non-interactive sessions. There are two ways to resolve this:
Find the command in your initialization file(s) which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command path, figure out why it's not running for non-interactive sessions, and correct it.
Run ssh with the -t option. This tells it to allocate a PTY for the remote session. Or add the line RequestTTY yes to your .ssh/config file on the local host.

Linux: Run a shell command remotely and print result

I want to create a script that runs shell commands on a remote Linux machine and print out the result. Some thing like a "run once" SSH. Or for those familiar with Android development, something like "adb shell". For example, I want to run "ls" on my remote machine and display the results on the local host.
This is supported directly by ssh:
ssh [options] [user#]hostname [command]
ssh user#host ls
If not command is given an interactive shell is usually run by default.
