Is there any way to identify if type of an HTTP request is changed by the intercepter? - security

Is it possible to validate if an HTTP request originated from the client as GET, but was intercepted in between and converted to POST, or vice versa?
It is one of the security validations that is required as part of the project I am working on, but not getting enough clue about it. One of the way we thought of using as validation is to check if it is a GET request with a body than it could be POST. But that is just one case. Also if a POST is changed to GET by forging the request, I believe the data in the body can also be removed.
edit: Added more information about application and the intercepter
It is a regular Java web application developed using Struts with JSPs on the client side. The request from the web pages are being intercepted using Burp Suit Proxy to change the payload in the request.


Serving a HTTP request response as a dialog response - Composer Framework

We are developing a chatbot to handle internal and external processes for a local authority. We are trying to display contact information for a particular service from our api endpoint. The HTTP request is successful and delivers, in part, exactly what we want but there's still some unnecessary noise we can't exclude.
We specifically just want the text out of the response ("Response").
Logically, it was thought all we need to do is drill down into ${dialog.api_response.content.Response} but that fails the HTTP request and ${x.content} returns successful but includes Tags, response and the fields within 1.
Is there something simple we've missed using composer to access what we're after or do we need to change the way our endpoint is responding 2? Unfortunately the MS documentation for FrwrkComp is lacking to say the very least.
n.b. The response is currently set up as a (syntactically) SSML response, this is just a test case using an existing resource.
Response in the Emulator
Snippet from FwrkComp
Turns out it was the first thing I tried just syntactically correct. For the case of the code given it was as simple as:

Node.Js : How to log a request's body without access to the Request object

I'm currently using a framework in Node.js ( the botbuilder module from Microsoft Bot Framework) which uses the request[2] module to make HTTP requests.
I'm encountering a problem : this framework seems to send a malformed JSON to Microsoft's servers, but I fail to see why and what is this JSON message made of.
So I'm looking for a way to log those messages, to take a peek at this malformed JSON, as I don't have access to the request object (unless I heavily alter the framework code, which is not something one shall do)
So far, I'm able to log the response body (by adding request to the NODE_DEBUG environment variable), but not the original request body. I did try a tcpdump on our server but since it's all HTTPS there's nothing I can use there.
Any idea / tool that might help ?
Thanks for your time.
Use Node.js middleware to log all your requests. For example, you could use the module request-debug.
Another popular request logging middleware worth knowing about is Morgan, from the Express.js server team.

Post Form to a page in CQ5

I have a custom search component which searches for some parameter(s) from a dropdown [myParam] and displays the search results in another page. I currently use the default (GET) form
<form id="searchForm" action="/content/myWeb/searchResult.html" method="get" target="_blank">
In the result page, a component picks up the request params and processes the search.
I need to make it a POST submission so that the search parameters are NOT visible in the URL. But if I make it a method="Post" in the form above, I get this error:
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: no matching property definition found for {}myParam
Location /content/myWeb/searchResult
Parent Location /content/myWeb
That exception is the incidental way that Sling tells you that the servlet to which you are attempting to POST can not be found. What happens, in this case, is that Sling defaults to the SlingDefaultPostServlet, which attempts to to POST properties (represented by your form values) to the node /content/myWeb/searchResult. There's no way for Sling to say "I can't find a servlet that's registered to your request", so it just falls back to it's default behavior.
I'm assuming /content/myWeb/searchResult is a cq:Page node type. That node type is very restrictive, which is why it tells you that you cannot add properties that correspond to your form values.
This worked before, because your GET request to /content/myWeb/searchResult.html was able to resolve and execute. All GET requests to a page node can be served up by the system, inherently.
Now, since you are trying to do a POST, you need to create and register a new servlet that can handle this POST request. To do this, you'll need to create a SlingPostServlet and register it to your specific path (not recommended) or a specific selector/extension combination (recommended). That servlet should process the request parameters and respond with an HTML document.
A caveat...
What I just described will help you technically build what you are asking. That said, I don't agree with the premise that you should "make it a POST to hide the request parameters." The reason this is so much extra work, is because you are circumventing the principles of REST, which Sling is theoretically built to support. Your URL (via request path and parameters) should be communicating "I want the page at /content/myWeb/searchResult, given the criteria param1=x, param2=y, and so on". The GET with request params is an appropriately RESTful request.
I suggest you rethink what you're trying to do. Building a more complex solution around RESTful principles is not a good practice.
Just as a sidenote, you can always check if a given URL is bound to a servlet via the sling servlet resolver. Reachable via the OSGI-console or via URL:
This can at least help you find closure on, if the servlet is registered to the given URL.
You can create a POST.jsp for your page, which could handle the POST request.
It is not restful to make get like request with POST, but sometimes it can be useful. Also With POST, dispatcher won't cache your request.

How to prevent 3rd part services from using my API?

I have developed a front-end interface using Aja(AngularJS) and HTML5. Right now, I send an HTTP get request to my backend server which returns some data based on the GET parameters.
Since the URL is exposed in the Javascript file, I believe anyone could just use the URL to create there own API to fetch the data. How can I prevent such things ?
One way I could think of is that now instead of directly sending the request to the backend server, an application server could be used (hosting the HTML as well). The Ajax request would then be sent to this server (PHP script ?) which would in turn forward the request to the backend server and return the result to the UI. To prevent 3rd party services, I can disable cross origin requests on my application server.
Is this the correct way to solve my problem or are there better ways to do this? I am concerned that this would unnecessarily create another hop (internal though) for requests.
Note: The backend is running Apache Tomcat
In APIs that are not open to the world the user has to authenticate first in order to use it, see for example or -> Authorization

How to Secure an SOA style Symfony2 Application

So we're developing a web application in Symfony2 (brief editorial: Symfony2 is freaking awesome) along the lines of an SOA. All data is farted back and forth between our jQuery powered frontend and the Symfony2 backend formatted a la JSON, and therein lies the rub.
Symfony2 provides for a robust security system, but it seems to hinge on the "Security Layer" intercepting form submissions and using the form-encoded POST data to process an authentication attempt. This is problematic for our application because we use JSON exclusively. From where I'm standing, using JSON for every single request and response except authentication is... the sheet of the bool, frankly. Bad smell, bad juju, whatever you call it.
Now, Symfony2 allows for the creation of event listeners that hook into a series of events related to the lifecycle of a request and the consumate response. We use one of these hooks to decode the JSON that comes in with every POST request so that the relevant controller only ever has to worry about working directly with a php array and not do any decoding or de-serializing or whatever.
So the crux of our issue is that the "Security Layer" expects that form-encoded POST data that it gets from a form submission (generally on a page that the backend served in the first place). We're set up to feed it a PHP array created from JSONified data. So what do? Should we:
Create a custom authentication service that is built to deal with an array made from le JSON?
Tweak our request hook to check the target uri of each request and subsequently massage the request's JSON into the form-encoded string the "Security Layer" expects?
Tweak the "Security Layer" so that it can work the the JSON turned php array?
It's fairly simple to create your own authentication provider. You can follow this cookbook article and modify it slightly to handle your JSON request instead of the WSSE used in that example.
