How to change subscription on Azure old portal? - azure

First of all, why microsoft azure changed the portal UI? In my opinion the oldest is much more clear.
But the question is, i have multiple subscriptions associated with my live id email. When i go to url and log with my live id, i go to a default subscription, but i need to change it staying on the old portal. Where can i find this option?
On the configuration menu i have just these options:

On the top right corner before configuration menu, you will see Subscriptions filter. Clicking on that will show you all the directories your account is associated with. You can change the directory and can filter subscriptions you wish to see. Please see the screenshot below for more details:


Is there a way to add more than one dashboard to Azure Devops per team?

I'd like to add a second dashboard for our team. My idea was having a dashboard to show specific sprint information, and another dashboard so that I can see more general information, consolidating metrics from all sprints. Is there any way to do that? I already checked permissions and all of us should be able to do it. When I try adding another one, I see the Create button greyed out.
By reference to this doc: Add, rename, and delete dashboards in Azure DevOps,
Therefore, please check whether you are the team admin with Basic access level.

App Service Certificate creation not listing subscription on Azure Portal

On Azure Portal when creating App Service Certificate my subscription is not listed where I am the owner. I am trying to create in the same tenant.
See the screenshot below:
What could be the potential issue why my subscription is not listed in the Subscription section? What am I missing here?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
The issue has been resolved by SnehaAgrawal-MSFT's answer. From the Directory + subscription drop-down menu the proper subscription was not selected thus I could not see the required one.
Sharing below the steps with screenshots as one addition where I needed to switch the directory (maybe it helps someone in the future):
Switch directory link on the top right corner:
From the Directory + subscription drop-down menu the proper subscription needs to be selected:
Thanks again!
Thanks for asking question! Could you please make sure that the correct Azure directory is selected by clicking your account at the top right? You may refer to this doc link might be helpful:

Azure Portal - Dashboard Not Found (new Portal)

After sharing my Azure Portal Dashboard yesterday I think I accidentally deleted my default dashboard as it had the same name as the shared one. Now when I log into the Portal I'm getting the following message:
Dashboard not found We could not load the dashboard named 'private/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Refresh the portal to
try again.
I have created a new dashboard and can select it from the drop down, but I was wondering if anyone knew a trick to make the new dashboard the default, and prevent this message from appearing.
My issue was that I had bookmarked an old dashboard link. Double-check your bookmarks and make sure that you're using the correct version:
The reason this was happening for me was permissions. Also make sure you assign the user/user group to the share access section of the dashboard as demonstrated here

How to get subscription details on azure portal.

I have recently updated my azure subscription and after that I am unable to see my content or resources on the Azure portal and unable to download the publish profile.
So please help me to find the latest subscription in the new azure portal.
From the top right end, you will have your profile. There you will be able to see the Active Directories available for you. Click on that and it will show a page containing info on "Directories+ Subscriptions". In case you are not able to see the respective subscription in any of those directories, it is requested to raise a Support ticket in the portal itself.
You should ask azure support to help you with this. They can see what you have registered in the portal and if something when wrong. One thing you can try is to open the portal in a private browser session to see if anything is cached or not.

Change Azure Website Subscription

I had a free trial with windows azure, I was out of the country and it ran out.
I have now upgraded to a pay-as-you-go account. All good.
However, my previous websites still run off my old subscription, is there any way to reactivate these websites using my new pay-as-you-go subscription?
If you upgraded the existing free account versus opened a new pay-as-you-go account, this should have been a seamless transition.
You can contact support - use the Billing Questions option and then select Transfer Subscription, and they should be able to help you.
Alternatively, of course, you could redeploy your assets to the new subscription.
I created a "Billing" ticket with microsoft. There is a type of ticket as you go through their wizard specifically for this. They were able to upgrade my "Free Trial" to the pay as you go AFTER i had let the free trial expire. The downside was that all my virtual machines were deleted. It did however give me access to my websites and storage without any problem. I was able to recreate all the VM's using the storage vhd's.
My experience on this is that I just redeploy to a new website I created under new subscription. I didn't find a way to move them over to new subscription.
You can move SQL Azure to new subscription, but not website. To move SQL Azure to new subscription, you will need to use old Azure portal management. Follow this step:
Note that you are moving the server where the database lives. So, if you have more than one DB in the same server, everything will be moved.
You can move Azure SQL DB from one subscription to another on
Both subscriptions should in the same Default Directory. If they are in different directories then select:
Manage subscriptions/directory
Select subscription and click "Edit" at the bottom.
Choose directory where other subscription and click "Next".
When both subscriptions in the same directory.
Choose "SQL Databases"
Select proper server
and in Quick Glance you should see "Change subscription"
The documentation in the link stack247 posted is now outdated. To change the target subscription for a database, you have to change the target subscription of the server for the database. There are several ways to navigate to the server, but here is just one example:
Click on the database tab
Click on the name of the database you want to change
In the dashboard view, click on the link to the server in the quick glance section. This is on the bottom right corner of the view.
In the dashboard view, click on the Change Subscription link in the quick glance section. This is on the right side of the view.
Change the Target Subscription, and click the check button.
As far as changing the subscription for a website or cloud service, I would do what is recommended above; and republish the website or cloud service. When you publish, change the settings to target a different subscription by clicking on the previous button.
If you have a bunch of assets that need to be moved to another account, create a ticket with the Azure helpdesk. You will have to do the above and switch out the accounts for the databases/servers, but Microsoft is able to run a script on their end that moves everything. Depending on the size of your assets, it may take a little longer. Fortunately for me, it was only a day to move everything. I would recommend doing this instead of publishing everything a second time.
All the solutions mentioned above are now outdated.
In the,
For SQL Servers, go in the "SQL Servers" menu, select the server to change. In the Overview, click on the Edit button, located right to the name of the subscription.
For WebApps, go to the "App Service plans" menu, select your plan, click on the Resource Group and in the Overview, click on the Edit button, located right to the name of the subscription.
