View tabs during ctrl-tab in Sublime Text? - sublimetext3

In Windows, when you press Alt and Tab together, then repeatedly press Tab while holding down on the Alt, you see a list of all open windows and you can toggle between them.
In Notepad++ and other editors, you can do the same thing with editor tabs using the Ctrl+Tab combo.
Although Sublime Text supports basic Ctrl-Tab, it doesn't support the ability to view a list of all the tabs while keeping the Ctrl tab held down (as does Notepad++). Is there some plugin that provides this functionality, or an alternate key-combination I'm not aware of?

Tabs are just open files, to view a list of your open files View -> Sidebar -> Show Open Files


Make XML Split view default in Android Studio 3.6+?

In Android Studio 3.6 and above, an XML file always opens in the "Code" view by default. How do I make it open in "Split" view by default?
Now for Android Studio "Arctic Fox" - Preferences -> Editor -> Design Tools. Nice!
In Android Studio 3.6 if you open Preference->Editor->Layout editor you can see for this case only check/uncheck "Prefer XML editor" for show modes "Code" or "Design" view without "Split", very strange... Waiting for possibility check mode "Split"
Now Android Studio 4.0 has "Split" option. Nice!
Here's what worked for me, hope it works for you too.
Close all tabs in your editors.
Open one xml file and click on the split view button at the top-right section of the tab.
Close the tab again.
Android Studio then remembered my selection for all other tabs opened from then on.
Using the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow if you are on a Mac, or Alt + Shift + Left/Right Arrow otherwise):
Code: provides the functionality of an XML text editor.
Design: consists of a view containing the design editor (e.g. navigation graph, layout) that can be used to edit the file graphically.
Split: displays both Code and Design side-by-side, so you can preview your design while editing the text.

Editor window loses focus on shortcut view change

In Android studio, while having a .xml file (layout) open in editor window, there are two modes available: Design and Text. In Mac the short-cut for going back and forth in these views are said to be Control + Shift and Left/Right. However once you press one of these combination the editor window will lose the focus and in order to go back, you have to click on the editor window.
How can one resolve that without the extra click?

Setting a shortcut for setting selected text's font in OneNote

I have been taking notes in OneNote as I listen to classes etc. and it helps to represent code differently using Courier New etc. Having to keep doing it using main menu is getting to be very painful.
Is there anyway to set a shortcut for setting selected text's font to say Courier New etc.?
Note : I tried using Onetastic macros but they are extremely slow and makes onenote unresponsive for a ~10 secs or so, and moreover even that doesn't have a keyboard shortcut option.
I would be surprised that OneNote which is heavily note taking tool doesn't have anyway to customize keyboard shortcuts.
You can add a shortcut to the Font box to the OneNote Window frame (click the dropdown to select Customize Quick Access Toolbar, then add the Font command under all commands). This adds a number to the Font shortcut box - on my machine 3 - so the Home Tab doesn't need to open on the ribbon, nor do I need the (capital) FF to select the Font chooser on the home tab.
So my shortcut would now be ALT 3, cou to select Courier New.
ALT+ H, FF, then the cou will change the font to Courier (open the Home tab, Font Selector, then selects Courier New). But selecting capital FF there is a pain.
One optimization you could make would be to copy the Courier New font to be named "ff.ttf" using TTX or FontForge or similar tools. Then the keys would be
ALT+ H , FF, ff
But adding to the QAT is probably the best way to go.

Show all tabs in Android Studio

Is there a way of showing all source code tabs in Android Studio one one horizontal line (in the tab bar) and scroll through them?
When there are too many source code tabs open in Android Studio, some of them are moved to the drop down list at the top right corner of the code edit window. The tabs that are moved to this drop down list are not shown in the tab bar any more.
The tabs in the tab bar can be scrolled with the mouse wheel, but only the ones that have not been moved to the drop down list.
Is there a way to remove the drop down list and keep all tabs in the tab bar?
Not sure if this feature was introduced in later versions of studio (than at the time of which this question was asked) but now you have option to show tabs in multiple rows. You can do so by
Windows -> Editor Tabs -> Tabs placement -> Show Tabs in single row
You can uncheck above which is checked by default. Snapshot below -
In android Studio 4.0.1 you can find tabs configuration in:
Window->Editor Tabs->Configure Editor Tabs...
After, uncheck "Show tabs in one row" checkbox if it is selected.
The size of the tab bar is fixed and there are only fixed number of tabs that can fit inside that limited area.So, one way to quickly switch between the open tabs is to use the SWITCHER tool of Android Studio.
Press control + tab in MAC (don't know the shortcut for windows) and it will bring all the classes and other files which are currently open and you can efficiently switch between them without even touching your mouse or touchpad.
For Linux you can do similar to MAC

GVim tab bar: scroll tab bar instead of changing buffer on arrow click?

I frequently have 10-20 files open simultaneously in GVim (more than fits nicely into screen horizontally) and I've enabled tab bar (set showtabline=1). I'd like to change the tab bar behaviour so that when I click the arrow button on either end of the tab bar, the tab bar would scroll instead of switching to next/previous tab. Is this possible?
No, I don't think this is possible. All aspects of tab pages are described at :help tabpage, and I didn't find a setting there.
In general, you should avoid having too many tab pages, because you lose out on opportunities for quick navigation and movement of text across buffers. Things like the quickfix and preview windows always open in window splits, so learn how to use them (and the underlying concepts of windows vs. buffers).
I know that many people today open dozens of tabs in their browsers, but Vim is different. I only use tab pages to separate different workspaces (e.g. edit a mapping in tab 3 while I'm coding in tab 1 and have the documentation in tab 2).
