Excel circular reference with six simple formulas - excel

I thought I was reasonably sharp when it comes to avoiding circular references in excel but this time am truly stuck. I have lost alot of hair over this ...
This is a simple government subsidy exercise. Users pay the government for gas. First tier of consumption is free. Second tier is subsidized. Government provides a lump contribution ($4,263m). Anything left after Revenue + Subsidy - Expenditure (for all tiers) is used to subsidize tariff of second tier.
Remaining contribution is divided by volume of demand for Tier two, and then subtracted from the tier two tariff ($15/tonne) Tier three revenue is fixed to make things simple.
I have structured the model per the image below. You can see all the formulas I have used. All rows that are not yellow are hard coded, therefore no formulas in these. I have enabled iterative calculations ... but excel just keeps on spitting wrong answers. Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong and how to solve this issue? :) Is there for example a way I can rewrite the 'subsidy available from contribution' formula to avoid the circularity?

The issue is that you should be calculating the "Tier 2 subsidized tariff" as an output - it shouldn't be an input in your calculation. Instead of the total 'funding from operations' in this calculaton you need to have a 'Tier 1 and 3 funding.' The amount of money still needed to cover operating costs will be the total revenue from Tier 2, and divide this by the Tier 2 volumne to get your $/tonne.
Screenshot with formulas shown
Screenshot with calculated values
If there is a chance that you'll have more revenue from Tier 3 than needed to cover all costs, you might add an 'if' statement to this to make sure your tier 2 cost doesn't go below 0.

you don't need to use formula to determine "tariff rebate". circular reference is telling you that you are dealing with x=x situation here. so if you replace numbers with variable names you end up with calculating "Subsidy Available from Contribution" without need of tariff rebate. Here is what I came up with:


How can I determine the 'total cost' from a tiered pricing structure using standard formulas in Excel?

I'm trying to evaluate various tiered pricing structures (for say, electricity plans) using Excel (more-or-less) to see what costing/plan is 'optimal', given some existing usage data I have.
Consider an example 'Table of Usage & Rates' (with fictitious but easily manipulated values):-
For a daily usage value of 120, we'd have 100 (in the 1st tier) and 20 (in the 2nd tier). The amount used within a tier gets charged at a certain rate (the 'factor')... and each 'tier charge' is addded together to form a total charge for the day.
So, we can calculate:-
100 x 8 = 800 ...a part of the total
20 x 4 = 80 ...another part of the total
...and that's all, giving a total of 880.
...but how to do that in a single formula within a cell?
I've done some pretty decent explorations for a few hours today, as I can't nut out how to deal with this... and most suggestions talk about multiple =IF formulas (cumbersome and unscalable - I shouldn't need to recode cell contents if I split/add another tier)... and suggestions with =VLOOKUP just don't 'click' with me ( = I don't understand them).
I'm actually using 'PlanMaker', a component of Softmaker's 'Office 2021' product to create/maintain this spreadsheet.. and there is no VBA-like plugin available.
I'd appreciate a method of attack, if anyone can suggest something, please...
or if we assume Factor starts in B9 then =product(A9,B9)+product(A10,B10+product(A11,B11)
then take the sum of those results etc assuming A9 is the amount used.
You can also use:
for the same but only needs one cell. And the advantage of a lot less typing.
You can include a 3rd array in sumproduct (or as many as needed) such as a binary value to include in the calculation or not.

Having problems spreading expense over months with partial month calculation

I am writing a nested if statement that will calculate monthly expense based on an "Expense Frequency" option. Most of them see to be working but I have two that will not work for some reason.
The first problem is the "Fixed" option - I want this to put the whole expense rate in the first month of the expense period. For some reason it is not triggering in the first month. I feel like this might be a simple fix?
The second problem is a little more complex. It is the "Spread Amount" option. When the months are full calendar months the calculation is easy, divide total expense amount by # of months. But when I factor in partial months the calculation diverges from what I am looking for. The shorter the time duration, the larger the variance is from the total expense. When I stretch the expense over a longer period the variance shrinks. It is a pretty complex calculation (I think) and basically I want to use days out of the month for the calculation in the partial months (first and/or last) and then whole months in the middle. I have attempted this in my attached spreadsheet and I thought it might work but it isn't. Is anyone able to help me out here? I would even be satisfied with a succinct explanation of why this calculation isn't possible / doesn't make sense / cannot be done so I can explain this to my boss. I am providing a cash reward for this if it can be handled in the next three hours. Please help!! Thank you!
This is my formula
=IF($I9="Spread Amount",IF(AND($J9<=O$6,$K9>=O$5),IF(EOMONTH($J9,0)=O$6,(($M9)/(DATEDIF($J9,$K9,"m")+1)((O$6-$J9+1)/O$4)),IF(EOMONTH($K9,0)=O$6,IF(EOMONTH($K9,0)=O$6,(($M9)/(DATEDIF($J9,$K9,"m")+1)(($K9-O$5+1)/O$4))),($M9-IF(ISERROR(HLOOKUP($K9,$6:9,$XFD9,0)),HLOOKUP(EOMONTH($K9,0),$6:9,$XFD9,0),0)-IF(ISERROR(HLOOKUP($J9,$6:9,$XFD9,0)),HLOOKUP(EOMONTH($J9,0),$6:9,$XFD9,0),0))/(DATEDIF($J9,$K9,"m")))),0),IF(O$7>$K9,0,IF($I9="EOQ",IF(OR(MONTH(O$7)=3,MONTH(O$7)=6,MONTH(O$7)=9,MONTH(O$7)=12),$M9,0),IF($I9="Spread Evenly",IF(AND($J9<=O$6,$K9>=O$5),IF(EOMONTH($J9,0)=O$6,$M9*((O$6-$J9+1)/O$4),IF(EOMONTH($K9,0)=O$6,$M9*(($K9-O$5+1)/O$4),$M9)),IF($I9="Fixed",IF(AND($J9>=O$5,$J9<=O$6),$M9,0),IF($I9="Repeat Annually",IF(MONTH($J9)=MONTH(O$6),$M9,0),0))),IF($I9="Odd Month",IF(ISODD(MONTH(O$6)),$M9,0),IF($I9="Daily",IF(AND($J9<=O$6,$K9>=O$5),IF(EOMONTH($J9,0)=O$6,($M9/($K9-$J9+1))(O$6-$J9+1),IF(EOMONTH($K9,0)=O$6,($M9/($K9-$J9+1))($K9-O$5+1),($M9/($K9-$J9+1))*O$4)),0))))))*1)
This is what the spreadsheet looks like

Summing up cohort behavior cumulatively by date ranges without offsets in excel

I think this problem, when solved by creating additional charts with offsets, is easy. I want to cut out the middle man and not use offsets (unless they are useful to the answer). I have data for daily cohorts and I know specific information about their behavior 1 day later, 2 days, 3 days ect.
Now it is rather easy to make a waterfall chart of day by day activity like so...
What I want to do is skip this step (directly above, the waterfall chart) in hopes of shrinking my current workbook by a substantial amount. You can imagine having simply 1 year of data across multiple channels measuring even 1 aspect of behaviors can account for a lot of data and pivot charts. Also, btw, I have the top chart as a pivot thus allowing this to be hands off when calculating what I am looking for.
What I seek - I look to further construct groups of days as other cohorts to examine (for example, say, 1/1 - 1/5) and see what their activity has been in a cumulative fashion since then. To be more specific, I want a table that will show cohort 1/1-1/5's activity in the date range 1/1-1/5 (11) and then their activity from 1/1-1/9 (24, an additional 13 "behavior points" summed).
So far, as I said, my current solution involves the "blue arrow" schematic where an additional table is constructed and I can sum on, essentially, rectangles build by using OFFSET on sell ranges with the MATCH function. I am stumped with how to go about this without the additional charts.
VBA would better for this, but use this formula in C30:
and this in D30:
And copy both down.
If one does not have the dynamic Array formula SEQUENCE() then replace all the SEQUENCE($B30-$A30+1) and SEQUENCE($B30-$A30+1,,0) with ROW($ZZ$1:INDEX($ZZ:$ZZ,$B30-$A30+1)) and (ROW($ZZ$1:INDEX($ZZ:$ZZ,$B30-$A30+1))-1) Respectively, and use Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
I was able to collaborate on a solution. I am told that it will be highly inefficient at scale but it gets the job done. It ss less automation-friendly but can be formulated to capture data not currently present on a, say, a pivot table that you call to update later by extending the area that the formula works on.
Formula in in I31:

Utilising varying amounts of cells for series of calculations

I am trying to account the value of a certain amount of grain coming in and out of storage based on the amount of fees. The grain is stored in a lump sum. I am trying to calculate the value/tonne of outcoming grain utilising a first in first out type approach in Excel. I have attempted learning Python for this task but I feel like it will be a while before my ability utilising coding (something pretty foreign to me) will be at the level where I could perform this task.
For example 400 tonnes might come in at a certain value which starts accruing storage fees in May. Then in June there might be 500 tonnes come in and start accruing fees from there. In July I might decide to take 600 tonnes out of storage (obviously meaning that 400 tonnes worth of fees from June and 200 tonnes worth of fees from July). Doing this leaves 300 tonnes of grain still in storage accruing fees, spillover which is then accounted for first for the next calculation. The size of outtakes varies between being larger or smaller than the amount on intakes.
I have tried utilising a sort of mini-grid. Which implements a series of If checks to solve the issue but it's difficult to automate when an outtake requires multiple different intakes of grain (multiple rows in the column) to then go to the next untouched cell in that column after I've taken into account the "spillover" from the previous outtake.
Is there solution here that I'm missing, mainly around taking into account the differing amounts of cells required for a series of calculations?

IF formula not working - Trying to calculate correct shipping costs on items (Excel)

I'm having problems trying to do this formula and it just doesn't work. Can anyone help me?
Just a FYI it reads,
IF Freight price is 13 THEN to Divide the Cost price by .68 and ADD the 13.
IF Freight price is 6.95 AND the Cost Price Divide .68 is LESS than $50 THEN add $3.00 ELSE ADD 6.95.
IF M2 (which is Unit of Measurement) has CA AND Column S2 (which is the category) contains the word "Incontinence" THEN calculate Cost Price Divide .68 and add 6.95 Regardless.
Everything is rounded up.
But can't get the Damn thing to work.
First some nagging and whining.
Unreadable source code.
Reference to cells without provided values.
Now the answer (at least a part of it, depending on me missing something else).
If you start breaking up the formula, you'll notice that the first AND has the condition of equality first (that's correct) but then you'll see that the second condition only is a division, whereas the inequality comparison with 50 is put outside.
I believe that's your error. But that's based on the assumption that I got the formula correctly.
As a general suggestion for working with complex formulas in Excel, I usually do a single step at a time (putting the sub-results in separate columns to verify that they're correct). When done and confirmed, I can merge them into a single one.
Try this, it is untested:
