How can I determine the 'total cost' from a tiered pricing structure using standard formulas in Excel? - excel

I'm trying to evaluate various tiered pricing structures (for say, electricity plans) using Excel (more-or-less) to see what costing/plan is 'optimal', given some existing usage data I have.
Consider an example 'Table of Usage & Rates' (with fictitious but easily manipulated values):-
For a daily usage value of 120, we'd have 100 (in the 1st tier) and 20 (in the 2nd tier). The amount used within a tier gets charged at a certain rate (the 'factor')... and each 'tier charge' is addded together to form a total charge for the day.
So, we can calculate:-
100 x 8 = 800 ...a part of the total
20 x 4 = 80 ...another part of the total
...and that's all, giving a total of 880.
...but how to do that in a single formula within a cell?
I've done some pretty decent explorations for a few hours today, as I can't nut out how to deal with this... and most suggestions talk about multiple =IF formulas (cumbersome and unscalable - I shouldn't need to recode cell contents if I split/add another tier)... and suggestions with =VLOOKUP just don't 'click' with me ( = I don't understand them).
I'm actually using 'PlanMaker', a component of Softmaker's 'Office 2021' product to create/maintain this spreadsheet.. and there is no VBA-like plugin available.
I'd appreciate a method of attack, if anyone can suggest something, please...

or if we assume Factor starts in B9 then =product(A9,B9)+product(A10,B10+product(A11,B11)
then take the sum of those results etc assuming A9 is the amount used.
You can also use:
for the same but only needs one cell. And the advantage of a lot less typing.
You can include a 3rd array in sumproduct (or as many as needed) such as a binary value to include in the calculation or not.


Excel - What is the easiest way to calculate incidence plus prevalence over time?

Say I have the dataset below, what is the most efficient formula to fill the cells in column D, where the number of patients alive are calculated?
Example data set in excel
The way it should calculate is:
month 1: 8*100% = 8
Month 2: 8*80%+6*100% = 12.4
Month 3: 8*75%+6*80%+9*100% = 19.8
Month 10: etc.
The problem that I have is that which each row, the formula becomes longer. It is feasible to just manually enter the formulas for small datasets, but as datasets become larger, this task becomes unfeasible.
I have been able to use VBA to code the survival of the number of new patients column (C). But then I would have to rerun the VBA code as soon as I change a single value in that column.
I have a feeling it should be possible with some combination of the INDEX function in excel, I just haven't been able to figure it out.
Who can help me out here?
Kind regards,
If moving the data a bit is allowed at least for the calculation, you could do something like this:
It uses a reversed list of your current list of new patients. That list is created with (formula obtained from this site):
The added space is necessary for the formula to work (so that it gets 0% for patients not present yet).
Or one where you don't have to leave spaces (everything from above is reversed however):

Excel - Way to calculate paying salaries

I work at a restaurant chain with about 170 employees. Currently we pay most of them by cash, and our administration team counts 'what bank notes' to pay them manually.
So for example if one of our waiters gets paid 2152 Euro, then the function should calculate the following:
100 Euro * 21
50 Euro * 1
2 Euro * 1
Anything like that in excel?
This is just one way to do it. I chose to use a helper column to keep the formulas simple for you
Here is how it looks:
This formula goes in B3 and you should drag it down. This column shows the remainder due after each note. E.g. 52€ remaining after 2100€ in 100€ notes has been accounted for)
Then place this formula in C3 and drag it down
That will give you how many of each note to dispense to the worker.
This method simply assumes you want to issue the fewest notes. It would be a good idea to have a table which allows you to indicate if you are out of a particular note so that the model uses 2x€50 notes rather than 100€ notes, for example.
Perhaps you can try to use Truncate & Divide to calculate number of notes for each given note.
for example, to get number of 100 note:
NumberOf100Note = Trunc(givenAmount/100,0)
NumberOf50Note = Trunc((givenAmount - 100 * NumberOf100Note) / 50, 0)
etc. and etc.
and you can build these very easily in excel, isn't it?

Excel circular reference with six simple formulas

I thought I was reasonably sharp when it comes to avoiding circular references in excel but this time am truly stuck. I have lost alot of hair over this ...
This is a simple government subsidy exercise. Users pay the government for gas. First tier of consumption is free. Second tier is subsidized. Government provides a lump contribution ($4,263m). Anything left after Revenue + Subsidy - Expenditure (for all tiers) is used to subsidize tariff of second tier.
Remaining contribution is divided by volume of demand for Tier two, and then subtracted from the tier two tariff ($15/tonne) Tier three revenue is fixed to make things simple.
I have structured the model per the image below. You can see all the formulas I have used. All rows that are not yellow are hard coded, therefore no formulas in these. I have enabled iterative calculations ... but excel just keeps on spitting wrong answers. Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong and how to solve this issue? :) Is there for example a way I can rewrite the 'subsidy available from contribution' formula to avoid the circularity?
The issue is that you should be calculating the "Tier 2 subsidized tariff" as an output - it shouldn't be an input in your calculation. Instead of the total 'funding from operations' in this calculaton you need to have a 'Tier 1 and 3 funding.' The amount of money still needed to cover operating costs will be the total revenue from Tier 2, and divide this by the Tier 2 volumne to get your $/tonne.
Screenshot with formulas shown
Screenshot with calculated values
If there is a chance that you'll have more revenue from Tier 3 than needed to cover all costs, you might add an 'if' statement to this to make sure your tier 2 cost doesn't go below 0.
you don't need to use formula to determine "tariff rebate". circular reference is telling you that you are dealing with x=x situation here. so if you replace numbers with variable names you end up with calculating "Subsidy Available from Contribution" without need of tariff rebate. Here is what I came up with:

Complicated formula required to work out costs including multiple discounts

I'm looking to compute and show individual row totals and a Grand Total. I just need the formulae to put in the boxes so the calculation is automatic but the problem is the calculations are a little complicated...
I'm using data validation to select the day type. This is what I think I need:
Assign a price to the day type (either Standard day = £23 or Extended day = £26).
Apply a volume discount where appropriate. If Jack is attending all week (5 days) and the day type is the same for all (all Standard or all Extended), the total cost is £100 (or £120)
Else the total number of days needs to be added up for Jack. (Number of days for each ‘day type’) and priced up.
For his siblings after the first, as above but apply an additional discount of 15%.
The grand total then needs to show at the bottom.
Well, it is not the best of data layouts but this may serve, in L6 and copied down to L13:
=IF(OR(A6="Brother",A6="Sister"),0.85* IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")=5,100,IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")=5,120,COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")*23+COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")*26)), IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")=5,100,IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")=5,120,COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")*23+COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")*26)))
and =SUM(L1:L16) in D16.
It would be better practice not to hard code the daily rates/discount, but extracting these from C1:D2 would have increased the length of the formula further.
Note also the result is not £429.95 (you may have changed your example after doing your calculations).

How can I implement 'balanced' error spreading functionality in Excel?

I have a requirement in Excel to spread small; i.e. pennies, monetry rounding errors fairly across the members of my club.
The error arises when I deduct money from members; e.g. £30 divided between 21 members is £1.428571... requiring £1.43 to be deducted from each member, totalling £30.03, in order to hit the £30 target.
The approach that I want to take, continuing the above example, is to deduct £1.42 from each member, totalling £29.82, and then deduct the remaining £0.18 using an error spreading technique to randomly take an extra penny from 18 of the 21 members.
This immediately made me think of Reservoir Sampling, and I used the information here: Random selection,
to construct the test Excel spreadsheet here:, on Dropbox, for you guys to play with...
The problem I have is that each row of this spreadsheet calculates the error distribution indepentently of every other row, and this causes some members to contribute more than their fair share of extra pennies.
What I am looking for is a modification to the Resevoir Sampling technique, or another balanced / 2 dimensional error spreading methodology that I'm not aware of, that will minimise the overall error between members across many 'error spreading' rows.
I think this is one of those challenging problems that has a huge number of other uses, so I'm hoping you geniuses have some good ideas!
Thanks for any insight you can share :)
I found a solution. Not very elegant, through.
You have to use two matrix. In the first you get completely random number, chosen with =RANDOM() and in the second you choose the n greater value
Say that in F30 you have the first
(I have experimented with your sheet.)
Just copy a column of n (in your sheet 8) in column A)
In cell F52 you put:
=IF(RANK(F30,$F30:$Z30)<=$A52, 1, 0)
Until now, if you drag left and down the formulas, you have the same situation that is in your sheet (only less elegant und efficient).
But starting from the second row of random number you could compensate for the penny esbursed.
In cell F31 you put:
(pay attention to the $, each random number should have a correction basated on penny already spent.)
If the $ are ok you should be OK dragging formulas left and down. You could also parametrize the 0.5 and experiment with other values. With 0,5 I have a error factor (the equivalent of your cell AB24) between 1 and 2
