I have a problem with the SublimeText 3 status bar having too much information from my packages. The problem is that the text gets cutoff. Is there a command or a way to see all of the text in the status bar?
Few different options in my opinion as follows, sorry if its not specific but I don't know exactly how you have your screen resolution, sublime text setup and its packages therein.
Without being able to easily duplicate this problem myself I would advise trying to change the screen resolution and see if that is the issue and go from there.
You can try to write your own theme to determine the status bar size
You can try and find something different in terms of a status bar or what allows you to customise it at: https://packagecontrol.io/ although I could not find one here or anywhere else the size of the status bar mostly seems to be done at the theme level.
Try and configure the packages to show less text? Which packages do you currently have installed?
What is this yellow-orange color bar at the top of Sublime Text?
Hi all,
I've used sublime text before, but last time I used it I think I tinkered with the theme among other things, but I cannot figure out what this orange bar is at the top of the window or how to remove it. I've looked at the documentation but I've had no luck.
That image is the placeholder image that Sublime uses when a theme references a texture image whose underlying image file can't be found. That can happen if the file is missing or if the .sublime-theme file is using the wrong name, for example.
The only way to get rid of it is thus to either:
Fix the theme to use the correct image name
Put the missing image in place
Switch to an alternate theme (e.g. Default or Adaptive, which ship with Sublime)
If you're using a custom theme it should be an easy thing to check your sublime-theme file to see what images it's referencing and compare that to images you've added to the theme package to see what's missing.
The most expedient would be the theme switch to one of the ones that ship with Sublime.
If you're already using one of those two themes and you're having this problem, then the issue is that you're augmenting the existing theme and causing it to break. In that case, there are two things to check.
Use Preferences > Browse Packages from the menu or command palette; do you see a folder named Theme - Default? If so, move it away, the files in it are overriding the default themes (including Adaptive; they're both in the same package).
Using the same command as above, look in the User package; look for sublime-theme files and move them away; such files will be combined with other files of the same name, which allows you to add rules to an existing theme in a way that could be breaking it.
Edit: For clarity, I am not asking how to turn the sidebar on.
Not sure what to call them but this is what I mean:
In red, is what I'm calling a "folder guide". Just a nice line to help your eye better visually track the hierarchy of folders.
I'm using the Cobalt2 theme and haven't looked into alternate themes yet but it would be nice if it was possible to add something like this without changing to a new theme.
It's not possible (at least at the time of this writing) to have hierarchy lines in the tree view of the side bar such as in your image above. There is an open issue in the unofficial issue tracker for it, however.
That issue has been open for a while, but prior to the recent-ish release of Sublime Text 3 a lot of work went into the sidebar behind the scenes, so possibly something like this might be added in a future update.
I've downloaded several VS themes from https://studiostyl.es/ and all of them are giving me a white highlight on these helper pop-ups. How do I get rid of that? I'm currently using Son of Obsidian, but this has also happened on Selenitic and Ragnarok. And please tell me what those pop-ups are called so I don't sound like such a novice in the future.
Note: In the past I screwed around with customizing the default Dark theme because I did not like the color of highlighting when doing a Find All References. Problem is I do not recall exactly what I changed; however I would not expect that to affect these.
I may have found it, but I cannot edit the background.
EDIT 2: I found settings to change and a result I'm okay with.
I have what I would consider the perfect theme colors for my Sublime Text Editor 3 application; however, the only thing that is very annoying and hard to see is the comment colors. They're the same color as the background but maybe just one shade lighter.
I've seen some other posts on here on editing theme color files within Sublime Text but for some reason it seems like the data isn't taking effect. It's like it's going off of cached data or something.
For example, I'm using the "Monokai" theme. I've edited /opt/sublime_text/Packages/Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package and searched for Monokai. I changed the hex color code under lineHighlight, and restart Sublime. Nothing changes. In fact, I've changed numerous hex color codes under that section and restarted Sublime Text and absolutely nothing has change.d
What am I doing wrong here? I'm running this on Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon
I was unable to change comments color by editing Monokai.tmTheme even after purging cache or sublime reinstall.
For Sublime 3.1.1 Build 3176 editing Monokai.sublime-color-scheme works.
1. Open Package Resource Viewer
2. Open Color Scheme
3. Open Monokai color scheme
4. Add you desired color in variables (pick here)
5. Change comment color
6. Enjoy your new comments color!
I've done exactly what you said, changed the value under lineHighlight in Monokai.tmTheme in Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package, restarted Sublime Text and it worked just fine. I'm running Build 3103 on Manjaro Linux.
Sublime Text stores its settings and cache ~/.config/sublime-text-3, I suggest temporarily renaming this folder, which should take you to a freshly installed state. Then make sure Sublime Text really restarts and that your color scheme changes are really in place.
I encountered the same problem. I found the following way solved my problem.
According to #Саша Черных, one can go to
tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Monokai to create and download a customized theme. Then, in Sublime Text 3, from [References -> Browse Packages...], you can find where your Packages folder locates. Just put the downloaded file "Monokai.tmTheme" in that folder, restart app, then it's done.
I added 2 commands to my form in lwuit.
I changed the command behavior to COMMAND_BEHAVIOR_NATIVE, so i can show the status, and my commands appear at the bottom too, but they appear exit at the right ..and test Command in the middle.
I want to show only 2 commands layout in the menu bar, Exit on the right and options list that contains test on the left.
How can i do that?
First get the back Command and remove it. After this, add the exit Command like a standard Commandwith addCommand. Try this, if this doesn´t work we can try something else.
I don't know about LWUIT since I've never used it, but with native JavaME you sadly have no control of this. It is the individual device that decides where to place the commands.
You can move them around by changing the priority parameter, and you may be able to achieve an acceptable result that way, but only on some devices. The same code will give a different result on other devices.