installing EclipseFP fails on the URL - haskell

In my studies I was required to learn Haskell by myself, and to code in Haskell. I searched a lot about how to install plugins for Haskell, and I saw that it can be done on Eclipse development environment, version 3.7 or later. I downloaded this from here: (if you will go to this site it will be downloaded to your computer immediately!).
I followed up, step by step, after the installation-instructions, which I found here:
I added the plugin's URL that was given there, and everything was fine.
But then, when I tried to start using EclipseFP by going to Window > Open perspective > Other... and selecting Haskell - I got the following error:
"problems opening perspective 'net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.HaskellPespective'".
And that it. I actually cannot using EclipseFP...
Does anyone have a solution?
P.S. I also tried installing Haskell on intellij, as someone explained here, but it didn't work either. I didn't knew how to actually open a Haskell program.
Thanks again!

EclipseFP is no longer an active project, so you'll struggle to get support. Most people who use Haskell use emacs or vim. You'll probably find Atom easier to get started with though. Atom with the following packages works for me:
ide-haskell (this is the main package)

As GarethR says, EclipseFP is no longer active. You might also look at Leksah, which is purpose-written in Haskell for Haskell.


Installed nvim with Chocolatey can't seem to find nvim location

Good day to yo all, I started learning coding and Web Development a little bit ago, do i started using nvim a little over a week ago, i'm still learning how to use it properly and one of the things i wanted to do was configure a couple thing in .vimrc however it seems first i need to alter some stuff in init.vim. My main problem is i installed nvim with Chocolatey and have no bloody idea where to find init.vim.
If anyone has any idea or has had the same issue, some help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think init.vim will exist initially, you need to create it at ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim

Compiling pascal program in Visual Studio Code for Linux

Recently, I switched my OS to Ubuntu. I just started with collage and I have to learn pascal for my finals. But a problem occurred.
I installed Visual Studio Code and Pascal extension for it, but I am unable to run even a simple Hello World code. I wrote code, it saved automatically as .pas, but when I enter debug & run option in VSC it displays a message that says 'Open a file which can be debugged or run.', followed by 'debug' and 'run' buttons that I am unable to click and another message that says 'To further configure Debug and Run create a launch.json file.'
I am not even sure am I supposed to post questions such as this one on stackoverflow, but I sincerelly hope that someone could give me a hint on what to do. Solve this within Visual Studio Code or switch to another IDE (and which one would you recommend for Linux user) and pretend that nothing happened?
Thanks in advance.
I know this isn't an answer to "how to debug with pascal with vscode" but, perhaps you would find it easier to just use FPC / Lazarus (IDE) to do your work. While it doesn't have a dark theme, contrary to popular belief, that's not necessary to program.
The IDE is feature packed and allows for full code completion, debugging, etc... (everything you really need to do the work for school).
Additionally, you can use this open source tool to install everything you need for your platform in just a few button clicks (also allows for installing common library packages)
download release for your OS
under "FPC Version" & "Lazarus Version" select trunkgit (or stable for an older version)
click the "Install/Update FPC + Lazarus" button
Have you Installed Pascal extension which is available for code to smoothly run pascal code.
If you haven't then try installing this extension using,
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install alefragnani.pascal
You can always check,
to install and configure pascal in vscode.
I will direct you to the debugging page from the Visual Studio Code documentation that details how to use the debugger and configure a launch.json file. VSCode is a generic IDE so you need to give it some information about your project before it knows how to run the debugger. This is what launch.json is for.
If I could make a suggestion. When you're learning how to program, it's best to start with the basics. Write a small program in a text editor (VSCode is fine, or Vim, or Nano, or Notepad, or whatever). Save the file. Compile and run the program on the command line.
Once you put an IDE in the mix, you have to learn how to use that as well. If you're stuck on both parts, it can be hard to make progress. That said, it's good to learn how to use the IDE, and you should spend some time reading the documentation and working through some of the examples. It takes some time, but it will pay you back a thousand times when you can work more quickly.

Atom is not highlighting Haskell syntax?

I am using Haskell in Atom text editor version 1.23.1 on Mac. Other languages syntax is highlighted correctly but when I code in Haskell the text editor does not highlight the syntax correctly and shows it as plain text. I have tried searching for it and found that in Atom pressing ctrl-shift-L I can temporarily change the grammar. However, there is no option for Haskell as can be seen in the screenshot below.
The screenshot below shows what I am expecting.
Is there anything that I might have done wrong? Can anyone give me a clear and easy solution to this problem. Thank you
Haskell support unfortunately doesn't come packaged with atom. Use the language-haskell package.
The language-haskell package, according to the page 'Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Haskell files in Atom.' It comes with support for .hs, .lhs, and .cabal files.
You can find help on installing atom packages here.
If you want to talk about adding Haskell support, or changing atom features, it seems that the atom forum would be the best place to do so.

configuring atom IDE with atom runner

I was trying to find a decent ide for python3, and atom sounded a good choice, but the atom runner is not very interactive. For example this simple code produces an error, I'm pasting a screenshot, to show the problem as it is:
Can I configure atom to execute code interactively. The way I noticed the problem was that atom runner first executes all of the code and then ONLY displays the output. Is there a fix or any packages for this?
If not, please suggest a descent and simple to use IDE for python. If there was something like the online but for offline use, it would really fit my taste.
For atom there is a package called The Terminal Plus Package:, this will open a virtual terminal that will have a the capabilities of a normal terminal. Hope I helped!

Autocomplete not working correctly after updating Cabal

I recently updated Cabal to version 1.22, before installing ghc-mod so I could get some much needed error-checking in my projects.
The update didn't come without complications, ghc-mod wouldn't even run before I had added the path of the latest version of Cabal to $PATH. Upon doing so, haskell-mode started acting up, as loading the interpreter no longer greeted me with the familiar phrase "Your command is my IO", but instead appeared to be the standard GHCI. Not only that, but it didn't ask if I wanted to start a new project named haskell like it usually did prior to the change; and with that, all the glorious autocompletion was gone.
After a bit of fiddling around I learned that Emacs had trouble loading haskell-interactive-mode, being told it had something to do with haskell-mode itself, I installed it anew, and added
(require 'haskell-mode)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'interactive-haskell-mode)
(eval-after-load "auto-complete"
'(add-to-list 'ac-modes 'haskell-interactive-mode))
to my .emacs file, and suddenly the error was gone, however the problem persists, and now whenever I try loading the interpreter, Emacs will ask me to provide a path to Cabal, then the current working directoryl; after which I'll be greeted by the repl that used to enable the autocompletion.
Except... it still doesn't autocomplete. Or rather, it autocompletes whatever's in the document, but it doesn't reveal functions as I type, it doesn't show me sub-modules like it used to, it doesn't do anything at all, except auto-generate type signatures when I press C-u C-c C-t.
I really have no idea how to go by from here, and would really appreciate some help.
