Atom is not highlighting Haskell syntax? - haskell

I am using Haskell in Atom text editor version 1.23.1 on Mac. Other languages syntax is highlighted correctly but when I code in Haskell the text editor does not highlight the syntax correctly and shows it as plain text. I have tried searching for it and found that in Atom pressing ctrl-shift-L I can temporarily change the grammar. However, there is no option for Haskell as can be seen in the screenshot below.
The screenshot below shows what I am expecting.
Is there anything that I might have done wrong? Can anyone give me a clear and easy solution to this problem. Thank you

Haskell support unfortunately doesn't come packaged with atom. Use the language-haskell package.
The language-haskell package, according to the page 'Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Haskell files in Atom.' It comes with support for .hs, .lhs, and .cabal files.
You can find help on installing atom packages here.
If you want to talk about adding Haskell support, or changing atom features, it seems that the atom forum would be the best place to do so.


Sublime Text 3 cannot support nesC language Syntax Highlighting

Sublime Text 3 editor has been installed in Window10 OS, i get a package named nesC.tmbundle (from that can support nesC syntax highlighting in Mac and Linux platform, but it cannot make the nesC language syntax highlighting in Window10.
there are two critical files in nesc.tmbundle package used to support syntax highlighting, one is info.plist and another is Syntaxes/nesC.tmLanguage, maybe the two files can not be parsed correctly in window10 platform. maybe i should do some adjustments for the two files, but i cannot understand them deeply, so ask for help from who can undetstand it. thanks in advance.

installing EclipseFP fails on the URL

In my studies I was required to learn Haskell by myself, and to code in Haskell. I searched a lot about how to install plugins for Haskell, and I saw that it can be done on Eclipse development environment, version 3.7 or later. I downloaded this from here: (if you will go to this site it will be downloaded to your computer immediately!).
I followed up, step by step, after the installation-instructions, which I found here:
I added the plugin's URL that was given there, and everything was fine.
But then, when I tried to start using EclipseFP by going to Window > Open perspective > Other... and selecting Haskell - I got the following error:
"problems opening perspective 'net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.HaskellPespective'".
And that it. I actually cannot using EclipseFP...
Does anyone have a solution?
P.S. I also tried installing Haskell on intellij, as someone explained here, but it didn't work either. I didn't knew how to actually open a Haskell program.
Thanks again!
EclipseFP is no longer an active project, so you'll struggle to get support. Most people who use Haskell use emacs or vim. You'll probably find Atom easier to get started with though. Atom with the following packages works for me:
ide-haskell (this is the main package)
As GarethR says, EclipseFP is no longer active. You might also look at Leksah, which is purpose-written in Haskell for Haskell.

Gherkin i18n plugin for Atom text editor

I want to use the Atom Text Editor to manage my feature files defined in Gherkin, I saw that there exist on the one hand the language-gherkin-plugin which works very well with syntax coloring in different colors. I'm more interested to use the second language-gherkin-i18n-plugin to define feature files in different languages. The problem is that the syntax coloring doesnt work as expected and shown in the preview on GitHub. Has anyone used the plugin in Atom and was able to run it as expected? Or can someone try it out and give feedback if it works?
My setup is Windows 10 64 Bit and Atom 1.2.3, the plugin will be installed through the package manager!
EDIT: I fixed the package together with the developer, the problem lied in the autodetection of the language with CRLF line ending files. Should work now.

Converting Emacs/vim highlighting to TextMate (for SublimeText)

I have syntax highlighting files for Pyret in vim (.vim) and emacs (.el) and would like to use them in Sublime Text (3).
According to this answer and other research, Sublime Text style themes are written in TextMate format.
There exists a tool to help convert from TextMate to Emacs, but I contacted the author and he isn't aware of any tools to help facilitate the opposite conversion.
A similar question was asked (re: vim) but not answered a year ago: .vim syntax highlighting to textmate or sublime text 2 -- that asker ended up building his own TextMate theme manually, but I'm not sure how to go about that.
I would like to know if there have been developed any tools to help convert a vim or emacs syntax style file to TextMate, and, if not, how I would go about converting the vim/el files into JSON/XML for importing into TextMate.
While I haven't been able to find any tools to help me out, I have found some help.
This explanation of how to build a vim style guide has proven invaluable in helping me understand the construction of the vim syntax file I am converting.
This a super-helpful guide is walking me through how to manually build a template in YAML and then convert it to SublimeText's tmLanguage via the PackageDev SublimeText package.
EDIT: My solution, with instructions, is available here.

Syntax Coloring for Haskell?

I started using Haskell today and am following the tutorial through However, in the tutorial all of their syntax automatically gets colored in the terminal. I am using Command Prompt through ConEmu and was wondering if there was any way that I could also get this coloring (easily). I've been looking for downloads or suggestions online and couldn't find anything. I have Notepadd++ for when I want to make .hs files, but nothing for the terminal itself once I initialize ghci.
I would suggest using Emacs with haskell-mode. I'm a Emacs fan, and I just started exploring Haskell too, haskell-mode works perfectly. I don't know if there is something like this for Notepad++.
Here is full list of editors that support Haskell highlighting. As for terminal colouring, I doubt that it will be easy on Windows (you're on windows, right?), you need an IDE.
