How to scale Azure VM Cores - azure

I have a Python code that I need to run on 1000 CSVs in parallel computing to do calculations. One CPU core can finish running the code over each CSV in 8 hours.
Thus I am looking for a way to use Azure for this. I would like to create several virtual machines, say 4x D5v2 with 16 cores each to access a Windows Server that runs on a 64 Cores machine.
I tried to create these VMs in the same Cloud Service and I put them into the same Availability Set, which worked fine. When all VMs are running and I access any one of those VMs, I see that the cores on all other VMs are allocated to "Other Roles".
My questions are:
1) Is it possible to create a hypothetical VM out of 4 VMs to use more cores?
2) How can I manually allocate all cores in the Cloud Service to one specific VM?

Your best solution would be to use Azure Batch With Batch you create a job, and it will run on as many CPU's as you specify it can run on.
Taken from the Batch front page
When you are ready to run a job, Batch starts a pool of compute virtual machines for you, installing applications and staging data, running jobs with as many tasks as you have, identifying failures and re-queuing work and scaling down the pool as work completes. You have control over scale to meet deadlines, manage costs, and run at the right scale for your application.

1) Is it possible to create a hypothetical VM out of 4 VMs to use more cores?
No you can not.
2) How can I manually allocate all cores in the Cloud Service to one specific VM?
You can not do this. You need to use a cloud native solution to scale your process over multiple resources.


Does clustering in Node.js and auto-scaling web application using Kubernetes serve the same purpose?

Node.js has introduced the Cluster module to scale up applications for performance optimization. We have Kubernetes doing the same thing.
I'm confused if both are serving the same purpose? My assumption is clustering can spawn up to max 8 processes (if there are 4 cpu cores with 2 threads each) and there is no such limitation in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes and the Node.js Cluster module operate at different levels.
Kubernetes is in charge of orchestrating containers (amongst many other things). From its perspective, there are resources to be allocated, and deployments that require or use a specific amount of resources.
The Node.js Cluster module behaves as a load-balancer that forks N times and spreads the requests between the various processes it owns, all within the limits defined by its environment (CPU, RAM, Network, etc).
In practice, Kubernetes has the possibility to spawn additional Node.js containers (scaling horizontally). On the other hand, Node.js can only grow within its environment (scaling vertically). You can read about this here.
While from a performance perspective both approaches might be relatively similar (you can use the same number of cores in both cases); the problem with vertically scaling on a single machine is that you lose the high-availability aspect that Kubernetes provides. On the other hand, if you decide to deploy several Node.js containers on different machines, you are much more tolerant for the day one of them is going down.

Kubernetes workload scaling on multi-threaded code

Getting started with Kubernetes so have the following question:
Say a microservice has the following C# code snippet:
var tasks = _componentBuilders.Select(b =>
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => b.SetReference(context, typedModel));
On my box, I understand that each thread be executed on a vCPU. So if I have 4 cores with hyperthreading enabled I will be able to execute 8 tasks concurrently. Therefore, if I have about 50000 tasks, it will take roughly
(50,000/8) * approximate time per task
to complete this work. This ignores context switch, etc.
Now, moving to the cloud and assuming this code is in a docker container managed by Kubernetes Deployment and we have a single docker container per VM to keep this simple. How does the above code scale horizontally across the VMs in the deployment? Can not find very clear guidance on this so if anyone has any reference material, that would be helpful.
You'll typically use a Kubernetes Deployment object to deploy application code. That has a replicas: setting, which launches some number of identical disposable Pods. Each Pod has a container, and each pod will independently run the code block you quoted above.
The challenge here is distributing work across the Pods. If each Pod generates its own 50,000 work items, they'll all do the same work and things won't happen any faster. Just running your application in Kubernetes doesn't give you any prebuilt way to share thread pools or task queues between Pods.
A typical approach here is to use a job queue system; RabbitMQ is a popular open-source option. One part of the system generates the tasks and writes them into RabbitMQ. One or more workers reads jobs from the queue and runs them. You can set this up and demonstrate it to yourself without using container technology, then repackage it in Docker or Kubernetes just changing the RabbitMQ broker address at deploy time.
In this setup I'd probably have the worker run jobs serially, one at a time, with no threading. That will simplify the implementation of the worker. If you want to run more jobs in parallel, run more workers; in Kubernetes, increase the Deployment replica: count.
In Kubernetes, when we deploy containers as Pods we can include the resources.limits.cpu and resources.requests.cpu fields for each container in the Pod's manifest:
cpu: "1000m"
cpu: "2000m"
In the example above we have a request for 1 CPU and a limit for a maximum of 2 CPUs. This means the Pod will be scheduled to a worker node which can satisfy above resource requirements.
One cpu, in Kubernetes, is equivalent to 1 vCPU/Core for cloud providers and 1 hyperthread on bare-metal Intel processors.
We can vertically scale by increasing / decreasing the values for the requests and limits fields. Or we can horizontally scale by increasing / decreasing the number of replicas of the pod.
For more details about resource units in Kubernetes here

Should You Use PM2, Node Cluster, or Neither in Kubernetes?

I am deploying some NodeJS code into Kubernetes. It used to be that you needed to run either PM2 or the NodeJS cluster module in order to take full advantage of multi-core hardware.
Now that we have Kubernetes, it is unclear if one must use one or the other, to get the full benefit of multiple cores.
Should a person specify the number of CPU units in their pod YAML configuration?
Or is there simply no need to account for multiple cores with NodeJS in Kubernetes?
You'll achieve utilization of multiple cores either way; the difference being that with the nodejs cluster module approach, you'd have to "request" more resources from Kubernetes (i.e., multiple cores), which might be more difficult for Kubernetes to schedule than a few different containers requesting one core (or less...) each (which it can, in turn, schedule on multiple nodes, and not necessarily look for one node with enough available cores).

Scaling Node.js: Using autoscaling groups with small virtual servers or cluster processes on VM with many vCPUs?

In learning about Node.js's cluster module I've been turning over the following architecture in my head: Balancing costs with performance, would it be more beneficial (i.e. cheapest but still scalable) to run your Node.js application in a cloud service's autoscaling group using small servers with one virtual CPU (say, AWS's t2.small EC2, 1 vCPU, 2gb memory) or use a larger server (say, an m5.xlarge 4 vCPU, 16gb memory), run Node.js to cluster four child processes to use the 4 vCPUs, but still autoscale?
A possible trade-off is the time it takes AWS to deploy another small server to autoscale, but on a low-traffic app or utility app you'll have to take on the cost of running the larger server when usage is low. But if the time it takes to spin up another server to handle the load is nominal, does that negate the benefits of using the cluster module?
Specifically, my question is twofold: Are these two approaches feasible and, if so, is my presumption about the cluster module's usefulness in the small server approach correct?

Setting up 3-4 node Cassandra (resource-light) test cluster (s.a. in linux container)?

Trying to see if it is possible to setup a 3 or 4 node Cassandra cluster, with minimum resource requirements, that can be installed on something like a single VM, either inside Linux container, or directly on the single VM using different port-numbers or virtual NICs/IPs.
This will be used for some application demonstration where I might like to demonstrate datastore high-availability, data partitioning, dynamic addition / removal of cluster node.
The setup would be running on a VM running on a laptop, so "resources" are a constraint (i.e. VRAM and VCPUs that can be allocated for this purposes). Also, as the actual data stored would be quite limited (let's say everything in a single key-space, about 10 tables, with 10 odd cols, and 1000 rows).
From your description, it sounds like ccm might be the tool for you. With it, you can create local clusters on your laptop (or in a VM, I suppose), add nodes, delete nodes etc etc. It can be easily installed on a linux OS, MAC, or Windows. You don't need to use a VM, your choice. I imagine you would see performance degradation in a VM.
