Load testing bottleneck on nodejs with Google Compute Engine - node.js

I cannot figure out what is the cause of the bottleneck on this site, very bad response times once about 400 users reached. The site is on Google compute engine, using an instance group, with network load balancing. We created the project with sailjs.
I have been doing load testing with Google container engine using kubernetes, running the locust.py script.
The main results for one of the tests are:
RPS : 30
Spawn rate: 5 p/s
AVG(res time): 27500!! (27,5 seconds)
The response time initially is great, below one second, but when it starts reaching about 400 users the response time starts to jump massively.
I have tested obvious factors that can influence that response time, results below:
Compute engine Instances
(2 x standard-n2, 200gb disk, ram:7.5gb per instance):
Only about 20% cpu utilization used
Outgoing network bytes: 340k bytes/sec
Incoming network bytes: 190k bytes/sec
Disk operations: 1 op/sec
Memory: below 10%
Max_used_connections : 41 (below total possible)
Connection errors: 0
All other results for MySQL also seem fine, no reason to cause bottleneck.
I tried the same test for a new sailjs created project, and it did better, but still had terrible results, 5 seconds res time for about 2000 users.
What else should I test? What could be the bottleneck?

Are you doing any file reading/writing? This is a major obstacle in node.js, and will always cause some issues. Caching read files or removing the need for such code should be done as much as possible. In my own experience, serving files like images, css, js and such trough my node server would start causing trouble when the amount of concurrent requests increased. The solution was to serve all of this trough a CDN.
Another proble could be the mysql driver. We had some problems with connection not being closed correctly (Not using sails.js, but I think they used the same driver at the time I encountered this), so they would cause problems on the mysql server, resulting in long delays when fetching data from the database. You should time/track the amount of mysql queries and make sure they arent delayed.
Lastly, it could be some special issue with sails.js and Google compute engine. You should make sure there arent any open issues on either of these about the same problem you are experiencing.


OpenSearch (ElasticSearch) latency issue under multi-threading using RestHighLevelClient

We use RestHighLevelClient to query AWS OpenSearch in our service. Recently we have seen some latency issues related to OpenSearch calls so I'm doing stress test to troubleshoot but observed some unexpected behaviors.
In our service when a request is received, we start 5 threads and make one OpenSearch call within each thread in parallel in order to achieve the latency performance similar to one call. During load tests even when I send traffic with 1TPS, for the same request I'm seeing very different latency numbers for different threads, specifically there's usually one or two threads seeing huge latency compared to others, which seems like that thread is being blocked by something, for example 390 ms, 300ms, 1.1 sec, 520ms, 30ms for each thread while in the mean time I don't see any search latency spike reported on OpenSearch service, with the max SearchLatency being under 350ms all the time.
I read that the low level rest client used in the RestHighLevelClient is managing a conn pool with very small default maxConn values so I've override both the DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_PER_ROUTE to be 100 and DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_TOTAL to be 200 when creating the client but it doesn't seem working based on the test results I saw before and after updating these two values.
I'm wondering if anyone has seen similar issues or has any ideas on what could be the reason for this behavior. Thanks!

very high max response and error when submit looping form submission

so my requirement is to run 90 concurrent user doing mutiple scenario (15 scenario)simultenously for 30 minutes in virtual macine.so some of the threads i use concurrent thread group and normal thread group.
now my issue is
1)after i execute all 15 scenarios, my max response for each scenario displayed very high (>40sec). is there any suggestion to reduce this high max response?
2)one of the scenario is submit web form, there is no issue if submit only one, however during the 90 concurrent user execution, some of submit web form will get 500 error code. is the error is because i use looping to achieve 30 min duration?
In order to reduce the response time you need to find the reason for this high response time, the reasons could be in:
lack of resources like CPU, RAM, etc. - make sure to monitor resources consumption using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin
incorrect configuration of the middleware (application server, database, etc.), all these components need to be properly tuned for high loads, for example if you set maximum number of connections on the application server to 10 and you have 90 threads - the 80 threads will be queuing up waiting for the next available executor, the same applies to the database connection pool
use a profiler tool to inspect what's going on under the hood and why the slowest functions are that slow, it might be the case your application algorithms are not efficient enough
If your test succeeds with single thread and fails under the load - it definitely indicates the bottleneck, try increasing the load gradually and see how many users application can support without performance degradation and/or throwing errors. HTTP Status codes 5xx indicate server-side errors so it also worth inspecting your application logs for more insights

First request for Google Cloud NodeJs API taking more time than subsequent requests

I have a nodejs based aplication running as a Google App Engine application. It accesses the database using node-postgres module. I have noticed the following:
The first request that I am making from my machine (using postman) is taking longer (around 800 ms- 1.5 seconds). However, the subsequent requests that I am making are taking much lesser time (around 200 ms - 350 ms).
I am unable to pinpoint the exact reason for this happening. It could be due to the following reasons:
A new connection is initiated the first time I make a request to the server.
There is some issue with the database fetching using node-postgres (But since the problem occurs only at the first instance, this is more unlikely).
I am worried about this issue because logs are showing me that almost 20% of my requests are taking around 2 seconds. When I viewed the logs for some of the time taking requests, they seemed to be instantiating a new process which was leading to the longer wait time.
What can I do to investigate further and resolve this issue?
Your first request take more time than the others because App Engine standard has a startup time for a new instance. This time is really short, but there is. You need to add the time to set up the connection to the database. This is why you have a longer response time for the first request.
To understand better the app engine start time you can read the Best practices for App Engine startup time doc (little bit old but I think really clear). And to perform profiling for your app engine application you can read in this Medium public blog.
After this, you can set up a Stackriver dashboard to understand if your 20% of slow requests are due to the start of a new app engine instance.

ThreadPool.SetMinThreads as Warm-Up strategy

My web app faces huge CPU spikes. Not because of traffic increasing, but because of heavy load, such as reports going out. Some of these cause the CPU to go from a healthy 30% load to 100% for the next 2-10 min... Here i'll describe as if i had only 1 server, but i've seen up to 4 servers going crazy because the alignment of the stars made around 50 of my clients want a report at the same time... i'm hosted on azure and I use the auto-scale to handle these spikes. if the load goes north of 70% for more than 2 min, a new instance goes up.
The thing is, because server 1 is 100% backed-up, when it goes up, (i hope) the load balance will direct every new request to server 2 until server 1 can handle more again. Because of this (expected) behavior, I was wondering if I should raise the min number of threads so it can faster handle the requests that are coming.
My usual rate of requests is around 15/s, so thought i should start the pool with at least 50...
what you guys think?
Edit 1 2017-07-13
So far this is working fine... i'll try a higher setting and see what happens
This strategy did prove itself very helpful and mitigated a lot of issues. Not all my problems are gone but the errors/timeouts decreased immensely.

High amount of http read timeouts on azure

When we migrated our apps to azure from rackspace, we saw almost 50% of http requests getting read timeouts.
We tried placing the client both inside and outside azure with the same results. The client in this case is also a server btw, so no geographic/browser issues either.
We even tried increasing the size of the box to ensure azure wasn't throttling. But even using D boxes for a single request, the result was the same.
Once we moved out apps out of azure they started functioning properly again.
Each query was done directly on an instance using a public ip, so no load balancer issues either.
Almost 50% of queries ran into this issue. The timeout was set to 15 minutes.
Region was US East 2
Having 50% of HTTP requests timing out is not normal behavior. This is why you need to analyze what is causing those timeouts by validating the requests are hitting your VM. For this, I would recommend you running a packet capture on your server and analyze response times, as well as look for high number of retransmissions; it is even better if you can take a simultaneous network trace on your clients machines so you can do TCP sequence number analysis and compare packets sent vs received. 
If you are seeing high latencies in the packet capture or high number of retransmissions, it requires detailed analysis. I strongly suggest you to open a support incident so Microsoft support can help you investigate your issue further.
