Unable to get Comments from Instagram API - instagram

Today I have created one account and made it as sandbox users list now I made a request (https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/media/recent/?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN) now I am unable to get comment data from instagram api response.
I am able to get number of comments count but not able to get the comment data.
Am I missing while making authentication or do we need any particular access permissions required?


how can we upload, update and even remove certifications by **REST API**?

Hi I have one question App registration certification part, how can we upload, update and even remove certifications by REST API?
I had found one api named "addKey" in graph API, but not sure whether it is what I need since I had tried to use postman to send request, but response replied invalid audience, but my token had included it... any idea?
postman details for addKey
access token request details.
Hi I have already found the solution.
the key is to invoke the rest API by patch, and the URL is:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications/{your object id}
This one needs one token, and the token generator needs to contains the resource 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 that represents graph API.
and dont forget to make configuration in APP registration.
Here is my current API permission list. It works for me.

Azure Api Management log user accessed api

Is there any rest api that can be used to fetch api access detail for a user. To know how many times a user accessed a api and how many success or failure request were there. i am not able to use log-to-eventhub.
Thanks to #MayankBargali-MSFT's Q&A answer to similar kind of issue and posting here to help other community members!
Azure APIM will do monitor the APIs published but only listed details are logged as per the APIManagementGatewayLogs.
Based on your requirement, leveage the APIM reporting API and refer to Microsoft Doc for more information on reporting API.
To know who the user accessed particular API in APIM recently, You can call the List by Request API by adding the filter (For example, last 4 days from this day, apiID, etc.).
The above response will provide the details like apiID, timeStamp, userID that helps to find the details.
Still paraphrasing #MayankBargali-MSFT from the post linked above:
To know how many time that user accessed the API, use List by User API where it gives the overall result in which we need to filter with the apiID, then you can get the API Level count.
Point to note here is:
Filter might not work for every column. Therefore, you must modify the outcome at your client's end to perform more filtering and obtain the appropriate result. For further information, kindly consult the relevant API document. As long as you don't delete the APIM instance, the data will continue to be maintained permanently.

How to get profile information of user who comment on my Instagram post, using new Instagram graph APIs?

I am using new Instagram Graph APIs for my application, I am interested in knowing if there is any way I can get profile information about the user who comments on my Instagram posts and what are possible ways to get the direct message exchanging with those users, as far I found that Instagram Graph APIs do not provide any direct messaging support for now, though I found some private APIs but these are not reliable as they can be restricted any time in future.
So all I need is to get those user`s information who commented on my Posts ie- I get only comment_id from the web-hook request from Instagram Graph APIs but when using that comment I try to get its owner/user it does not return any user information except username.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you!
try this endpoint:

How to use instagram API?

I have user id's of very few instagram public accounts . All I need to do is to get the follower count information of those accounts . In the developer page they are talking about building an app and authorizing it with the users and getting some tokens and then getting the permitted information from that account . How can I get the follower count of those accounts ? Is it possible to get it without authorization from that account? What if I want to get more information like the media and likes etc?( I couldn't find many pointers in this direction)
In my practice I have not seen any api, that will provide you user personal info without token, instagram too. So you must to create login via instagram, where you will ask about some permissions from user, then if user will provide them you will be able to make requests with token and simply get media information, likes and followers. The only question is to ask user about this all permissions. It's no so hard, you need to do something like this
1.Get user token https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=377e67cfbfe840e19a903aa5ea8dbe10&redirect_uri=
2. then do requests, for example '/users/self/media/liked', to request this you need to provide access_token which you received in first step and signature.
Like a little example, you can try to look at this code https://github.com/zhorzhz/instagram_api.git. There you will find steps which I said and also some more request examples.
Hope it will help you

Is there any way to get user news through the official Instagram API?

I want to build Instagram client for Ubuntu. I already figured out how to get data like user feed through access token through Instagram API. But I can't figure out how to get user news (e.g. someone liked your photo, mentioned you in comment etc.), I guess user need to be logged on to watch his news (via http://instagram.com/api/v1/news/inbox/).
So, the question: is there any way to get user feed through API, or through access token? I don't want to request user password in my application, all I got is access token.
This endpoint (v1/news/inbox/) is not supported by official Instagram API. By the way; you can't access the data.
