Docker: Unable to run shell script stored in a mounted volume - linux

I am running Docker (1.10.2) on Windows. I created a script to echo 'Hello World' on my machine and stored it in C:/Users/username/MountTest. I created a new container and mounted this directory (MountTest) as a data volume. The command I ran to do so is shown below:
docker run -t -i --name mounttest -v /c/Users/sarin/MountTest:/home ubuntu /bin/bash
Next, I run the command to execute the script within the container mounttest.
docker exec -it mounttest sh /home/
The result is as follows:
: not 2: /home/
Hello World
I get the desired output (echo Hello World) but I want to understand the reason behind the not found errors.
Note: This question might look similar to Run shell script on docker from shared volume, but it addresses permission related issues.
The file:
echo 'Hello World'
The mounted volumes information is captured below.

Considering the default ENTRYPOINT for the 'ubuntu' image is sh -c, the final command executed on docker exec is:
sh -c 'sh /home/'
It looks a bit strange and might be the cause of the error message.
Try simply:
docker exec -it mounttest /home/
# or
docker exec -it mounttest sh -c '/home/'
Of course, the docker exec should be done in a boot2docker ssh session, simalar to the shell session in which you did a docker run.
Since the docker run opens a bash, you should make a new boot2docker session (docker-machine ssh), and in that new boot2docker shell session, try the docker exec.
Trying docker exec from within the bash made by docker run means trying to do DiD (Docker in Docker). It is not relevant for your test.


shell script to run the docker image in bash, take db dump and copy file to the host

completely new to the shell script. I want to run the sql image (image is just there to take a db dump) and take a dump of the db and copy file to the host using shell script.
how i do manually is
1) docker run -it <image_name> bash (this takes in image bash)
2) mysqldump -h <ip> -u <user> -p db > filename.sql
3) docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target (running this in host machine)
doing this i get the dump from container to host manually.
but while making shell script, i am having problem with the point 1) docker run -it <image_name> bash (this takes in image bash) since this takes me to the bash and i have to manually type the command.
how can i do it in the shell script.
any help will be greatly appreciated!
If I understand this correctly, you don't want to type those command manually and instead shell script should execute your command as and when you container is up and running. Now if you can modify sql related Dockerfile and can re-create image then use ENTRYPOINT [and if needed CMD] to execute shell script at startup. Check this link for details on ENTRYPOINT shell script.
Else, if you cannot recreate image then check this post i.e. how to run bash script from run command.
NOTE in both these cases you will have to mount your directory/volume and your sqldump command should copy dump this map volume/directory
You can pass the command to Bash as a parameter:
docker run -it <image_name> --name sqldump bash -c "mysqldump -h <ip> -u <user> -p db > /tmp/filename.sql"
docker cp sqldump:/tmp/filename.sql /path/on/host/filename.sql
Ignore the Docker steps, and just run mysqldump on your host. The -h option is the IP address or DNS name of the host running the database (can be if the container is running on the same host, but not localhost because MySQL misinterprets that); if you mapped the database external port to a non-default port, you also need a -P (capital P) option to specify that port.
For example, if you started the container with
docker run -p 5433:5432 ... mysql:8
then you can take the dump from the host with
mysqldump -h -P 5433 -p db > dump.sql
and not worry about the Docker details at all.

How to retain docker alpine container after "exit" is used?

Like for example if I use command docker run -it alpine /bin/sh
it starts a terminal after which I can install packages and all. Now when I use exit command it goes back to the terminal. (main one)
So how can I access the same container again?
When I run that command again, I get a fresh alpine.
Please help
The container lives as long as the specified run command process is still running. When you specify to run /bin/sh, once you exit, the sh process will die and so will you container.
If you want to keep your container running, you have to keep the process inside running. For your case (I am not sure what you want to acheive, I assume you are just testing), the following will keep it running
docker run -d --name alpine alpine tail -f /dev/null
Then you can sh into the container using
docker exec -it alpine sh
Pull an image
docker image pull alpine
See that image is there
docker image ls OR just docker images
see what is inside the alpine
docker run alpine ls -al
Now your question is how to stay with the shell
docker container run -it alpine /bin/sh
You are inside shell script command line. Some distribution may have bash shell.
docker exec -it 5f4 sh
/ # (<-- you can run linux command here!)
At this point, you can use command line of alpine and do
ls -al
type exit to come out-
You can run it in detached mode and it will keep running.
With exec command we can login again
docker container run -it -d alpine /bin/sh
verify that it is UP and copy the FIRST 2 -3 digits of the container ID
docker container ls
login with exec command
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID or just 2-3 digits> sh
You will need to STOP otherwise it will keep running.
docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
Run Alpine in background
$ docker run --name alpy -dit alpine
$ docker ps
Attach to Alpine
$ docker attach alpy
You should use docker start, which allows you to start a stopped container. If you didn't name your container, you'll need to get it's name/id using docker ps.
For example,
$docker ps
4c01db0b339c alpine bash
$docker start -i -a 4c01db0b339c
What you should do is below
docker run -d --name myalpine alpine tail -f /dev/null
This would make sure that your container doesn't die. Now whenever you need to install packages inside you just get inside the container using sh
docker exec -it myalpine /bin/sh
If for some reason your container dies, you can still start it again using
docker start myalpine

Issue shell commands on the remote server from local machine

The following command issued on a Mac terminal is failing the docker command on the remote shell.
However it works if I log in to the server and issue the command there with replacing ";" with "&&"
ssh -i "myKey.pem" user#host ‘docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=name/kind); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=name/kind); docker rmi name/kind; docker build -t name/kind .; sudo docker run -it -d -p 80:80 name/kind’
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
I need to run this command form the local terminal because if is part of bigger command which first build the project locally and scp it to the server.
`$bigger-command && then-the-ssh-as-shown-above.
How do I go about it? Thanks
The best way to pass very complex commands to ssh is the create a script on the server side.
If you need to pass some parameters, proceed this way:
create a .sh file on your localhost
scp it to your remote host
run `ssh user#remotehost 'bash'
This should do the trick without giving you headaches about escapement.

Docker container does not give me a shell

I am trying to get a shell inside the Docker container moul/phoronix-test-suite on Docker Hub using this command
docker run -t -i moul/phoronix-test-suite /bin/bash
but just after executing the command (binary file), the container stops and I get no shell into it.
[slazer#localhost ~]$ docker ps -a
0993189463e6 moul/phoronix-test-suite "phoronix-test-suite " 7 seconds ago Exited (0) 3 seconds ago kickass_shockley
It is a ubuntu:trusty container. How can I get a shell into it, so that I can send arguments to the command phoronix-test-suite?
docker run -t -i moul/phoronix-test-suite /bin/bash will not give you a bash (contrary to docker run -it fedora bash)
According to its Dockerfile, what it will do is execute
phoronix-test-suite /bin/bash
Meaning, it will pass /bin/bash as parameter to phoronix-test-suite, which will exit immediately. That leaves you no time to execute a docker exec -it <container> bash in order to open a bash in an active container session.
Have you tried restarting your docker? It might need to restart or even reboot the host.

Access mongo shell running in docker container in linux script

I want to create a bash script that removes a user from a mongodb database that is running inside a docker container.
Normally through the terminal I would execute docker exec -it mycontainername bash
and then once I'm in the container I execute mongo mydbname --eval "db.users.remove({"firstname":"Bob"})"
I just have no idea how to do it in a linux bash script.
After I execute script that contains the docker exec command, it leaves the script and opens the docker container's terminal and prompts me to enter a command.
Would using the detached -d flag work?
Found out you can replace bash with the name of the shell you want to open, so in this case mongo.
