Does count() cause map() code to execute in Spark? - apache-spark

So, I know that Spark is a lazy executor.
For example, if I call
post = pre.filter(lambda x: some_condition(x)).map(lambda x: do_something(x))
I know that it won't immediately execute.
But what happens to the above code when I call post.count()? I imagine the filtering would be forced into execution, since pre and post will likely not have the same number of rows since there is a filter condition there. However, map is a 1-to-1 relationship, so the count would not be affected by it. Would the map command be executed here given the count()?
Follow up: When I want to force execution of map statements (assuming count() doesn't work), what can I call to force execution? I'd prefer to not have to use saveAsTextFile().

count will execute all transformations in the lineage unless some stages can be fetched from cache. It means that every transformations will be executed at least once so along as you don't depend on some kind of side effects triggered by some_condition or do_something it should work just fine.


Spark reuse broadcast DF

I would like to reuse my DataFrame (without falling back to doing this using "Map" function in RDD/Dataset) which I marking as broadcast-eable, but seems Spark keeps broadcasting it again and again.
Having a table "bank" (test table). I perform the following:
val cachedDf = spark.sql("select * from bank").cache
val dfBroadcasted = broadcast(cachedDf)
val dfNormal = spark.sql("select * from bank")
dfNormal.join(dfBroadcasted, List("age"))
.join(dfBroadcasted, List("age")).count
I'm caching before just in case it made a difference, but its the same with or without.
If I execute the above code, I see the following SQL plan:
As you can see, my broadcasted DF gets broadcasted TWICE with also different timings (if I add more actions afterwards, they broadcast again too).
I care about this, because I actually have a long-running program which has a "big" DataFrame which I can use to filter out HUGE DataFrames, and I would like that "big" DataFrame to be reused.
Is there a way to force reusability? (not only inside the same action, but between actions, I could survive with the same action tho)
Ok, updating the question.
INSIDE the same action, left_semis will reuse broadcasts
while normal/left joins won't. Not sure related with the fact that Spark/developers already know the columns of that DF won't affect the output at all so they can reuse it or it's just an optimization spark is missing.
My problem seems mostly-solved, although it would be great if someone knew how to keep the broadcast across actions.
If I use left_semi (which is the join i'm going to use in my real app), the broadcast is only performed once.
dfNormalxx.join(dfBroadcasted, Seq("age"),"left_semi")
.join(dfBroadcasted, Seq("age"),"left_semi").count
The plan becomes (I also changed the size so it matches my real one, but this made no difference):
Also the wall total time is much better than when using "left_semi" (I set 1 executor so it doesn't get parallelized, just wanted to check if the job was really being done twice):
Even though my collect takes 10 seconds, this will speedup table reads+groupBys which are taking like 6-7minutes

Forcing pyspark join to occur sooner

PROBLEM: I have two tables that are vastly different in size. I want to join on some id by doing a left-outer join. Unfortunately, for some reason even after caching my actions after the join are being executed on all records even though I only want the ones from the left table. See below:
1. How can I set this up so only the records that match the left table get processed through the costly wrangling steps?
LARGE_TABLE => ~900M records
SMALL_TABLE => 500K records
combined = SMALL_TABLE.join(LARGE_TABLE, 'left-outer')
w = Window().partitionBy("id").orderBy(col("date_time"))
data = data.withColumn('diff_id_flag', when(lag('id').over(w) != col('id'), lit(1)).otherwise(lit(0)))
Unfortunately, my execution plan shows the expensive transformation operation above is being done on ~900M records. I find this odd since I ran df.count() to force the join to execute eagerly rather than lazily.
Any Ideas?
- note that the expensive transformation in my code flow occurs after the join (at least that is how I interpret it) but my DAG shows the expensive transformation occurring as a part of the join. This is exactly what I want to avoid as the transformation is expensive. I want the join to execute and THEN the result of that join to be run through the expensive transformation.
- Assume the smaller table CANNOT fit into memory.
The best way to do this is to broadcast the tiny dataframe. Caching is good for multiple actions, which doesnt seem to be applicable ro your particular use case.
df.count has no effect on the execution plan at all. It is just expensive operation executed without any good reason.
Window function application in this requires the same logic as join. Because you join by id and partitionBy idboth stages will require the same hash partitioning and full data scan for both sides. There is no acceptable reason to separate these two.
In practice join logic should be applied before window, serving as a filter for the the downstream transformations in the same stage.

Confusion about spark accumulator performed inside actions

From offical doc we can see that :
For accumulator updates performed inside actions only, Spark
guarantees that each task’s update to the accumulator will only be
applied once, i.e. restarted tasks will not update the value. In
transformations, users should be aware of that each task’s update may
be applied more than once if tasks or job stages are re-executed.
I think it is means that accumulator should be performed inside actions only, such as rdd.foreachPartition()
Through rdd.foreachPartition's API code in pyspark, I find that rdd.foreachPartition(accum_func) is equal to :
rdd.mapPartitions(accum_func).mapPartitions(lambda i: [sum(1 for _ in i)]).mapPartitions(lambda x: [sum(x)]).mapPartitions(some_add_func).collect()
It seems that accum_func can run inside transformations(rdd.mapPartition) ?
Thanks a lot for any explanin
if the node running a partition of a map() operation crashes,
Spark will rerun it on another node and even if the node does not crash but is simply
much slower than other nodes, Spark can preemptively launch a “speculative” copy
of the task on another node, and take its result if that finishes.
Even if no nodes fail,Spark may have to rerun a task to rebuild a cached value that falls out of memory.The net result is therefore that the same function may run multiple times on the same data depending on what happens on the cluster.
Accumulators used in actions, Spark applies each task’s update to each accumulator only once. Thus, if we want a reliable absolute value counter, regardless of failures or multiple evaluations, we must put it inside an action like foreach().

reducer concept in Spark

I'm coming from a Hadoop background and have limited knowledge about Spark. BAsed on what I learn so far, Spark doesn't have mapper/reducer nodes and instead it has driver/worker nodes. The worker are similar to the mapper and driver is (somehow) similar to reducer. As there is only one driver program, there will be one reducer. If so, how simple programs like word count for very big data sets can get done in spark? Because driver can simply run out of memory.
The driver is more of a controller of the work, only pulling data back if the operator calls for it. If the operator you're working on returns an RDD/DataFrame/Unit, then the data remains distributed. If it returns a native type then it will indeed pull all of the data back.
Otherwise, the concept of map and reduce are a bit obsolete here (from a type of work persopective). The only thing that really matters is whether the operation requires a data shuffle or not. You can see the points of shuffle by the stage splits either in the UI or via a toDebugString (where each indentation level is a shuffle).
All that being said, for a vague understanding, you can equate anything that requires a shuffle to a reducer. Otherwise it's a mapper.
Last, to equate to your word count example:
.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map((_, 1))
In the above, this will be done in one stage as the data loading (textFile), splitting(flatMap), and mapping can all be done independent of the rest of the data. No shuffle is needed until the reduceByKey is called as it will need to combine all of the data to perform the operation...HOWEVER, this operation has to be associative for a reason. Each node will perform the operation defined in reduceByKey locally, only merging the final data set after. This reduces both memory and network overhead.
NOTE that reduceByKey returns an RDD and is thus a transformation, so the data is shuffled via a HashPartitioner. All of the data does NOT pull back to the driver, it merely moves to nodes that have the same keys so that it can have its final value merged.
Now, if you use an action such as reduce or worse yet, collect, then you will NOT get an RDD back which means the data pulls back to the driver and you will need room for it.
Here is my fuller explanation of reduceByKey if you want more. Or how this breaks down in something like combineByKey

How to get hold of intermediate results?

I'm using Apache Spark as MapReduce implementation and was wondering whether there is a way to get hold of intermediate results. The simple API allows to collect the results from the triggering application once all the map steps have completed, in its simplest form e.g.
val results = mapResult.collect()
I'm interested in collecting intermediate map results as they complete. Is there a way to accomplish this?
You can use dataframe's cache() method to cache the computation result and so when you call the action later then it'll use the cached result instead of re-computing the DAG. Something like:
# caches the result so the action called after this will use this cached
# result instead of re-computing the DAG
Later, you may want to free up the memory used for caching the result with:
