How to change font-family of recaptcha v2? - styles

I am use laravel 5.2. How do I change the font-family of recaptcha in other languages?


How was this visualization created? What tools and technologies can I use to create such dynamic visualizations?
I am new to frontend development and only know a couple of technologies like HTML, CSS and bootstrap. I am curious to know what technology was used to create this visualization?
The best data visualization tools include Google Charts, Tableau, Grafana, Chartist. js, FusionCharts, Datawrapper, Infogram, ChartBlocks, and D3
That is a custom visualisation by David Galles that he built on top of jQuery (jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.11). I do not see anything else linked in the code. Aside from jQuery it's plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Using Vue Material UI Components with Bootstrap Layout

I am starting my first Vue 2 project and would like to mix Vue Material Components with Bootstrap layout. I have enough experience with Angular Material components to know that mixing them with Bootstrap causes problems. I would like to use Vue Material and integrate it with a Bootstrap theme template. Is this going to be a problem? Thanks in advance.
No problem, you can install the material and the bootstrap without a problem, just be careful when calling the styles, because whoever is last

How to integrate recaptcha in liferay 6.2?

I want to create recaptcha in liferay 6.2.I have no idea how to integrate recaptcha in liferay 6.2.
It depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to use it when people sign up for accounts, don't look much further than, just search for recaptcha and adjust the settings in your
If you want to use recaptcha in any custom application, integration is just like in any other application - there's probably nothing really Liferay-specific in there.

Offline captcha to use with JSF

I am using JSF2 and Primefaces and currently I am using Primefaces captcha, and I was wondering about good offline captcha libraries that I can use with JSF.
Did you try to use BotDetect Java Captcha, which is offline captcha library?
As i see at the bottom of the page, this library supports JavaServer Faces 2.0+ as well.

Add CKEditor add-ons to <pe:ckEditor>

I am using PrimeFaces Extensions <pe:ckEditor> which is basically a server side JSF component which generates the necessary HTML/CSS/JS code output for CKEditor. It works fine, however I have a new requirement which requires me to use either the PBCKCODE or the syntaxhighlighter add-on of CKEditor.
I have successfully created a customized version with those add-ons from their website. However, I have no clue how to integrate those add-ons in <pe:ckEditor>. How can I integrate those add-ons in <pe:ckEditor>?
Is there any reason why you don't want to use the CKEditor directly in stead of using it through pe:ckEditor? At least thats what I did in our project.
