How does hazelcast request gets routed to right partition? - hazelcast

I am a beginner wrt Hazelcast and trying to understand the following.
In a normal peer to peer set-up with 3 clusters with each being an individual partition. On a request, how is the right partition picked? Is there any router which helps every request? How is the request served?

Hazelcast doesn't use consistent hashing so the answer given by Jeremie B is not exactly accurate.
There's a couple of important concepts in Hazelcast:
Partitions - by default there's 271 partitions, that are evenly spread among the nodes. Each node owns "primary" partitions and contains backup "partitions".
Hash function - allows mapping of the key to partition, so in simplified version it looks like this hash(key) % partitionCount = partition
Partition table - keeps the mapping between partitions and nodes, or to be more precise between partitions and replicas. The first replica of each partition is the "primary" partition, the second, third... are the backups.
In order to contact the right node:
a "smart" client keeps track of the "Partition Table".
it uses the hashing algorithm to calculate the partition where the key is stored.
it looks up that partition in the "Partition Table" and connects to the node that contains the given replica.
There's also a concept of a dummy client which doesn't know to which node it should connect. The requests issued by a dummy client are routed to the right node by the node it connects to (if it's not the right node by coincidence).

The core of Hazelcast is based on a "Distributed Hash Table", without a master node. It works with two shared knowledge between nodes:
On ordered list of node participating in the cluster
A hash function
For the 1/, Hazelcast use the list of node ordered from the oldest to the youngest. This information is "easy" to get and don't need to be synchronized through some election. The 2/ is just some code/configuration.
The principle of the DHT is simple: Imagine you have three nodes, ordered A B and C. If you want to know wich node is responsible for a key K, you simply hash the key, and take this value modulo 3. If you have 0, it's the node A, if you have 1, it's the node B, and 2, it's the node C.
Of course, it's only a simplified view of Hazelcast: For example, each structure are split into X partitions, and each node owns more than one partition. Moreover, each partition is replicated. So for each partition, there are one "master" node and several "backup" nodes. But you got the point: no master node, no routing node, every node "knows" where each data belong to.


Cassandra: what node will data be written if the needed node is down?

Suppose I have a Cassandra cluster with 3 nodes (node 0, node 1 and node 2) and replication factor of 1.
Suppose that I want to insert a new data to the cluster and the partition key directs the new row to node 1. However, node 1 is temporarily unavailable. In this case, will the new data be inserted to node 0 or node 2 (although it should not be placed there according to the partition key)?
In Cassandra, Replication Factor (RF) determines how many copies of data will ultimately exist and is set/configured at the keyspace layer. Again, its purpose is to define how many nodes/copies should exist if things are operating "normally". They could receive the data several ways:
During the write itself - assuming things are functioning "normally" and everything is available
Using Hinted Handoff - if one/some of the nodes are unavailable for a configured amount of time (< 3 hours), cassandra will automatically send the data to the node(s) when they become available again
Using manual repair - "nodetool repair" or if you're using DSE, ops center can repair/reconcile data for a table, keyspace, or entire cluster (nodesync is also a tool that is new to DSE and similar to repair)
During a read repair - Read operations, depending on the configurable client consistency level (described next) can compare data from multiple nodes to ensure accuracy/consistency, and fix things if they're not.
The configurable client consistency level (CL) will determine how many nodes must acknowledge they have successfully received the data in order for the client to be satisfied to move on (for writes) - or how many nodes to compare with when data is read to ensure accuracy (for reads). The number of nodes available must be equal to or greater than the client CL number specified or the application will error (for example it won't be able to compare a QUORUM level of nodes if a QUORUM number of nodes are not available). This setting does not dictate how many nodes will receive the data. Again, that's the RF keyspace setting. That will always hold true. What we're specifying here is how many must acknowledge each write or compare for each read in order the client to be happy at that moment. Hopefully that makes sense.
In your scenario with a RF=1, the application will receive an error upon the write as the single node that should receive the data (based off of a hash algorithm) is down (RF=1 again means only a single copy of the data will exist, and that single copy is determined by a hash algorithm to be the unavailable node). Does that make sense?
If you had a RF=2 (2 copies of data), then one of the two other nodes would receive the data (again, the hash algorithm picks the "base" node, and then another algorithm will chose where the cop(ies) go), and when the unavailable node became available, it would eventually receive the data (either by hinted handoff or repair). If you chose a RF=3 (3 copies) then the other 2 nodes would get the data, and again, once the unavailable node became available, it would eventually receive the data (either by hinted handoff or repair).
FYI, if you ever want to know where a piece of data will/does exist in a Cassandra cluster, you can run "nodetool getendpoints". The output will be where all copies will/do reside.

Replication without partitioning in Cassandra

In Mongo we can go for any of the below model
Simple replication(without shard where one node will be working as master and other as slaves) or
Shard(where data will be distributed on different shard based on partition key)
Both 1 and 2
My question - Can't we have Cassandra just with replication without partitioning just like model_1 in mongo ?
From Cassandra vs MongoDB in respect of Secondary Index?
In case of Cassandra, the data is distributed into multiple nodes based on the partition key.
From above it looks like it is mandatory to distribute the data based on some p[artition key when we have more than one node ?
In Cassandra, replication factor defines how many copies of data you have. Partition key is responsible for distributing of data between nodes. But this distribution may depend on the amount of nodes that you have. For example, if you have 3 nodes cluster & replication factor equal to 3, then all nodes will get data anyway...
Basically your intuition is right: The data is always distributed based on the partition key. The partition key is also called row key or primary key, so you can see: you have one anyway. The 1. case of your mongo example is not doable in cassandra, mainly because cassandra does not know the concept of masters and slaves. If you have a 2 node cluster and a replication factor of 2, then the data will be held on 2 nodes, like Alex Ott already pointed out. When you query (read or write), your client will decide to which to connect and perform the operation. To my knowledge, the default here would be a round robin load balancing between the two nodes, so either of them will receive somewhat the same load. If you have 3 nodes and a replication factor of 2, it becomes a little more tricky. The nice part is though, that you can determine the set of nodes which hold your data in the client code, thus you don't lose any performance by connecting to a "wrong" node.
One more thing about partitions: you can configure some of this, but this would be per server and not per table. I've never used this, and personally i wouldn't recommend to do so. Just stick to the default mechanism of cassandra.
And one word about the secondary index thing. Use materialized views

How to Manage Node Failure with Cassandra Replication Factor 1?

I have a three node Cassandra (DSE) cluster where I don't care about data loss so I've set my RF to 1. I was wondering how Cassandra would respond to read/write requests if a node goes down (I have CL=ALL in my requests right now).
Ideally, I'd like these requests to succeed if the data exists - just on the remaining available nodes till I replace the dead node. This keyspace is essentially a really huge cache; I can replace any of the data in the event of a loss.
(Disclaimer: I'm a ScyllaDB employee)
Assuming your partition key was unique enough, when using RF=1 each of your 3 nodes contains 1/3 of your data. BTW, in this case CL=ONE/ALL is basically the same as there's only 1 replica for your data and no High Availability (HA).
Requests for "existing" data from the 2 up nodes will succeed. Still, when one of the 3 nodes is down a 1/3 of your client requests (for the existing data) will not succeed, as basically 1/3 of you data is not available, until the down node comes up (note that nodetool repair is irrelevant when using RF=1), so I guess restore from snapshot (if you have one available) is the only option.
While the node is down, once you execute nodetool decommission, the token ranges will re-distribute between the 2 up nodes, but that will apply only for new writes and reads.
You can read more about the ring architecture here:

How does cassandra find the node that contains the data?

I've read quite a few articles and a lot of question/answers on SO about Cassandra but I still can't figure out how Cassandra decides which node(s) to go to when it's reading the data.
First, some assumptions about an imaginary cluster:
Replication Strategy = simple
Using Random Partitioner
Cluster of 10 nodes
Replication Factor of 5
Here's my understanding of how writes work based on various Datastax articles and other blog posts I've read:
Client sends the data to a random node
The "random" node is decided based on the MD5 hash of the primary key.
Data is written to the commit_log and memtable and then propagated 4 times (with RF = 5).
The 4 next nodes in the ring are then selected and data is persisted in them.
So far, so good.
Now the question is, when the client sends a read request (say with CL = 3) to the cluster, how does Cassandra know which nodes (5 out of 10 as the worst case scenario) it needs to contact to get this data? Surely it's not going to all 10 nodes as that would be inefficient.
Am I correct in assuming that Cassandra will again, do an MD5 hash of the primary key (of the request) and choose the node according to that and then walks the ring?
Also, how does the network topology case work? if I have multiple data centers, how does Cassandra know which nodes in each DC/Rack contain the data? From what I understand, only the first node is obvious (since the hash of the primary key has resulted in that node explicitly).
Sorry if the question is not very clear and please add a comment if you need more details about my question.
Many thanks,
Client sends the data to a random node
It might seem that way, but there is actually a non-random way that your driver picks a node to talk to. This node is called a "coordinator node" and is typically chosen based-on having the least (closest) "network distance." Client requests can really be sent to any node, and at first they will be sent to the nodes which your driver knows about. But once it connects and understands the topology of your cluster, it may change to a "closer" coordinator.
The nodes in your cluster exchange topology information with each other using the Gossip Protocol. The gossiper runs every second, and ensures that all nodes are kept current with data from whichever Snitch you have configured. The snitch keeps track of which data centers and racks each node belongs to.
In this way, the coordinator node also has data about which nodes are responsible for each token range. You can see this information by running a nodetool ring from the command line. Although if you are using vnodes, that will be trickier to ascertain, as data on all 256 (default) virtual nodes will quickly flash by on the screen.
So let's say that I have a table that I'm using to keep track of ship crew members by their first name, and let's assume that I want to look-up Malcolm Reynolds. Running this query:
SELECT token(firstname),firstname, id, lastname
FROM usersbyfirstname WHERE firstname='Mal';
...returns this row:
token(firstname) | firstname | id | lastname
4016264465811926804 | Mal | 2 | Reynolds
By running a nodetool ring I can see which node is responsible for this token: rack1 Up Normal 348.31 KB 3976595151390728557 rack1 Up Normal 348.31 KB 4142666302960897745
Or even easier, I can use nodetool getendpoints to see this data:
$ nodetool getendpoints stackoverflow usersbyfirstname Mal
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
For more information, check out some of the items linked above, or try running nodetool gossipinfo.
Cassandra uses consistent hashing to map each partition key to a token value. Each node owns ranges of token values as its primary range, so that every possible hash value will map to one node. Extra replicas are then kept in a systematic way (such as the next node in the ring) and stored in the nodes as their secondary range.
Every node in the cluster knows the topology of the entire cluster, such as which nodes are in which data center, where they are in the ring, and which token ranges each nodes owns. The nodes get and maintain this information using the gossip protocol.
When a read request comes in, the node contacted becomes the coordinator for the read. It will calculate which nodes have replicas for the requested partition, and then pick the required number of nodes to meet the consistency level. It will then send requests to those nodes and wait for their responses and merge the results based on the column timestamps before sending the result back to the client.
Cassandra will locate any data based on a partition key that is mapped to a token value by the partitioner. Tokens are part of a finite token ring value range where each part of the ring is owned by a node in the cluster. The node owning the range of a certain token is said to be the primary for that token. Replicas will be selected by the data replication strategy. Basically this works by going clockwise in the token ring, starting from the primary, and stopping depending on the number of required replicas.
What's important to realize is that each node in the cluster is able to identify the nodes responsible for a certain key based on the logic described above. Whenever a value is written to the cluster, the node accepting the request (the coordinator node) will know right away the nodes that need to execute the write.
In case of multiple data-centers, all keys will be mapped across all DCs to the exact same token determined by the partitioner. Cassandra will try to write to each DC and each DC's replicas.

cassandra cluster, 1 table, how to plan forward

I am planning to create an application that will use just 1 cassandra table. Replication factor will be probably 2 or 3. I might start initially with 2 cassandra server and then keep adding servers as needed. But I am not sure if I need to pre-plan anything so that the table is distributed uniformly when I add more servers. Are there any best practices or things I need to be aware? I read about tokens , , but I am not sure what I need to do.
I suppose the keys have to be distrubuted uniformly in the cluster, so:
how will that happen i.e. when I add the 2nd server and say the 1st one already has 1 million keys
do I need to pre-plan the keyspace or tables?
I can suggest two things.
First, when designing your schema, pick a good partition key (1st column in the primary key). You need to ensure a couple of things:
There are enough values such that you can distribute it to an arbitrary amount of nodes. For example, sex would be a bad partition key, because you only have two values and therefore can only distribute it to two nodes.
The distribution across different partition key values is more or less uniform. For example, country might not be best, because you will most likely have most of your rows in just a few unique countries.
Secondly, to ease deployment of new nodes later consider setting up your cluster to use virtual nodes (vnodes). If you do that you will be able to skip a few steps when expanding your cluster.
To configure virtual nodes, set num_tokens in cassandra.yaml to more than 1. This will decide how many virtual nodes your node will have. A recommended value is 256.
Later, when you add new nodes, you need to make sure add_bootstrap is true in cassandra.yaml for your new nodes. Then you configure network parameters as usual to match your cluster, and finally start your node. It should automatically bootstrap and start streaming appropriate data. After everything is settled down, you can run cleanup (nodetool clean) on your other nodes to make sure they purge redundant data that they're no longer responsible for.
For more detailed documentation, please see
