using an assert with a contains in groovy - groovy

I am trying to run an assert with contains but am encountering an issue. I have written the code below using groovy in SOAPUI Pro
def pieceid = context.expand( '${OneDX#ResponseAsXml#//Results[1]/ResultSet[1]/Row[1]/PIECEID[1]}' )
def TrackingNumber = context.expand( '${OneDX#ResponseAsXml#//Results[1]/ResultSet[1]/Row[1]/TRACKINGNUMBER[1]}' )
assert {!TrackingNumber.contains(Pieceid)}
The tracking number is 907598985733 and Pieceid is 1820480....therefore the Pieceid is not in the tracking number. However when I run the script it passes. do you know what i'm doing wrong

Looks like a trivial issue in this case.
replace ResponseAsXml with Response
removed { .. } in the assert statement, and introduced ( .. )
looks, you used incorrect variable i.e., Pieceid which is also not available - incorrect case.
Here is you go with the changed groovy script snippet:
def pieceid = context.expand( '${OneDX#Response#//Results[1]/ResultSet[1]/Row[1]/PIECEID[1]}' )
def trackingNumber = context.expand( '${OneDX#Response#//Results[1]/ResultSet[1]/Row[1]/TRACKINGNUMBER[1]}' ) "Tracking number is $trackingNumber and Piece Id is $pieceid"
assert (!trackingNumber.contains(pieceid)), "Tracking number contains Pieceid"
You should be able to see the data of both variables in the log as well.
I would also like to recommend you not to use indexes in the xpath. Understand that might be auto generated by the tool. The reason being that if nodes come in different order, that will break your existing assertions for later test executions.


Transfer list between Groovy test steps (SoapUI)

I have one test case which is called (started and finished) before every run of other test cases. It is something like 'test data preparation' test case. Output from this test case is list with some elements, list looks like this:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout', etc.]
List is different on every run. I need to transfer this list from 'test data preparation' test case to other test cases. Transfer will be between two Groovy scripts.
How to transfer list between two Groovy test steps in SoapUI?
As I understand it:
You have one TestCase, which you call from every other TestCase.
I assume this is done using a "Run TestCase" teststep?
You would like to be able to pass a list of strings
As I read it, parameters go one way. From the "external testcase" and back to the calling testcase. There is no "input" from each testcase to this "external testcase"?
The Groovy Script in your "external testcase" may then generate a String result, which in turn can be converted to something like an Array or ArrayList of Strings.
This could be a string with values separated by ;
def result = ""
result += "Entry1;"
result += "Entry2;"
result += "Entry3;"
// You may want to add a line of code that removes the last ;
return result
This result will then be easily retrieved from Groovy Scripts elsewhere, by adding a few lines of code.
If the Groovy Script is placed in another TestCase, but in the same TestSuite, you may retrieve the result using:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Name of TestCase").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
If it is placed in a TestCase in a different TestSuite, you may use:
def input = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getTestSuiteByName("Test Suite Name").getTestCaseByName("Test Case Name").getTestStepByName("Groovy Script Name").getPropertyValue("result")
and then loop over the input doing something like:
for (def s : input.split(";")) { s
// Do your stuff here
I hope that makes sense...? :)
from groovy step 1 you shall return the list:
def list = ['Login', 'Get Messages', 'Logout']
return list
from groovy step 2 you can get this returned list
def result = context.expand( '${Groovy Script 1#result}' )
list = result.tokenize('[,] ')
list.each{ it
note that you get a string that you have to convert back to a list (tokenize).
I did this with SOAPUI pro.
Another way (ugly) would be to store the list in a custom property in groovy script 1 (using testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("myList",list.toString())
and to recover it in groovy step 2 (testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("myList")
I hope that will help
EDIT : if list elements contain spaces
this is not very clean and I hope someone will help to provide something better but you can do the following :
list = "['Login - v1', 'Get Messages - v2', 'Logout - v1']"
list = list.replace('\'','\"')
def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
list = jsonSlurper.parseText(list)
list.each{ it

Run a test step in Script assertion SOAP UI

I have 5 test steps in a test case and i want to write a script assertion for a test step
def groovyUtils = new context )
def httpResponseHeaders = context.testCase.testSteps["Step1"].testRequest.response.responseHeaders
def httpStatus = httpResponseHeaders["#status#"]
def httpStatusCode = (httpStatus =~ "[1-5]\\d\\d")[0]
if (httpscode == "500")
I want to re-run the test step named as step 1
I know that testRunner class is not present in Script assertion is there a way to do it with messageExchange variable class
I saw an answer on stack overflow
I tried the code but as soon as i click run SOAP UI hangs and I have to force close the SOAP UI application
To run a test step from script assertion you may use this
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCaseRunner
def Runner = new WsdlTestCaseRunner(messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase, new StringToObjectMap())
yourTestStep= messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["ScriptLibrary"].testCases["Library"].testSteps["Lib"],context)
Your code is fine, except your logic is flawed, because you encounter the error 500 for the first time and then you call the same step again and it fails again with 500 and so on. You would need to get different status, before your Java runs out of memory.
So if you want to do something like that, you have to implement some kind of counter (using TestCase, TestSuite, Project or Global property) to perform this loop only several times and then fail.
Anyway this worked for me:
def utilitiesSuite = messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase
.testSuites[utilitiesSuite].testCases["Test Case utility name"]
.run(null, true);
In this case we have all "utilities" = test cases with some often needed functionality in a dedicated test suite and I wanted its name to be possible to set up on Project level, of coures the Test Suite name can be put there directly as for example "Utilities'.
Also i have tried with this:
As the first parameter in the methor run instead of the null, but it worked only when testing the one requirement, not when running whole test case or test suite.
I let here another example that worked for me.
It's an assertion script, which runs a testStep basing on a response node value.
def groovyUtils = new );
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "yourTestStep#response" );
def myValue = holder.getNodeValue( "//theNameSpace:yourNode" );
if(myValue == 'whateverYouWant'){
def Runner = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCaseRunner(
messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase, new;
def mySteps= messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["yourTestSuite"].testCases["yourTestCase"].testSteps["yourTestStep"];,context);

SoapUI & Groovy - How to get properties from different TestCases using Run testCase

Sorry in advance. I am sure this is not a new question but I swear I've been looking for days and have tried several solutions but no one fits exactly what I need. I hope you guys can help me...
My problem:
I have a main script which sends bash commands to our server:
TestSuite: Tools;
TestCase: sendBashCommands;
TestStep: groovycript;
This test script is called by several test cases using "Run testCase". Each test case have a different bash command:
TestSuite: ServerInfo
TestCase: getServerVersion
Property: BashCommand="cat smt | grep Version"
TestStep: Run sendBashCommands
TestCase: getServerMessage
Property: BashCommand="cat smt | grep Message"
TestStep: Run sendBashCommands
On my sendBashCommands.groovyScript I have already tried the following:
//def bashCmd= context.expand( '${#BashCommand}' );
//it returns empty;
//def bashCmd= testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" );
//it returns null;
//def bashCmd= context.getTestCase().getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" );
//it returns null;
def bashCmd = context.expand('${#TestCase#BashCommand}');
//it also returns empty;
Currently I use a solution which works with project properties but what I actually need is working with these properties on the level of the test case which is calling the sendBashCommand script. Is that possible? How could I do it?
I think you are doing it for maintenance purpose...
As per your approach, the result has to come as null or empty. Because your groovyscript cannot get the properties of other testcases directly. If you call a getProperty() Method directly, then it will refer to the current testStep's property. So the following approach could help you.
put the following code in your individual test cases, "getServerVersion" etc.
def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
// the following is to store the names of the test suite and the test cases from which you want to call your main script
currentProject.setPropertyValue("TestCaseName", testRunner.getTestCase().getLabel().toString())
// call sendBashCommands here -> run sendBashCommands
put this code in your main groovy script (sendBashCommands.groovyscript)
def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
def callingTestCase = currentProject.testSuites[currentProject.getPropertyValue("TestSuiteName")].testCases[currentProject.getPropertyValue("TestCaseName")]
def bashCmd = callingTestCase.getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" )
// to verify bashCmd
The project is common to all the test suites, so you have to use project property in any case, i.e., for your requirement :)
Enjoy :)

Find an element in XML using XML Slurper

"I have a code that is working as expected but now I have to find the element in different format. Example is below
<car-model model="i10">
I have to find the value of "corolla" from this XML. Please reply.
You can run this in the Groovy console
def text = '''
<car-model model="i10">
def records = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
// a quick and dirty solution
assert 'corolla' == records.toString()
// a more verbose, but more robust solution that specifies the complete path
// to the node of interest
assert 'corolla' == records.'car-model'.'model-year'.'year.make'.name.text()

SOAPUI Groovy - Update XML request in another test case

I am having 2 test cases in my suite.
First test case contains 1 test step with xml request.
Second test case contains 1 test step with groovy script. I want to run the 1st test case from this groovy script a number of times. Every time I want to change the input XML. I am unable to update the input XML in TestCase 1.
I have the following the code for the groovy script:
def groovyUtils = new;
def tsuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite
def acctInq_tstepName = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).getTestStepAt(0).getName()
def acctInq_requestHolder = tsuite.getTestCaseAt(1).testSteps[acctInq_tstepName].testRequest.getRequestContent()
def acctInq_req = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("$acctInq_requestHolder")
acctInq_req["//soapenv:Envelope[1]/soapenv:Body[1]/v2:AcctInqRq[1]/ifx:DepAcctId[1]/ifx:AcctId[1]"] = "0009917812344"
I also tried using
In either case the XML is not getting updated. Please help.
Try set node value like below and check if it fixed the issue:
acctInq_req.setNodeValue("//*:ifx:AcctId[1]", "0009917812344")
