How to sort strings.xml alphabetically in Android Studio - android-studio

Hello is there a way to sort the string names alphabetically in strings.xml ?
It should sort it like this
<string name="ccc">CText</string>
<string name="aaa">AText</string>
<string name="bbb">BText</string>
<string name="aaa">AText</string>
<string name="bbb">BText</string>
<string name="ccc">CText</string>
I am using Android Studio 1.5.1

I used AndroidXmlSorter plugin and it works perfectly for me.
How to install:
Go to Android Studio -> Preferences -> Plugins and hit Browse repositories..
Search for AndroidXmlSorter, install and restart your Android Studio. Go to your strings.xml file and hit Ctrl+L. Voila.
Disclaimer: I'm not the author of this plugin, I just found it by chance and I think all the credits should go to the plugin author. The repo is here:

For anyone else who bumps into this. Copy all the string elements, paste into an Excel spreadsheet sort A-Z and then copy and paste back.
[Sort Android strings.xml in Alphabetical Order]

There is a plugin called Lines Sorter which can sort selected lines or whole files.

2022-09 | Simple plugin free solution:
Android studio includes option to sort lines / reverse lines.
Highlight lines of code to be sorted
unsorted lines
Edit > sort lines or Edit > reverse lines
sort line
Enjoy (reverse) alphabetical order
sorted lines

Sadly AndroidXmlSorter doesn't work for me when sorting multi-line strings.
My solution: Sort the strings.xml according to my android_strings_format.xslt (with xsltproc) and reformat it (with xmllint).
Cons: You have to execute a script. Therefore, it is not a true native feature of Android Studio. But you can easily execute scripts in Android Studio.
The script:
sort_xml_file() {
xsltproc --output "$1" android_strings_format.xslt "$1"
xmllint --format --encode "utf-8" --output "$1" "$1"
sort_xml_file "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"
The android_strings_format.xslt file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/resources">
<xsl:for-each select="string">
<xsl:sort select="#name"/>
<string name="{#name}">
<xsl:copy-of select="#* | node()"/>
Works on Manjaro Linux x64.
EDIT: I have found a way to prevent multi-line text. I can enclose the text with quotes. <string name="available_version_error">"<u>ERRORa</u>"</string>

I used a XML formatter with an xslt definition - but this was too complex if you also uses plurals.
My solution: writing my own Python script:
import re
# add your files here
strings_files = ["path/to/strings.xml"]
# 1. transform the strings.xml file to a dict
# 2. sort the dict
# 3. transform the dict to a strings.xml file
def sort_strings_xml_file(path_to_file: str):
entries = dict()
current_entry_name = None
# read entries from strings.xml file
with open(path_to_file, "r") as file:
for line in file.readlines():
# a new entry was found in the strings.xml file
if line.strip().startswith("<string ") or line.strip().startswith("<plurals "):
current_entry_name ='name="(.+)"', line).group(1)
entries[current_entry_name] = ""
# store content for the current entry
if current_entry_name is not None:
entries[current_entry_name] += line
# stop recording for the current entry
if line.strip().endswith("</string>") or line.strip().endswith("</plurals>"):
current_entry_name = None
entries = dict(sorted(entries.items()))
# write results back to the strings.xml file
with open(path_to_file, "w") as file:
file.write(('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
print(f"{path_to_file} was sorted")
for strings_file in strings_files:

i would turn them to ASCII then sort that one and turn them back to string, very easy and very effective

Update: Easiest way is: Ctrl+A then Ctrl+Alt+L
For configuration: In Android studio, you can quickly sort XML code by following step:
Select all XML code in a file by Ctrl+A
Use combination: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L
Select "Selected text" + "Rearrange code" Then Press RUN


AWK to replace HTML tag with another and keep text

I am looking for a way to replace a HTML tag with another, but keep the text.
I have a big HTML file, which contains:
<span class="desc e-font-family-cond">fork</span>
I want to replace <span> tag with <strong> tag:
Tool doesn't really matter, but I am looking for a CLI way to do it.
I am not looking for a HTML processor, because input is a text file with some HTML code in it (not a clean/valid HTML) and I am manually working with the output (copy, modify, use later in its final place). I just want to save some time with the replace.
I would use GNU sed for this task following way, let file.txt content be
<span class="desc e-font-family-cond">fork</span>
sed -e 's/<span[^>]*>/<strong>/g' -e 's/<\/span>/<\/strong>/g' file.txt
Explanation: firstly replace span starting using <strong>, secondly replace span closing using </strong>.
Consider using Python and a tool like BeautifulSoup to handle HTML. Trying to parse HTML with other tools like sed or awk can lead to terrible places.
As an example:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup('<li><span class="desc e-font-family-cond">fork</span>')
for spanele in soup.findAll('span'): = 'p'
html_string = str(soup)
That's lightweight and pretty simple and the html is handled properly with a library that is specifically built to parse it.
Don't use AWK for processing HTML files. If you can turn your HTML file into an XHTML file, you can use xsltproc for an XML transformation as follows:
trans.xsl file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8"/>
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="span[#class='desc e-font-family-cond']">
CLI command for invoking xsltproc, which has to be installed, obviously:
xsltproc trans.xsl file.html
The standard output of this command is the corrected HTML file as you want to have it.
Using sed:
sed 's,<\(\/\)\?span\(\s\)\?,<\1strong\2,g'
$ echo '<span class="desc e-font-family-cond">fork</span>' | sed 's,<\(\/\)\?span\(\s\)\?,<\1strong\2,g'
<strong class="desc e-font-family-cond">fork</strong>

Is it possible to use unicode character within glob pattern in mime definition file?

I'm issuing the command xdg-mime install nv-custom.xml - using this file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="text/x-customtest">
<glob weight="60" pattern="*...someUnicodeHere"/>
Is it possible to use unicode in the glob's pattern field?
I tried Ctrl + Shift + U followed by a code, which works fine, but then the file does not have any effect, whereas it works just fine with "regular" text.

Find string and replace another line in linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
I have an xml file which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Station name="XxXx" >
<Inverter name="0701">
<String name="07.01.01-1">
<Converter sku="31570014-0900 A" sn="2116K000551" mac="548280000227" ts="01"/>
<String name="07.01.01-2">
<Converter sku="31570014-0900 A" sn="1716K000232" mac="4482800000E8" ts="02"/>
I need a script (or better one linux command) that can find in this file a String with name="07.01.01-1" for example, and change in the next line sn="2116K000551" to sn="11111111", and delete everything till the end of the line (means mac="xxx" ts="xx"), except closing tag "/>", and save this file. I'm trying to do it with sed, but not successfully for now. Is there a one linux command that can do it? I would very much appreciate any suggestions.
The right way with xmlstarlet tool:
xmlstarlet ed -u '//String[contains(#name, "07.01.01-1") and ./Converter/#sn = "2116K000551"]
/Converter/#sn' -v 11111111 \
-d '//String[contains(#name,"07.01.01-1")]
/Converter/#*[name()="mac" or name()="ts"]' file.xml
The output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Station name="XxXx">
<Inverter name="0701">
<String name="07.01.01-1">
<Converter sku="31570014-0900 A" sn="11111111"/>
<String name="07.01.01-2">
<Converter sku="31570014-0900 A" sn="1716K000232" mac="4482800000E8" ts="02"/>
To modify the file in-place - add -L option: xmlstarlet ed -L -u ....

AsciiDoctor: How can I add custom xmlns'

How can I add a custom xmlns in the output when I convert an asciidoc file with AsciiDoctor?
I'd like to add xmlns:xi="" in the top book tag.
The current implementation seems to generate:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en">
from this:
= title
:lang: en
When I run:
$ asciidoctor -b docbook5 -d book -o out.xml source.txt
There is a built-in attribute xmlns, but it seems to be for docbook 4.5.
The reason I want to use XInclude is to include some xml files from Docinfo files and Passthrough Blocks
With a bit of research inside the asciidoctor code it quickly became clear that the part you'd like to modify is fairly static.
See asciidoctor/converter/docbook5.rb Line 44 for more info.
The best approach is to create a postprocessor extension which modifies the output. The example below is just to show a possible implementation.
Create a file with the following content and call it docbook_postprocessor.rb.
class Docbook5XiPostprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Postprocessor
def process document, output
if document.basebackend? 'docbook'
input_regex = %r{^(<.*xmlns:xl="") (version="5.0".*>)}
replacement = %(\\1 xmlns:xi="" \\2)
output = output.sub(input_regex, replacement)
Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
postprocessor Docbook5XiPostprocessor
Note: The above extension is for the sake of brevity placed in the same directory as the asciidoctor source file called source.adoc.
The run the asciidoctor command with the -r ./docbook_postprocessor.rb parameters.
$ asciidoctor -r ./docbook_postprocessor.rb -b docbook5 -d book -o - source.adoc
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Above output has been slightly reformatted to eliminate the scrollbar
Creating ruby gem with the above code for easier distribution is a task left to the reader.

While using sed command i receive the following error : Function cannot be parsed. Any Solutions or reason for this?

I need to replace a particular character in a text file with another character. For example, replacing "E" with "A":
Apple ice → ApplA Ica
While executing sed 's/E/A' < apple.txt > app.txt I receive the error
function cannot be parsed
Please help! I need to automate this using Antscript.
You should terminate your sed command with a slash (/) and I guess you want to exchange all occurences of E with A? Then you have to add a g for a global substitution:
sed 's/E/A/g' app.txt
sed 's/E/A/g' app.txt. You missed the trailing / (g means all occurrences),
Since you are in Ant environment, you probably don't need to execute sed at all, but rather use Copy task with filter, or ReplaceRegExp task.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<replaceregexp file="apple.txt" flags="g" match="e" replace="A"/>
This alters the file in place:
$ cat apple.txt
Apple ice
$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
$ cat apple.txt
ApplA icA
Your example is strange with case (a|A, e|E). I'll assume that's typo.
Follow up: To declare encoding...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<replaceregexp file="apple.txt" encoding="utf-8" flags="g" match="Á" replace=" "/>
I tested this successfully. Before:
ApplA icA
ApplÁs icÁs
ApplA icA
Appl s ic s
