Getting Barcode Scanner MT2000 to Move to Next Focus - barcode-scanner

I am trying to move to the next focus of an application by transmit a TAB or ENTER character to the host from my Motorola MT2070 Barcode Scanner.
I have tried using the SendLabel method as follows
string barcode = "Hello";
int count = 1;
SendBarcode(new LabelData(barcode + "\t" + count.ToString(), Options.BarcodeType));
private bool SendBarcode(LabelData label)
result = Program.ScannerServicesClient.SendLabel(label, 10000);
if (result != RESULTCODE.E_OK)
MsgBox.Error(listForm, Properties.Resources.StrErrorCouldntSendBarcode);
return result == RESULTCODE.E_OK;
Unfortunately the "\t" does not translate into an actual TAB keystroke in Keyboard mode.
When scanning in NOTEPAD the 5 spaces of the tab show up, but it doesn't work to move the focus to the next field as hitting TAB does in Excel or other applications.
What should I be transmitting in place of the \t?

I assume this won't work, because it is not a normal/manual input from your keyboard. It is a value passed from a barcode to the text-property of your field. So you have to handle this different.


MFC virtual List Control LVFINDINFO

I'm going to make a search function in mfc virtual list control
However, even if i change the search method, always output only the 0th row I don't know what the problem is.
i searched 0th column value
void CListControlDlg::OnBnClickedButton2()
CListCtrl* ListCtrl = ((CListCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1));
CString aaaa;
aaaa.Format("%d", 56);
f1.flags = LVFI_STRING;
f1.psz = aaaa;
f1.vkDirection = VK_DOWN;
int num = ListCtrl->FindItem(&f1, -1);
if (num == -1) {
MessageBox(_T("검색 실패"), MB_OK);
ListCtrl->EnsureVisible(num, true);
if i click button focus always on zero row

How to get the raw text from a Flutter TextBox

In Flutter, after a Paragraph or TextPainter has laid out it's text, you can get the Rects for the lines (or runs within a line) by calling getBoxesForSelection. If you draw the actual boxes they look something like this:
How do I programmatically get the text within each TextBox?
I wish there were a better way, but this is the only way I have found so far:
// The TextPaint has already been laid out
// select everything
TextSelection selection = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: textSpan.text.length);
// get a list of TextBoxes (Rects)
List<TextBox> boxes = _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection);
// Loop through each text box
List<String> lineTexts = [];
int start = 0;
int end;
int index = -1;
for (TextBox box in boxes) {
index += 1;
// Uncomment this if you want to only get the whole line of text
// (sometimes a single line may have multiple TextBoxes)
// if (box.left != 0.0)
// continue;
if (index == 0)
// Go one logical pixel within the box and get the position
// of the character in the string.
end = _textPainter.getPositionForOffset(Offset(box.left + 1, + 1)).offset;
// add the substring to the list of lines
final line = rawText.substring(start, end);
start = end;
// get the last substring
final extra = rawText.substring(start);
To be more rebust, this should check the TextPosition affinity.
This doesn't handle right-to-left text yet.
If you are getting the text of the whole line, you can use LineMetrics (from TextPainter.computeLineMetrics()) now instead of TextBox. The process would be similar.

TextField.text is assigned with a multi-line string, but they're not equal right after the assignment

I have an Array of strings:
private var phrase:Array = ["You will be given a series of questions like this:\n2 + 2 =\n(click or press ENTER to continue)","You can use the Keyboard or Mouse\nto deliver the answer\n\"ENTER\" locks it in.\n(click or press ENTER to continue)","\nClick Here\n to start."];
I have a conditional later in the script to see if the phrase[0] is equal to the instructText.text, so I put a "test" directly after the assignment as below:
instructText.text = phrase[0];
if (instructText.text == phrase[0]) {
trace("phrase zero");
else {
//OUTPUT: nottttttttt
I've tried various combinations of phrase[0] as String and String(phrase[0]), but haven't had any luck.
What am I missing?
Turns out that the text property of the TextField class converts the "Line Feed" characters (the "\n", ASCII code of 1010=A16) to the character of "Carriage Return" (the ASCII code of 1310=D16).
So, you need a LF to CR conversion (or vise-versa) to make a homogeneous comparison of what is stored in the property against what you have in the array element:
function replaceLFwithCR(s:String):String {
return s.replace(/\n/g, String.fromCharCode(13));
if (instructText.text == replaceCRwithLF(phrase[0])) {
trace("They are equal :)");
else {
trace("They are NOT equal :(");
// Output: They are equal :)
P.S. To get the code of a character, you may utilize the charCodeAt() method of the String class:
trace("\n".charCodeAt(0)); // 10

Typing one character at a time in Processing

I'm trying to display one character at a time in processing. If I type the letter "Q" for example, how can I make it so that when I type another character, it displays in the same place as the previous one but deleting the previous one in the process?
ultimately I'm trying to make a program that would show any pressed key on different fonts; but when I attempted this, the characters just keep adding in succession.
As of now, this gives me characters in succession:
String letters = "";
void setup() {
size(100, 100);
void draw() {
text(letters, 0, 50);
void keyPressed() {
if (key == BACKSPACE) {
if (letters.length() > 0) {
letters = letters.substring(0, letters.length()-1);
} else if (textWidth(letters+key) < width) {
letters = letters + key;
How is it possible to have only one character showed at all times?
Look at this line:
letters = letters + key;
Here you're adding key to the letters variable. So if letters is "ABC" and key is 'X', then letters will be "ABCX" after this line runs.
If all you want to do is display the most recent key pressed, why don't you just use the key value directly? That's exactly what it holds:
void draw() {
text(key, 25, 25);

Code Outputs mulitple times instead of just once (Unity C#)

Ok I am using Unity C# (MonoDevelop) and I am learning how to pull component variables from other components. Now I understand how to do that, but I am wondering why when I start the game and press the "F" key it prints "Hello I am a cube" and subtracts 1 from CubeTalkPoints at least 3-5 times. I want it to run the code once per key press.
void Update () {
void C_Talk(int SpellID = 0, int TalkPoint = 1)
CubeData CubeSub = GetComponent<CubeData>();
if (CubeSub.CubeTalkPoints >= TalkPoint)
CubeSub.CubeTalkPoints -= TalkPoint;
Debug.Log("Hello I am a Cube!");
Use GetKeyDown() instead of GetKey(). GetKeyDown() will only be true the first frame the button is down. GetKey() will be true every frame as long as the button is held down.
