#SNMP No contextName in V3 response - sharp-snmp

We are using #SNMP to created an SNMP V3 agent.
I would like to know if it is normal that the SecureSnmpContext class does not use the given ContextName when using GeneratedResponse for example ?
The ContextName is available into the request object ?
In the code, OctetString.Empty is used instead of ContextName.
new Scope(Group.EngineId,
new ResponsePdu(
Is the ContextName not required in the response maybe ?

The design of the snmpd sample follows Net-SNMP agent, which does not use the context name much.
If you have requirements to set that field, feel free to modify the code base to suit your needs please.
Remember that you also need to modify the authentication part to verify context name of the incoming messages if you do set a context name.


How to parse and edit XML in TypeScript without converting to JSON

I need to repair an XML file in TypeScript and I cannot find any info on it, since everyone who posts something like this has different needs. I'd like to be pointed in the right direction here.
I have an XML request as shown below. It is autogenerated by node-soap when given JSON. Using the WSDL, node-soap attempts to fill in the namespace prefixes for each property. The problem is, it gets them wrong a lot.
In this example below, q106 should be replaced with hep3.
<soap:Envelope q15="some-good-url" q106="some-good-url-1" q98-"some-good-url-2>
<q15:ConfirmedBy xsi:nil="true"></q15:ConfirmedBy>
<q106:Value>System, System</q106:Value>
I know which namespace prefixes are bad because I have a sample request that was supplied to me. It's just XML. It looks like this:
<soap:Envelope hep="some-good-url" hep1="some-good-url-1" hep2-"some-good-url-2 hep3="some-good-url-3">
<hep:ConfirmedBy xsi:nil="true"></hep:ConfirmedBy>
<hep3:Value>System, System</hep3:Value>
Here is the part that really matters. The Sample Request is the entire possible request body. The supplied request (with incorrect namespaces) is a subset of the sample request. I need to loop through each of the elements in the supplied request, and check to make sure the URL of that element matches the URL of the respective element in the sample request.
So in this example, loop through each element of supplied request. Start with SalesOrderAuditInfo. It's namespace URL is some-good-url-2. If we check the Sample Request, we can see that SalesOrderAuditInfo also corresponds to some-good-url-2.
Continue until we hit the ID tag. This has a namespace set to some-good-url-1. If we check the Same ID (inside of CreatedBy, inside of SalesOrderAuditInfo), we can see the namespace should actually be set to some-good-url-3. So we replace q106 with hep3.
I also need to take all of the namespaces defined in the Sample Request Envelope and move them into the supplied request envelope so that this new hep3 will be defined.
At this point, I need to edit the namespace prefix. In this example, q106:ID would be replaced be the string hep3:ID. Same with all of the closing tags.
Which library can I use to accomplish this in XML? Is anyone familiar with node-soap screwing these namespaces up and know of any fix?
I am using node-soap v0.43

What is the cmd field of the request structure in block layer replaced with?

I was going through the new kernel code and it looks like the cmd field in the request structure (defined in linux/blkdev.h) doesn't exist anymore. Here is what it looked it in earlier versions.
I am using that field to send a specific request structure(struct nvme_command to be more specific) down to the block device. How do I update my code to use the latest version of the blkdev.h? More specifically, how do I send down my nvme_command structure to the block device now that there is no cmd field?

Can't seem to find the issue with the requestID parameter for the request header

I am trying to pull data from a REST API that uses a "similar standard to JSON RPC". The params I am passing look right according to the documentation here and here.
The error I am receiving is ...message:"Header missing request ID".... I am unsure what I am missing that would properly declare the requestID.
I have looked at the documentation provided via the API I am trying to pull data from but it's not very helpful considering it's all in PHP and cURL. I am trying to complete this task using python-requests.
getParams = {'method': 'getCustomers', 'params':{'where':'', 'limit': 2}, 'id': 'getCustomers'}
{"result":null,"error":{"code":102,"message":"Header missing request ID","data":[]},"id":null}
The return result should contain a list of All Customers and their attributes in JSON format.
Turns out there is nothing wrong with the code I am using. There is an issue with the API I am attempting to call.
In my situation, I was getting the same error back and was required to send a X-Request-ID header. I fixed it by adding the following to my headers:
headers = {
'X-Request-ID': str(uuid.uuid1()) # generate GUID based on host & time
Note that (for me) the GUID needed to be of a specific format (e.g. matching the Regex ^[{]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[}]?$
taken from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-validate-guid-globally-unique-identifier-using-regular-expression/). For example, it still gave the same error if I just sent "test".

How to achieve security level 3 in FIWARE?

I am deploying FIWARE security GEs (i.e., Wilma, AuthzForce, Keyrock) in my computer. Security level 2 (Basic Authorization) is working well, but now I need security level 3 (Advanced Authorization) using XACML.
Long story short, I want a tutorial of implementation security level 3. However, as far as I know, any tutorial or document about security level 3 does not exist.
For now, I create my policy with PAP's API, and change 'custom_policy' option in config.js from 'undefined' to 'policy.js'. And then I create 'policy.js' file into 'PEP/policies', but don't change anything compared with its template file because I don't know what this code does exactly. I think I should make XACML Request form using 'xml' variable. But in my case, PEP gives me the error when I make the XACML Request using 'xml' variable, and return this variable. Here is my error of PEP:
Error: Root - Error in AZF communication <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><error xmlns="http://authzforce.github.io/rest-api-model/xmlns/authz/S" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:ns3="http://authzforce.github.io/core/xmlns/pdp/5.0" xmlns:ns4="http://authzforce.github.io/pap-dao-flat-file/xmlns/properties/3.6"><message>Invalid parameters: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'Request'.</message></error>
And here is my 'getPolicy' code (XACML Request) in policy.js. I just made very simple request whether response is permit or not because I'm not sure what I'm doing at that time.:
exports.getPolicy = function (roles, req, app_id) {
var xml = xmlBuilder.create('Request', {
'xmlns': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17',
'CombinedDecision': 'false',
'ReturnPolicyIdList': 'false'})
.ele('Attributes', {
'Category': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject'});
So, anyone can give me any information about implementation of security level 3?
Upgrade to Wilma 6.2 (bug fixing).
Reuse the code from lib/azf.js which is known to work, and adapt the Request content to your needs. The variable is wrongly called XACMLPolicy there, but don't be mistaken, this is an actual XACML Request. This is using xml2json package to convert the JSON to XML, whereas in your code you seem to use a different one, xmlbuilder maybe? You didn't paste the full code - where does this xmlBuilder variable come from? - so I'm just guessing.
If you are indeed using xmlbuilder package and want to stick with it, I notice that in the example using namespaces, the xmlns attribute is put in a different way:
var xmlBuilder = require('xmlbuilder');
var xml = xmlBuilder.create('Request', { encoding: 'utf-8' })
.att('xmlns', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17')
.att('CombinedDecision': 'false')
.att('ReturnPolicyIdList': 'false')
.ele('Attributes', {'Category': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject'});
Maybe this makes a difference, I didn't check.
Also feel free to create an issue with your question on Wilma's github to get help from the dev team. (I am not one of them but we've worked together for AuthzForce integration.)
The error you are getting is really
Invalid parameters: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
This is a simple XML validation issue. You need to make sure that the XACML request you send contains the right namespace declaration.
You'll see there is another question on this topic here.
Can you paste your XACML request so we can tell whether it is valid?

How to pass information between spring-integration components?

In spring-batch, data can be passed between various steps via ExecutionContext. You can set the details in one step and retrieve in the next. Do we have anything of this sort in spring-integration ?
My use case is that I have to pick up a file from ftp location, then split it based on certain business logic and then process them. Depending on the file names client id would be derived. This client id would be used in splitter, service activator and aggregator components.
From my newbie level of expertise I have in spring, I could not find anything which help me share state for a particular run.I wanted to know if spring-integration provides this state sharing context in some way.
Please let me know if there is a way to do in spring-context.
In Spring Integration applications there is no single ExecutionContext for state sharing. Instead, as Gary Russel mentioned, each message carries all the information within its payload or its headers.
If you use Spring Integration Java DSL and want to transport the clientId by message header you can use enrichHeader transformer. Being supplied with a HeaderEnricherSpec, it can accept a function which returns dynamically determined value for the specified header. As of your use case this might look like:
return IntegrationFlows
.from(/*ftp source*/)
.enrichHeaders(e -> e.headerFunction("clientId", this::deriveClientId))
./*split, aggregate, etc the file according to clientId*/
, where deriveClientId method might be a sort of:
private String deriveClientId(Message<File> fileMessage) {
String fileName = fileMessage.getHeaders().get(FileHeaders.FILENAME, String.class);
String clientId = /*some other logic for deriving clientId from*/fileName;
return clientId;
(FILENAME header is provided by FTP message source)
When you need to access the clientId header somewhere in the downstream flow you can do it the same way as file name mentioned above:
String clientId = message.getHeaders().get("clientId", String.class);
But make sure that the message still contains such header as it could have been lost somewhere among intermediate flow items. This is likely to happen if at some point you construct a message manually and send it further. In order not to loose any headers from the preceding message you can copy them during the building:
Message<PayloadType> newMessage = MessageBuilder
Please note that message headers are immutable in Spring Integration. It means you can't just add or change a header of the existing message. You should create a new message or use HeaderEnricher for that purpose. Examples of both approaches are presented above.
Typically you convey information between components in the message payload itself, or often via message headers - see Message Construction and Header Enricher
