Excel Sum Based on Selection of Item List - excel

**My excel sheet lists County's and its tax rate.
At the end of the month, I have to document the sales tax of each sale.
I have 3 columns that looks something like this:
Column A is Select a County (This is created in the form of a drop-down list)
Column B is the selection from column A's rate
Column C is Sale Contract Number
Column D is the amount of sales tax column C was
How can I create a sum for a given county (Column A) using the monetary values in Column D?
I already tried //=SUMIFS(A:A, D:D, "=Albany")//
but that didn't do the trick
I want to calculate the total sales tax for every county once I completed the list. County's are selected via a drop-down list, and sales tax (column D) are manually entered.
Any suggestions?**


Sum Product Formula

I have 3 columns, A, B, and C. In column A is the product, column B is the order date, column C is the amount paid. I'm trying to find a sum product formula that will look for the total amount paid for the entries that match the Product and were ordered during a specific time period. Below is an example formula that I am trying to use:

How to change value of field based on values of two other fields in Excel or Google Sheets

I'm trying to create a customized personal expense report on Google sheets . If anyone has suggestions for a better approach, I'm open to to ideas!
In one column Category, I have option to select category with a drop down - Restaurants, Rent, Electricity etc. The column Value on the next to it holds the an integer value.
On a the same sheet, I have a column where all categories are defined. In the column Limit next to it, is the maximum integer value for each category. The next column Balance holds the remaining value (Limit - Sum of all Value matching Category)
My question is - when I add an entry in sheet 1 for any category with a value, how do I subtract the Value added from the respective Category to show the remaining balance from Limit in Balance column? As I keep adding items, the Balance field should get updated.
Item Category Value
i1 Rest 100
i2 Rent 50
TABLE 2 (In same sheet somewhere adjacent to the above table)
Category Limit Balance
Rest 500 400
Rent 1000 950
Try using this:
Range of categories = column where all categories are listed in the expenses table. E.g- B:B if B column has expense categories
expense value range = column where all expenses are listed in the expenses table. E.g- C:C if expenses values are in C column
category cell name is the category cell in the balance table
limit cell name is the limit cell
This should work for your purposes

Values of different time periods summed up and matched to certain dates

I have the following Excel spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet is used to plan sales campaigns. The user enters the start and end date of the sales campaign in Column B and Column C. In Column D the duration (number of days) is calculated from those dates. In Column E the user enters the revenue for the entire campaign. In Column F:L the user divides the revenue over the days of the duration.
In Column N each day of the year is listed.
In Column O the sum of the revenue based on the values in Column F:L should be calculated.
For example Campaign A starts at 2018-01-01, takes 4 days and therefore 300€ go to 2018-01-01, 100€ go to 2018-01-02 and so on ....
The same applies for all following campaigns.
Therefore, in Column O the sum of the revenue of all campaigns should be calculated so on 2018-01-02 to the 100€ from the second day of Campaign A the 120€ from the first day of Campaign B should be added. Thus, the total is 220€.
Do you know a formula that I can use in Column O which does exactly the calculation described above?
Sumproduct will iterate through testing whether the date is in the range, find where it lands in that range and return the correct value to be summed.
=SUMPRODUCT((N2<=$C$2:$C$5)*(N2>=$B$2:$B$5)*("Day " & N2-$B$2:$B$5+1 = $F$1:$L$1),$F$2:$L$5)

SUM function in Excel

I have a table in Excel:
EDITED: image reloaded
Product 1 consist of Item A-E, Product 2 consist of Item B, D & E, Product 3 consist of Item A-F.
$E$3-$E$7, $E$9-$E$11, $E$13-$E$18 are formulated to calculate the price of individual Item based on cost and pieces sold.
Is it possible to sum automatically at $E$2, $E$8 and $E$12 where there is no item (ie Column A-D for data entry, Column E fully formulated)?
Thank you!

How to calculate with reference id

I have a workbook in which there is stock detail on sheet 1 and sales detail on sheet 2.
I want to auto-calculate the remaining stock. But the sales inventory is based on dates so all the different products are mixed up. Every product has a unique ID. So how I can subtract the sale product from stock based on their IDs?
An example:
The customer comes and buy 4 shirts.
I enter the product with product ID, and in the Qty column I added 4.
Now I want to minus 4 from actual stock.
How it can be done in Excel?
You need to take the sum of all sold products in sheet 2 based on condition that productID in sheet2 equals our interesting product in sheet1. Use:
where column A contains product IDs and column B contains "sold" values.
Then subtract that sum from the stock total in sheet1, e.g:
where column A contains product IDs and column B includes stock totals.
(note how "productID" from the first expression is here replaced with "A3", i.e. the value of productID column for the current row).
Copying this last formula to other product rows should automatically update the relevant values.
