Opening a file in an existing Qt creator instance - linux

My team is working with QT creator 2.8.0 to develop our product on Linux Suse 11.
I'm developing an external tool to help with managing source-control (git-flow) and dev tasks and schedule.
I can use my tool to open files in QT creator from command line, but I much prefer telling the existing instance of QT creator to open them. How can I achieve that?

It's a simple command:
<path_to>/qtcreator -client <file_path>
You can do:
<path_to>/qtcreator -help
to see all the other command line options the creator provides


Setup project Cross-Platform with Monogame

I've been trying to figure out on how to setup a Cross-Platform project for MonoGame. Whats the conventional way of doing so ?
Is that done through a Shared Project and can I keep all my content in 1 project ?
Also I am not sure if this information is correct do I need a Mac to build my project for Mac how does that work ? If so how what's the best way of setting that up.
Targeted Platforms : WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC
The best way to setup a cross platform MonoGame project IMO would be to use a Shared project. Shared projects can also include .mgcb file so you won't need to duplicate your content either. How to do:
Use "Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop" and create a "MonoGame Shared Project" with the name of your game
If you are going to use using "Visual Studio", close the "Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop" after this, and open up the created project vith it
you are gonna have to include the generated "Content\Content.mgcb" file with build action "None" so it will be visible in Project View area
Add a MonoGame Project for the platform you wish to launch the game from, ie. create a "MonoGame Crossplatform Project" and name it "(gamename).DesktopGL"
Delete "Game1.cs" and "Content Folder" from the Platform project
Add a reference for your Shared project
For your platform project, in options set the Output Assembly Name to be the same as your shared project
this step might not seem important, but if you are using a custom importer/processor this will allow you to not have to compile the content separately for each platform.
There you go, you should be able to run your project now.
Also I am not sure if this information is correct do I need a Mac to build my project for Mac how does that work ? If so how what's the best way of setting that up.
The created executable from DesktopGL project is runnable on Mac even when compiled from Windows, the Mac user just has to launch it using Mono. In case you want you can package your game using MonoKickstart so that your Linux and Mac users don't have to have mono installed: what's more, it also includes other needed native libraries. Description on how to use it are in the link.
Since you're just targeting Windows, Linux and Mac, you can use Xamarin/MonoDevlop which runs on all three of your target platforms.
Once it's installed, then add the Monogame through the Addin manager. The addin on version 5 of Xaramin and MonoDevlop.
You can then use the same Solution project file between all three platforms assuming you use the OpenGL Template. I use this method for developing between Windows and Linux.
The only time you'll need to use a shared project or something similar would be if you started developing for Mobile (iOS/Android) or for Windows on DirectX instead of OpenGL.

bitrock installer - getting started for Linux

I have read the first few sections of "" may be 3 to 4 times, but it is quite unclear to me.
I have a project/product that needs to be installed/unistalled/upgraded on user machines, so I guess I can make use of BitRock installer to accomplish the same. Having said that, below are my details:
Target system: Linux (can be 32 bit or 64 bit)
Project Developed using : Qt and C++ etc
For simplicity, if I call the name of the project directory as "Hello world" and my .pro file as "Hello" and my executable as "Hello world", how can I generate a package depending on the target system (debian or rpm based). As I said, I read the user guide but totally confused about how to integrate BitRock with my development system to generate installer, uninstaller or upgrade binaries.
All I did was download the bitrock installer for QT based Linux, changed the permission of the binary, executed it and chose the default options. Please help me with a simple example.
Btw, the most basic question is that, for me a double click on the installer "" does not work. No GUI comes up. I prefer to create my installer using the GUI, rather than manually writing XML files
This may not be the answer to your question, but the what you are trying is not the standard way of deployment on Linux, instead of using .run file (hardly used) it is better to create debian and rpm packages which can be installed with a single click.
Since you are using Qt you can also try Qt installer framework, which helps you create cross-platform Window Style installers.

Is there a way to develop a Rational Team Concert (RTC) project in Linux terminal?

I am a new hire and I prefer working in the UNIX environment, however the project I am on is developed in the IBM WebSphere environment - IBM WID connected up to RTC repo. Any way I can develop from UNIX?
[My apologies, didn't read the title of the question - revising answer]
RTC has a commandline interface that works just fine on Linux. The main usage of this interface is version control operations, linked to work items. Reference guide for RTC v3 is here: Search for "Source control command line reference" (it's in the reference section of the Help), or the latest shipping release of RTC is v4 - Search for the same string "Source control command line reference".
You also have the option of using WID (a development environment based on Eclipse) directly in Linux. WID 7.0 supports Linux (see
If you are using other versions of WID - search for the system requirements for that version to see if Linux is supported.
From a WID perspective - RTC is installed as an Eclipse plugin to the WID environment to provide the source code management, work item/task management and build capabilities.
As VonC rightly points out - you need to be aware of the cross-platform dependencies, but those should not prevent you from working with WID and RTC on a Linux/Unix platform.
"From Linux to Windows, Mac to mainframe, Eclipse to Visual Studio, we've got you covered", says their site. As far as I know, RTC consists of web software+UI (multiplatform), eclipse (multiplatform), websphere that runs on multiple platforms and source control that is supported on different platforms. Also, Linux/Unix is listed on their supported environments. So yes, you should be able to develop from UNIX.
You can develop on Linux, but be mindful of classic cross-platform issues like:
potential case problems: you could store
permissions not saved: RTC does not store/restore file permissions, except for the
"execute" bit, which only applies to Unix systems, since Windows using
the extension of the file to determine "executability", not an execute bit.
eol style (or mixed eol): the default EOL RTC assigns to text files is
PLATFORM, and RTC will try to convert your text files end-of-lines.

application installer

how to create installer of application( .sh and .pl files) on ubuntu? and how to install it?
We need more details to give you a proper answer. However, if you're looking for something installable on a GNU/Linux distribution, I'd recommend you package your application as an RPM or a DEB.
On the other hand, if you simply want to create a self extracting "installer", you can consider using makeself.
I don't know about any perl tool that does this.
For linux/unix platform I used InstallAnywhere and InstallShield Universal. Both allows to create projects which can be built for various platforms including win and mac and for linux platforms it creates .bin package which can be installed rather with UI or console mode.

Easy way of installing Eclipse plugins on Ubuntu

I'm running Eclipse (versions 3.6 and 3.5) on Ubuntu and I'm having trouble installing Eclipse plugins.
There is an easy way to install eclipse plugins in Eclipse, but this doesn't work for me on Ubuntu! This way only works properly under Windows and Mac OSX.
Just like in the tutorial, I create a folder inside my eclipse SDK folder that is named Links.
In this folder, I create a file eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.lnk or that contains this line:
and save it, but when I start Eclipse doesn't recognize the plugin!
How can I resolve this problem?
With Eclipse Galileo (3.5) or Helios (3.6), I would rather recommend an external directory called 'mydropins' (for instance), which you can reference from your eclipse.ini, with the option:
This is called a shared dropins folder.
See in this SO answer an example of plugin deployment in this shared dropins folder.
(Your link refers to the previous provisioning mechanism, pre-p2.
P2 is the new provisioning system introduced late in Eclipse3.4, refined (debugged?) in eclipse 3.5 and 3.6.
See the supported dropins formats to check how you can organize your own personal dropins folder (that you can reuse between several eclipse installations)
You said you are using:
That means, under /home/taher/opt/eclipse/Third-party-eclipse-links, you:
won't have any .link file
will copy:
Note: the structure within eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk should be the one describe above, for p2 to pick it up.
