bitrock installer - getting started for Linux - linux

I have read the first few sections of "" may be 3 to 4 times, but it is quite unclear to me.
I have a project/product that needs to be installed/unistalled/upgraded on user machines, so I guess I can make use of BitRock installer to accomplish the same. Having said that, below are my details:
Target system: Linux (can be 32 bit or 64 bit)
Project Developed using : Qt and C++ etc
For simplicity, if I call the name of the project directory as "Hello world" and my .pro file as "Hello" and my executable as "Hello world", how can I generate a package depending on the target system (debian or rpm based). As I said, I read the user guide but totally confused about how to integrate BitRock with my development system to generate installer, uninstaller or upgrade binaries.
All I did was download the bitrock installer for QT based Linux, changed the permission of the binary, executed it and chose the default options. Please help me with a simple example.
Btw, the most basic question is that, for me a double click on the installer "" does not work. No GUI comes up. I prefer to create my installer using the GUI, rather than manually writing XML files

This may not be the answer to your question, but the what you are trying is not the standard way of deployment on Linux, instead of using .run file (hardly used) it is better to create debian and rpm packages which can be installed with a single click.
Since you are using Qt you can also try Qt installer framework, which helps you create cross-platform Window Style installers.


JetBrains Meta Programming System not working

Whenever I try to run the batch script to run MPS, it opens for a split second then immediately closes.
Trying to run it via the command line gives me the following message: "Jetbrains/MPS was unexpected at this time."
I posted the question also on their forum, but I don't seem to get an answer, so maybe someone else had this problem as well.
EDIT: For clarification, I am using Windows 10 on 64 bits, and have tried both version 203.7148.1199 and version 202.8194.1069, installed via the toolbox app and via the standalone installer. I also want to mention that my system meets the requirements to run the program.
EDIT 2: I found out that it works but only if it is installed in the C drive, not in any other drive.
The problem was the path in which MPS was installed. Apparently, it's a bug that I just discovered and the characters '(' or ')' in the installation path make MPS just not run. Probably the bat script doesn't take them right into account or something.
This depends on what OS you are running, and which version of MPS you downloaded. If you used the generic package, you must at least copy the contents from the bin/<os> directory (e.g. bin/win) to the bin directory. Although the recommended way of running vanilla MPS is to download the platform specific package (Windows, Linux or Mac) and then run it from your normal starter (e.g. a menu like the Windows start menu).

Unity 3d installing Standard assets for Linux/Ubuntu

I have installed Unity 3d on my Linux system.I have downloaded the Window version of the standard assets (.exe) since there is no option for installation in Linux, I tried installing the Standard assets(.exe) through wine... but im getting an error that unity requires windows 7 or more... But since this is Linux i cant help it.Is there any other way?
You can't expect .exe program to work on Linux out of the Box without the help of visual machine or some other software such as Wine. You don't even need the exe program to install the Standard Assets. You can get it directly from the Asset store from your Linux.
It's recommended that you use other OS at this time because the Linux version of Unity is still in experimental mode and you may have problems with it in the future.
You just download unity using the following link,
Unity 5.1 for Linux
It will contains standard asset also. Don't forget to select standard assets while installing.

Where source code is the Qt SDK installer for linux?

If you have experience with QtSDK in Linux, You must see an GUI installer in Linux. I like to create an installer like this, but I can't find the code of installer to read code and create an installer like it.
Anyone knows about this kind of GUI installer on Linux?
I think this may be helpful
Especially for Qt Developers

application installer

how to create installer of application( .sh and .pl files) on ubuntu? and how to install it?
We need more details to give you a proper answer. However, if you're looking for something installable on a GNU/Linux distribution, I'd recommend you package your application as an RPM or a DEB.
On the other hand, if you simply want to create a self extracting "installer", you can consider using makeself.
I don't know about any perl tool that does this.
For linux/unix platform I used InstallAnywhere and InstallShield Universal. Both allows to create projects which can be built for various platforms including win and mac and for linux platforms it creates .bin package which can be installed rather with UI or console mode.

NSIS support for Linux and Solaris

Does NSIS support Linux and Solaris? I read somewhere that we can compile nsis script on Linux but cant execute the .exe generated on any other platforms but Windows. Can somebody put more light in this?
See the NSIS feature list for more information ...
Portable Compiler
The NSIS compiler can be compiled for POSIX platforms like
Linux and *BSD. Generated installer
will still run on Windows only, but
this way they can be generated without
Windows or WINE.
You can compile installers on POSIX and Windows systems, but it always produces a Win32 PE file that only runs on Windows (And maybe under WINE on *nix)
Check the NSIS manual for more info
The installer systems for Windows and Linux are completely different.
Whereas Windows' only contribution to a software management system is one registry entry pointing to the uninstaller, Linux has a full working software management system. There are apt, yum, pacman and many more out there, which are supporting many more features and possibilities including automatic execution of scripts and pulling in/installing dependencies. If you have a cross platform application you wanna share, you're either stuck with creating a tar-ball, or you learn how to build deb/rpm etc. packages.
Linux and Windows are not binary compatible, so you can't do that.
But, most of the windows binary installer could able to install at WINE
