Windows UAP: get page current visual state - winrt-xaml

I know I can use VisualStateManager.GoToState to set visual state programatically.
However, how can get current visual state if visual state is triggered from XAML?

Firstly, you have to understand there are several current visual states for one control. But there is one current visual state for one visual state group (and several visual state group for one control).
For a particular Visual State Group, you can use the event CurrentStateChanged (or CurrentStateChanging) in order to catch the visual state changing :
<VisualStateGroup x:Name="Custom"
and in C# :
private void CustomGroup_CurrentStateChanged(object sender, VisualStateChangedEventArgs e)
If you can't modify the XAML code of a VisualStateGroup, you can query the VisualStateGroups collection of a control with the method VisualStateManagner.GetVisualStateGroups :
foreach(var group in VisualStateManager.GetVisualStateGroups(aControl))
var currentStateName = group.CurrentState.Name;
If you need to check the state changes for a particular Visual State Group, you need his name (for example "CommonStates") and can do something like :
var aControl = this;
var visualStateGroupName = "CommonStates";
var myVsg = VisualStateManager.GetVisualStateGroups(aControl).FirstOrDefault(vsg => vsg.Name == visualStateGroupName);
var currentState = myVsg.CurrentState;
myVsg.CurrentStateChanged += (s, e) =>
currentState = e.NewState;

Handling the state manually, not a crazy idea. Here's how:
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
public MainPage()
MyVisualStateGroup.CurrentStateChanged += (s, e) =>
private void HandleState(VisualState currentState)
Make sense?
One more important thing to remember. It is possible for more than one visual state to be active. When you ask in your question what the page visual state is, that is a loaded question. A single visual state group can have only one active visual state. But a page can have more than one visual state group. This means a page can have more then one active visual states. I know that in many cases there is a single visual state group. But I wanted to let you know that the question itself is tricky because of multi-visual state groups.
Best of luck!


UWP - Proper way of passing parameters between pages

Suppose I want to pass one object (reference) through several pages. I can navigate and pass parameters via Frame.Navigate(typeof(FirstPage), object). But how to pass the reference back on back press properly?
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) {
if (e.Parameter is SomeClass) {
this.someObject = (SomeClass)e.Parameter;
else {
this.someObject = new SomeClass();
SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().AppViewBackButtonVisibility = AppViewBackButtonVisibility.Visible;
SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += OnHardwareButtonsBackPressed;
private void OnHardwareButtonsBackPressed(object sender, BackRequestedEventArgs e) {
// This is the missing line!
Frame.Navigate(typeof(FirstPage), this.someObject);
But when I press back button it goes back to the FirstPage OnNavigatedTo with no parameter, and then back to the SecondPage OnHardwareButtonsBackPressed and then back to FirstPage OnNavigatedTo with filled parameter.
Could you please advice me some better approach?
In your back handler, don't navigate forwards again, just call GoBack -- and it's typically easier if you handle that at a global level rather than at a page level.
You can store your application state (the things you want to persist across page navigations) in global / static objects, or you could directly modify the object that was passed from the initial navigation (if the calling page still has a reference, it will be able to see the changes).
I would consider doing a search for "MVVM Windows Apps" and looking at some of the results to learn about a common way of building XAML apps.

CDocTemplate and m_templateList

I am upgrading some software from 16 bit to 32 bit in VC++ using MFC, and I understand that in recent versions of MFC I can no longer access m_templateList in CDocTemplate, I must use GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate instead. That is no problem as far as enumerating templates is concerned (a dialog being opened only in the case where there is more than one template). My question is what approach is best to get round the fact that a reference to the template list is currently being passed to the dialog on creation, and a selected template is being returned? Here is the code:
void CMtApp::OnFileNew()
CString s;
if (m_templateList.IsEmpty())
TRACE0("Error : no document templates registered with CWinApp\n");
CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*)m_templateList.GetHead();
if (m_templateList.GetCount() > 1)
// more than one document template to choose from
// bring up dialog prompting user
COpenTypeDlg dlg(&m_templateList);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
return; // none - cancel operation
pTemplate = dlg.m_pSelectedTemplate;
pTemplate->GetDocString(s, CDocTemplate::docName);
ASSERT(pTemplate != NULL);
m_bNew = TRUE;
You can pass the CWinApp to the dialog's ctor and the dialog can GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate itself. But you don't really need to pass the CWinApp because the dialog can use AfxGetApp to get it itself.
If you insist on passing a template list then build your own list based on what GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate return.

workflow replicator activity: how to determine if task was approved or rejected

I have basic workflow with replicator activity inside it. Replicator contains my custom sequence activity with standard create task --> ontaskchanged --> complete task sequence.
Now: tasks are created and can be completed without problem. The thing is I cannot find a way to get a value of completed task. Was it approved or rejected ?
Please provide couple lines of code of replicator's ChildCompleted event to get anything out of Sequence activity instance (or any other way).
UPDATE: It seems in order to exchange values between instances of workflow you need to use DependencyProperty. So solution here is:
1) add DependencyProperty to parent workflow and add property which you will use to store value like this:
public static DependencyProperty childStatusProperty =
typeof(string), typeof(parentWorkflowTypeName));
public string childStatus
return (string)base.GetValue(childStatusProperty);
base.SetValue(childStatusProperty, value);
2) in custom sequence activity access parent's instance and use defined DependencyProperty to set property to value like this:
private void completeTask1_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
var replicator = this.Parent;
var workflowParent = (parentWorkflowTypeName)replicator.Parent;
workflowParent.childStatus = "my custom status value";
3) read this value using normal property:
//from parent workflow
string status = childStatus;
The issue is that you have to record somewhere the list of all tasks created. I guess you are creating the tasks in parallel (not sequential).
I had the same issue, it took me a while to fix this.
Please check this link as a good starting point:

VS 2012 Start UI Windows from VSPackage

i've started to work with the VS2012 extensibility possibilities. I did the first few Walkthroughs and now I'm trying get further on. What I'm trying is pretty easy I guess... I'm trying to build a simply vspackage which starts an UI window. Actually i do not find any howto or sample code.
Do you have some links with further information about doing something like that ?
Thanks for you help..
You can find initial information here.
Here is my code for menu item:
/// <summary>
/// Initialization of the package; this method is called right after the package is sited, so this is the place
/// where you can put all the initialization code that rely on services provided by VisualStudio.
/// </summary>
protected override void Initialize()
Debug.WriteLine ("Entering Initialize() of: {0}", this);
// Add our command handlers for menu (commands must exist in the .vsct file)
OleMenuCommandService mcs = GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as OleMenuCommandService;
if ( null != mcs )
// Create the command for the menu item.
CommandID menuCommandID = new CommandID(GuidList.guidPackageProject, (int)PkgCmdIDList.Impl);
OleMenuCommand menuItem = new OleMenuCommand(MenuItemCallback, menuCommandID);
mcs.AddCommand( menuItem );
/// <summary>
/// This function is the callback used to execute a command when the a menu item is clicked.
/// See the Initialize method to see how the menu item is associated to this function using
/// the OleMenuCommandService service and the MenuCommand class.
/// </summary>
private void MenuItemCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyForm form = new MyForm();
form.ShowDialog(); // Here your form is opening
I have been searching for a solution to this recently as I also needed to start a WPF form from a VSPackage. I have got things working after a couple of hours searching various topics on this and some good ol' trial and error.
I had an existing WPF-Project in a separate solution, which had to be merged into a VSPackage. Here's the steps to get this working:
Create a new Solution of Project type 'Visual Studio Package'
Make sure you select the 'Tool Window' option in the VS Package
Wizard (see the image below)
Now that the Solution has been created, add the already existing
WPF-Project to it (Right-Click 'Solution', Add->Existing Project) NOTE: It might be wise to copy the WPF-project to the Solution folder prior to adding it to the Solution.
Make sure you create a reference to the WPF-Project from your
VSPackage-Project and (if necessary) edit the namespaces of the WPF-Project to meet those of the VSPackage-Project, or the other way around.
Your Solution will now look something like this:
Now, you need to edit MyToolWindow.cs:
// Original:
base.Content = new MyControl();
// Change to:
base.Content = new MainWindow();
Make the following changes to VSPackage1Package.cs (or whatever your *Package.cs file is called)
// Original
private void ShowToolWindow(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the instance number 0 of this tool window. This window is single instance so this instance
// is actually the only one.
// The last flag is set to true so that if the tool window does not exists it will be created.
ToolWindowPane window = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(MyToolWindow), 0, true);
if ((null == window) || (null == window.Frame))
throw new NotSupportedException(Resources.CanNotCreateWindow);
IVsWindowFrame windowFrame = (IVsWindowFrame)window.Frame;
// Change to:
private void ShowToolWindow(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the instance number 0 of this tool window. This window is single instance so this instance
// is actually the only one.
// The last flag is set to true so that if the tool window does not exists it will be created.
//ToolWindowPane window = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(MyToolWindow), 0, true);
//if ((null == window) || (null == window.Frame))
// throw new NotSupportedException(Resources.CanNotCreateWindow);
//IVsWindowFrame windowFrame = (IVsWindowFrame)window.Frame;
MainWindow mainwin = new MainWindow();
If you get no build errors, you should be fine.
To test if your WPF-form opens, Press 'Start' to run the VSPackage in a new 'Experimental' Visual Studio instance. If everything went OK, you will find and should be able to run your WPF-from from the View->Other Windows menu.
If you don't see your VSPackage listed in the menu, close your 'Experimental' Visual Studio instance. Then Clean en Build your Solution and press 'Start' again. It should show up now.

How to instanciate same dialog in MFC C++?

I want to build a MFC dialog in which I add a simple TabControl. I want my tab pages to be instances of the same CDialog, but with some different parameters (such as which buttons are shown, for example).
I am using Visual Studio 2008.
I am relatively new to C++, but I've seen that each component (CButton, CDialog) has its own ID (which is static, so I theoretically I can't instance the same component twice).
I would like to know how to do something like this:
for (index = 0 to tabNumber) {
name = "TAB"+index;
tabCtrl.add(new CustomDialog(name, i));
You have to give different TabID while creating item.
m_cTab.InsertItem(0,"Register new user");//tabID=0
m_cTab.InsertItem(1,"Identify");// TabID=1
//Register new user
m_cTab.CreateButton("Load Image",23,TabID=0, 0, m_cTab.RightOf(22)+15, m_cTab.TopOf(19),60);
m_cTab.CreateButton("Register User",24,TabID=1,P_LEFT,0, m_cTab.TopOf(20) ,60);
