How to set the color of finding Occurrence of key words in PhpStorm? - colors

I have an issue about how to set the color of finding Occurrence of key words in PhpStorm. Any ideas?

Change color for specific 'find View' is not possible.
This color area is link by the color of editor. Change color in Editor and your result find view change also with those color you specified.
This is what your color change when you changed the theme of PHPStorm.


Sublime Text 3 Find - highlight all results, rather than white outline

Find in Sublime Text 3 highlights one of the results, and a white outline of the other results. The white outline (any color outline) is very hard to see. Is there a way/package to highlight all search results?
Don't know if there's a way to have all the matches highlighted, but you can make them a lot easier to see by changing the colour and making the box thicker.
To do this, create your own colour scheme by adding a new .sublime-color-scheme file to the correct folder. For me (on linux) the simplest way is to copy the default color scheme file at ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.sublime-color-scheme to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/my_colors.sublime-color-scheme
Then add the following lines to the 'global' section:
"highlight": "var(orange3)",
"selection_border_width": "2",
To use your new colour scheme, select Color Scheme from the Preferences menu - there should now me a new scheme available called 'my_colors'.

Pencil Evolus How do I change the text color

I need to change the text color but I don't find how. I searched the wiki and help sections but found nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Towards the right end of the toolbar there are three buttons for changing the text, fill and stroke colour of the selected item:
You can also right-click on the element and choose Properties and from there change the text colour.

Removing the gray border/rectangle in Visual studio 2012/2015

I've changed the colors in Visual studio 2015 so that when I highlight a word , it colors declarations in yellow and references in green.
But for some reason - there is a gray border around the declarative part :
Is there any way to remove the gray border ?
It seems that it happend also in earlier versions in another place - "Highlight current line" :
Here is the related question But I can't find the exact color setting to change (my question is not about current line but highlight reference).
You should just need to change the Item Foreground colour of the Highlighted Definition entry to match your default background colour and it will disappear.

Increase length and spacing of underline in pie chart title

I have a title in a pie chart in Excel 2007 whose text is underlined.
Can I make the line space between text and the underline larger and make the underline longer than the text itself?
I tried to add space before and after the text but the underline does not extend out with the white space.
This is what I have right now:
This is what I want:
VBA solutions are also welcome!
This can be achieved with 'normal' text editing. Add a line break (to allow a wider than normal gap between text and underline), fill the width with sufficient text (eg lots of .s), set the font of this added text to the same colour as its background and change the underline colour to suit (probably black) in Font after right-clicking on the Title box.
Edit re clarification request

How to change border width and color of "highlight current line" in Visual Studio 11

I have been able to change the background color after installing the updates by changing
Tool / Options / Environment / Text Editor / Highlight Current Line (Active)
Is there a way to change the highlights border width or color?
I like having the highlight so I would prefer not to just disable it. But it would be nice to either eliminate the border, make it smaller or change the color.
You can make the border go away by going to
Tools > Options... > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Show settings for: Text Editor > Display items: Highlight Current Line (Active) / (Inactive)
In order to change border color you should change the setting "Item foreground" for both of them. You can choose any background color also, but there seems to be no way to change the width.
Seems to be this behavior was fixed since original answer was written. So answer needs update and here it is:
You can remove the border by matching the Background color of the
Highlight Current Line (Active) setting in Fonts and Colors to the
Foreground color. This is a simple customization.
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors
and look there for Highlight Current line, active and inactive. To remove border as described by VS team by link and cite above.
From MSDN Thread courtesy of Cathy Sullivan Visual Studio Program Manager
Go to Fonts and Colors in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors. Make sure "Show Settings For" is set to "Text Editor" and find the "Highlight Current Line (Active)" item in the "Display Items" list. Match the foreground color to the background color for that item and you'll notice the lighter border around the Highlight Current Line "disappears."
Try these settings out...
Tools (menu) > Options
Environment (tab) > General
Set Color Theme to Dark.
Environment (tab) > Fonts and Colors
Display Items > 'Highlight Current Line (Active)' (list item)
Set 'Item Foreground' to 'Default'
Set 'Item Background' to 'Automatic'
The border around the current line should no longer feel oppressively thick '-)
I like to use a black background for code, so I changed the line highlight colour to very dark grey [via TOOLS > Options... > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Display Items: > Highlight Current Line (Active)] so that it's not as visible against the background. Helpfully, although the border is too thick, text is actually rendered over the top of the border, which is nice.
Definitely, though, a thinner line and the ability to change the colour of the whole line, not just the border, would be welcome.
