command loop in sh script - linux

I'm creating a sh script on my raspberry for a timelapse.
I've included in the script 4 command that will successively take place, each command tested and working. Now my question is: how to come back to the first command after the last one, indefinitely?
sudo raspistill -w 1024 -h 768 -o /home/pi/timelapse/a%04d.jpg -t 600000 -tl 30000
sudo kill $(ps ax | grep 'timelapse' | awk '{print $1}')
sudo avconv -r 10 -i /home/pi/timelapse/a%04d.jpg -r 10 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 15 timelaps$
sudo rm /home/pi/timelapse/*.jpg
So after sudo rm /home/pi/timelapse/*.jpg I want to go back to the first command.
Would you have any idea?

You can use a loop:
while true; do
or, re-invoke the script:
exec $0 "$#"
Frankly, either one of these seems risky in your case since you're doing no error checking at all, and you run the risk of entering a relatively fast loop of commands continuously failing. At the very least, you should pause for a bit by using while sleep 1; instead of while true;


bash -- execute command on file change; doubling issue + how to skip loop until command completes

I'm a bash noob, and I am trying to set up a sort of "hot reload" functionality for a project I'm working on using inotifywait. Ubuntu 20.04 if that matters.
Here is what I hoped would have worked:
inotifywait -m -r ../.. -e modify,create,delete |
while read line; do
I'm having two problems:
Issue #1 is that custom_command takes some time to work, and so if I make more changes to the directory in the meantime, custom command appears to "queue up" custom_command, where really I just want it to keep the most recent one and drop the others.
Issue #2 is that I'm getting some sort of "double output." So for example if I bash and looks like this:
inotifywait -m -r . -q -e modify,create,delete
Then each time a change registers, I get this as output (not a mistake that it's doubled -- I get two identical lines each time there is a modification):
./ MODIFY auto-exec-testfile.txt
./ MODIFY auto-exec-testfile.txt
I should note I've tried making changes both with Visual Code Studio and gedit, with the same results.
If I modify the bash file like so:
inotifywait -m -r . -q -e modify,create,delete |
while read line; do
echo "$line"
echo "..."
I get the following output each time there is a change:
./ MODIFY auto-exec-testfile.txt
./ MODIFY auto-exec-testfile.txt
If I modify to the following:
inotifywait -m -r . -q -e modify,create,delete |
while read line; do
echo "help me..."
Then I get the following each time a change is made:
help me...
help me...
What happened to the the ./ MODIFY ... line?? Presumably there's something I don't understand about bash, stdout or similar /related concepts here?
And finally, if I change the .sh file to the following:
inotifywait -m -r . -q -q -e modify,create,delete |
while read _; do
echo "help me..."
Then I get no output at all. This one I think I understand, because the -q -q means that inotifywait is in "super silent" mode, so there is no log and therefore nothing to trigger the while.
What I'd love to do is just trigger the code once when something changes, and drop all but the most recent execution. I'm not sure doing this using a while is entirely necessary, but I tried inotifywait -m -r . -q -q -e modify,create,delete | echo "help me..", and the script printed "help me..." once at startup, then exited on modification.
Assistance very much appreciated.
EDIT - 20201-Mar-23
I removed -m and create from the inotifywait line, and it appears to work as expected, except that it doesn't stay "up" in monitor mode. So this at least only gives me one entry from inotifywait:
notifywait -r .. -q -e modify,delete |
while read line1; do
echo ${line1}
inotifywait - pause monitoring while executing command
inotifywait not performing the while loop in bash script
while inotifywait -e close_write,delete .; do
pkill custom_command

qsub array job delay

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N garunsmodel
#PBS -l mem=2g
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -t 1-2
#PBS -e error/error.txt
#PBS -o error/output.txt
#PBS -A improveherds_my
#PBS -m ae
set -x
nodeDir=`mktemp -d /tmp/phuong.XXXXX`
cp -r /group/dairy/phuongho/garuns $nodeDir
cp /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/my/simplex.bin $nodeDir/garuns/simplex.bin
cp /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/nttp.txt $nodeDir/garuns/my.txt
cp /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/delay_input.txt $nodeDir/garuns/delay_input.txt
cd $nodeDir/garuns
module load gcc vle
sed -i "s|/group/dairy/phuongho/garuns/out|$XXX/out/|" exp/garuns.vpz
awk -v i="$c" 'NR == 1 || $8==i' my.txt > simplex-observed.txt
awk -v i="$c" 'NR == 1 || $7==i {print $6}' delay_input.txt > afm_param.txt
cp "/group/dairy/phuongho/garuns_param.txt" "$nodeDir/garuns/garuns_param.txt"
while true
./simplex.bin &
sleep 5m
awk 'NR >1' < simplex-optimum-output.csv>> /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/my/finalresuls${c}.csv
cp simplex-all-output.csv "/group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/my/simplex-all-output${c}.csv"
#awk '$28==1{print $1, $12,$26,$28,c}' c=$c out/exp_tempfile.csv > /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/my/simulated_my${c}.csv
cp /out/exp_tempfile.csv /group/dairy/phuongho/jo/parity1/my/exp_tempfile${c}.csv
rm simplex-observed.txt
rm garuns_param.txt
I have above bash script that allows submitting multiple jobs at the same time via PBS_ARRAYID. My issue is that my model (simplex.bin) when it executes it writes something to my home directory. Thus, if one jobs runs at a time or wait until next jobs finished writing stuff to home then it is fine. However, as I want to have >1000 jobs running at a time, 1000 of them try to write the same stuff to home, then leading to crash.
Is there any a smart way to just submit the second job after the first one has already started for a certain amount of time (let's say 5 minutes)?
I already checked and found two options: starts 2nd job when 1st finished, or start at a specific date/time.
You can try something like the following:
while [ yes ]
./simplex.bin &
sleep 2
It endlessly starts ./simplex.bin process in the background, waits for 2 seconds, starts a new ./simplex.bin, etc.
Please note that you may also need nohup and add standard input/output redirection for your ./simplex.bin. Depending on your exact requirements
If you are using Torque, you can set a limit on the number of jobs that can run concurrently:
# Only allow 100 jobs to concurrently execute from this job array
qsub -t 0-10000%100
I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I'm guessing you can find a slot limit that'll make it run without crashing.

inotifywait does not work after running a period of time

I has running a daemon program to monitor a specific directory file changes, at the beginning, program is running normally, but after a period of time, inotifywait does work at the time of file changes. When i restart the program, it gets back to normal again. This is my shell script:
puppetmaster=`grep -w server ${puppet_config} | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'`
/usr/local/bin/inotifywait -mrq -e modify ${log_dir}| while read D E F
/usr/bin/rsync -i -p -H -S -z -r -A -o -g -a --port=${port} \
--timeout=600 --exclude='.svn/' --exclude='.git/' ${log_dir}/ \
rsync://${puppetmaster}/log_dir > /dev/null
Please someone help me.Thanks..

ssh tunneled command output to file

I have an old Syno NAS and wish to use the "shred" command to wipe this disks inside. The idea is to let the command run to complete on the box itself without the need of a computer.
So far I have managed...
1) to get the right parameters for 'shred'
* runs in the background using the &
2) get that command to output the progress (-v option) to a file shred.txt
* to see from the file what the progress is
shred -v -f -z -n 2 /dev/hdd 2>&1 | tee /volume1/backup/shred.txt &
3) ssh tunnel the command so I can turn off my laptop while its running
ssh -n -f root#host "sh -c 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd > /dev/null 2>&1 &'"
The problem is that I can't combine 2) and 3)
I tried to combine them like this, but the resulting file remained empty:
ssh -n -f root#host "sh -c 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd 2>&1 | tee /volume1/backup/shred.txt > /dev/null &'"
It might be a case of the NOOBS but I can't figure out how to get this done.
Any suggestions?
Thanks. Vince
Commands sh and tee are not needed in here:
ssh -n root#host 'nohup /opt/bin/shred -f -z -n 2 /dev/sdd 2>&1 >/volume1/backup/shred.txt &' >/dev/null
The final >/dev/null is optional, it will just disregard any greetings from other hosts.
Tried the following command (based on Grzegorz suggestion) and included the opening date stamp and the before mentioned - stupidly forgotten - verbose switch. Last version of the command string:
ssh -n root#host 'date > /volume1/backup/shred_sda.txt; nohup /opt/bin/shred -v -f -z -n 4 /dev/sda 2>&1 >> /volume1/backup/shred_sda.txt # >/dev/null'
The last thing to figure out is how to include the date stamp when the shred command has completed.

Bash - Need to use exit but then call another function?

I'm writing a little script to use the webcam on the laptop and then email across the photo to me. The ffmpeg usage has to have a exit code for it to work so with this exit the mail function will not get called. What am I doing wrong?
ts=`date +%s`
list=$(ls | tail -n 1)
function mcheese(){
mkdir /tmp/cheese
cd /tmp/cheese
echo -e "Cheese " | mutt -s "$TS Cheese" $MAIL_ADDR -a $list
function cheese(){
ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s vga -i /dev/video0 -vframes 3 /tmp/cheese/vid-$ts.%01d.jpg
exit 0
You setup list in one directory, then change directory and use it.
This is unlikely to work.
Use bash -x to work out where your script is actually failing.
