I know source insight can show multilayer function relationship in one window.
For example, we have four functions as below
void example_A()
void example_B()
void example_C()
void example_D();
return 5;
When I click example_D() in source insight, source insight show example_C() is calling the function.
Moreover, when I click example_C(), I see example_B() is calling the function.
The relationship is like this:
Could I see the relationship in one window by using cscope in vim?
Thank you.
CCTRee plugin for vim does this kind of visualization using cscope
I am currently taking my code skill to the more advanced level in order to achieved "easier maintain code", I got this problem
val attachView = Custom()
Those code, as you can see I repeatedly calling attachView over and over again. it works fine, but I want it to be more compact by eliminating calling attachView multiple time. My final aim is just like this
is there any method that I must to know in order to build something like that ?
No external method will give you such semantics:
It can be achieved by changing the internals of Customer class. So that the setRoot() and setAdded() will return this. Like fun setRoot(root: Root): Custom, etc.
With Kotlin you can use several functions to avoid adding attachView. before methods call. Like
with(Custom()) {
Custom().apply {
val attachView = Custom().apply {
If you really want a one-liner you can do this
val attachView = Custom().apply { setRoot(root); setAdded(add); build() }
I have a scripting system where depending on where the script is executed you have access to different variables. I also want to have inferred types for a type of Auto-Completion for the script editor.
But when the types are inferred during the compile phase, I have no way of giving a Binding which explains to the compilation phase what types those dynamic variables have.
I have currently solved this by:
Not compiling the code with either #TypeChecked nor #CompileStatic but later manually running a subclassed StaticCompilationVisitor on the dynamically typed codebase and manually filling in the StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE inside visitVariableExpression() for the dynamic variables that I know exists.
However, this seems like the wrong way to go about it, and I would actually like to work with the VariableScope instead. But it seems to be under rough lockdown inside the VariableScopeVisitor, so it's difficult to pop in a CustomVariableScope that dynamically does the lookups. I have managed to do this with reflection, replacing the VariableScopeVisitor inside CompilationUnit and currentScope and such inside VaribleScopeVisitor. It works, but I don't like working against hard-coded private field names.
This might be a long-winded way of asking: Is there an official way of handling a situation of static typing with dynamic variables? I cannot do this by setting scriptBaseClass for reasons too complex to explain here.
If the question is unclear, please tell me and I'll try to edit in better explanations.
The answer was to add a GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport to a StaticTypeCheckingVisitor and then use visitClass on the first ClassNode of the CompilationUnit.
final ClassNode classNode = this.compilationUnit.getFirstClassNode();
final StaticCompilationVisitor visitor = new StaticCompilationVisitor(this.sourceUnit, classNode);
visitor.addTypeCheckingExtension(new MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(visitor, this.compilationUnit));
And create something like the class below:
private static class MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport extends GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport {
private static final ClassNode CLASSNODE_OBJECT = ClassHelper.make(Object.class);
public MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(StaticTypeCheckingVisitor typeCheckingVisitor, CompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
super(typeCheckingVisitor, "", compilationUnit);
public boolean handleUnresolvedVariableExpression(VariableExpression vexp) {
final ClassNode type = this.getType(vexp);
if (type == null || type.equals(CLASSNODE_OBJECT)) {
if (vextp.getName().equals("something")) {
this.storeType(vexp, ClassHelper.make(SomeClass.class));
return true;
return false;
I tried the samples given in github griffon-master, also I tried the samples of the guide.
I would like to use javafx and groovy.
I would like to use fxml - thought of a scenario as that: fxml to set the stage, and for changes, use the groovy (set adjustment)
It seems that is not possible. I can use ("make it run"): javafx-java, read an fxml (with loadFromFXML), and the bindings are working. If using javafx-groovy, I can read an fxml, but with the javafx-class Loader (load), and bindings are not working (or it seems so).
Is it not possible at this moment, to use javafx-groovy and read-in fxml (via loadfromfxml)?
Could you post some sample code? Here's one example that makes use of the fxml node form GroovyFX
package org.example
import griffon.core.artifact.GriffonView
import griffon.metadata.ArtifactProviderFor
import javafx.scene.control.Tab
import org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.javafx.artifact.AbstractJavaFXGriffonView
class Tab4View extends AbstractJavaFXGriffonView {
FactoryBuilderSupport builder
SampleController controller
SampleModel model
private AppView parentView
void initUI() {
builder.with {
content = builder.fxml(resource('/org/example/tab4.fxml')) {
inputLabel.text = application.messageSource.getMessage('name.label')
bean(input, text: bind(model.inputProperty()))
bean(output, text: bind(model.outputProperty()))
connectActions(builder.content, controller)
Tab tab = new Tab('Hybrid')
tab.content = builder.content
This can be done. The trick is to make your Controller actions adhere to a stringent set of rules. The tldr is to make sure they return void.
def void save() {
def save() {
The reason is found in the reflective analysis the Griffon framework uses to create its list of action targets. This list is generated in DefaultGriffonControllerClass.getActionNames(), which requires that:
Actions are subject to the following rules in order to be considered as such:
must have public (Java) or default (Groovy) visibility modifier.
name does not match an event handler, i.e, it does not begin with on.
must pass {code GriffonClassUtils.isPlainMethod()} if it's a method.
must have void as return type if it's a method.
value must be a closure (including curried method pointers) if it's a property.
The criteria defined in GriffonClassUtils.isPlainMethod() are as follows:
! isBasicMethod(method)
! isGroovyInjectedMethod(method)
! isThreadingMethod(method)
! isArtifactMethod(method)
! isMvcMethod(method)
! isServiceMethod(method)
! isEventPublisherMethod(method)
! isObservableMethod(method)
! isResourceHandlerMethod(method)
! isGetterMethod(method)
! isSetterMethod(method)
! isContributionMethod(method)
The list of action target names is subsequently used by AbstractActionManager:
private static Method findActionAsMethod(#Nonnull GriffonController controller, #Nonnull String actionName) {
for (Method method : controller.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (actionName.equals(method.getName()) &&
isPublic(method.getModifiers()) &&
!isStatic(method.getModifiers()) &&
method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
return method;
return null;
How can I add an event or other method to listen to keypresses on a gnome shell extension? e.g. show a dialog with each key press showing the pressed key?
I can not find any example. The documentation mentions a keyboard module, but with that common name searching is hard.
Class explanation
- General utils
- Keyboard: Manage and define the keyboard events, etc. for gnome shell.
(read above as a quote from the docs linked above. it is styled as code because the quote styling for some reason do not preserve line breaks in this site)
I found some extensions using the bellow code for results similar to what i'm asking, but i, again, failed to find docs for the specific classes and methods:
workViewInjections['_init'] = injectToFunction(WorkspacesView.WorkspacesView.prototype, '_init', function(width, height, x, y, workspaces) {
this._pickWorkspace = false;
this._pickWindow = false;
this._keyPressEventId = global.stage.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyPress));
this._keyReleaseEventId = global.stage.connect('key-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyRelease));
connectedSignals.push({ obj: global.stage, id: this._keyPressEventId });
connectedSignals.push({ obj: global.stage, id: this._keyReleaseEventId });
Also, no class named keyboard anywhere there...
edit1: more searching... i think i may have to use the Clutter api. but again, not much examples or documentation for that. farthest i went was this
edit2: more searching. looking on the gnome shell source code, on the main ui tree, i think the answer is to use the barelly mentioned global object that is available to the extension code. e.g.
global.connect('key-press-event', function(if, i, know, the, signature){} );
I came across this snippet in gcampax's gtk-js-app template some time ago, which may be related to what you're doing:
// Due to limitations of gobject-introspection wrt GdkEvent and GdkEventKey,
// this needs to be a signal handler
this.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._handleKeyPress));
_handleKeyPress: function(self, event) {
return this.main_search_bar.handle_event(event);
I haven't had a need to use keyboard events yet, and this is Gtk in GJS, but the same limitation may be affecting gnome-shell extensions.
I've been doing some keybinding stuff lately, and if attaching a signal handler to the global object is working, you can do something like this:
global.display.connect("key-press-event", (widget, event, user_data) => {
let [success, keyval] = event.get_keyval(); // integer
let keyname = Gdk.keyval_name(keyval); // string keyname
if (keyname === "Control_L") {
// Dialog code or eg. this.keys_array.push("<Ctrl>");
There's also some Shell keybinding code here and some shell-global documentation here that might give you more clues. Wish I could help more but I'm wrestling my own GJS atm ;)
There is a good answer here with an example class with informative logging, as well as a speculative explanation. I've also found this functionality is exposed over DBus which might be more convenient in some cases:
Bus Name: org.gnome.Shell -> Path: /org/gnome/Shell -> Interface: org.gnome.Shell
Relevant Methods:
GrabAccelerator(String accelerator, UInt32 flags) -> (UInt32 action)
UngrabAccelerator(UInt32 action) -> (Boolean success)
AcceleratorActivate(UInt32, Dict of {String, Variant})
For me global.stage.connect("key-press-event", _handleKeyPress) did the trick
I am new to MFC PROGRAMMING. I use vs 2008, in a Dialog Based App. I want to call bellow function on a button click event...?
When I call like SortList(listboxone); is giving an error that SortList not found...!
Please help me..!!
void SortList(CListBox& templistbox)
int a=templistbox.GetCurSel();// Select current Item Index
abc = (DWORD_PTR )templistbox.GetItemData(a);
templistbox.SetItemData(a,(DWORD_PTR) templistbox.GetItemData(templistbox.GetCurSel()));
Sorry now I changed the function to as above but still gives same error.
You probably are calling the function above the function definition. In C/C++, you need to define the function (or it's prototype at least) before calling the function. Put this:
void SortList(CListBox& templistbox);
at the the top of the source file.