Windows 10 App : update taking long time - windows-10

I have submitted a second update of my application and its been two day, my app is in certification.where as, my first submission was passed within 2 hours.
App updates: resolved minor bugs and added a privacy policy criteria for ads. I have added ads in this update as well. I used site for making my privacy policy and added a link in the description while submitting.

I just submitted an app update on Saturday, but it wasn't until Monday that it was published - previously it took only a few hours. So, don't worry - it looks like app certification might have slowed down for some reason. If there's a problem with your submission, Microsoft will tell you.


SimpleSAML Unable to validate Signature error

Today, June 23rd, 2022, we are experiencing a mysterious phenomenon that I simply can not see myself out of.
We are a software company where our customers use Azure AD as a login method using SimpleSAML.
This means that these are different websites with different associated Azure ADs.
Today, we have seen that 7 different sites, incl. one of our own, experienced to get the error:
Caused by: Exception: Unable to validate Signature
The above is solved with a refresh of the metadata, and the pages are live again without any problems.
No certificates are due to expire, and the earliest will not expire until 2023.
I can not find any global issue with Microsoft or Azure, and our setup has been working fine for so long, and with the refresh of metadata, it's working again.
Does anyone have any clue on, what could be the issue? It just seems strange that there are 7 different websites, with different Azure setups and different metadata who experience this kind of issue on the same day, within 8 hours of each other.
Beware that we are running a daily cronjob to ensure metadata is refreshed.
Image of the error from 1 of the sites
Microsoft products automatically perform rollover for their certificates. So it can be that the parties you interfaces with automatically rolled over to new certificates. Refreshing the metadata explains why that solved the problem.
ADFS/AD will have the old and new certificate both in metadata for a while before the old one is invalidated, so periodic refresh should work to keep the service working without downtime.

Google Analytics UA Measurement Protocol events not working across multiple properties as of June 17 2021

We have several Universal Analytics properties (not GA4) which have been set up over the last few years.
Some older properties were set up as 'Mobile' which is no longer an option, the newer properties were set up as 'Web'.
These are node.js apps where we are tracking custom events server side. We do not send page views for any of these properties, only custom events using the '' measurement protocol endpoint.
This has always worked fine but as of June 16/17 2021, all our 'Web' properties are showing no data in the Behaviour / Audience reports. I can still see the events appearing in the 'Realtime' section, so I know they are still being received by GA.
Here you can see the data for one of the properties feeding through to the realtime dashboard. This data now no longer syncs to the Behaviour/Audience section etc.
Here is the total events for the same app. Displays nothing after June 16/17.
Here is another property which has stable traffic. Exact same thing. This has happened to many properties, all on the same day.
Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong here? Feels like Google have changed something but not informed us. I have already 'sent feedback' on GA and posted on the GA community forum with no replies as of yet.
I was experiencing the same issue with my GA properties. I reached out to GA support & they recommended creating a new view without the spider / bot exclusion filter and now these events are reporting as expected. They also recommended adding user agent strings to existing MP.

Azure AD users are no longer deactivated when removed from assigned users

We created an application with SCIM support over two year ago now and it always worked fine. However recently we have been getting reports from customers that users were no longer deleted/disabled from the target enterprise application.
I already saw there was another question like this one a few years back but that seems resolved and this seems like another issue.
We did a little research on our own and noticed that azure is not sending any requests at all when we remove a user from the assigned user list. We checked the incoming logs from our application and IIS logging and both do not show any requests are sent our way. (we do get logs from POST/GET/PUT of other provisioning related tasks, like creating a user).
In azure audit logs we do see the following:
Remove app role assignment from user
Add a deletion-marked app role assignment grant to user as part of link removal
Which seems to me that azure is doing something, it's just not sending it to the targeted application
Current situation:
We have user A that was created in azure ad and is assigned to our application. Provisioning configuration was done by means of SCIM in azure. And the user is also created in our application, so the connection seems fine.
When I remove the user from the assigned user list in our enterprise application, I expected that counts as a softdelete, causing Azure to sent a PATCH or a PUT to set the active property of the user to false. In case I would delete them entirely from AD I expected them to be removed with the DELETE. I read that it takes up to 30 days which is no problem, but the problem is that user that are no longer assigned are still active in the target application, which is no good.
I have some basic properties mapped on the user and the one thing that might be involved with this issue would be the Not([IsSoftDeleted]) mapping which is mapped to our active property. I don't see how that is wrong, but that's all I can think of at this point.
Anyone that can has any idea what is going here?
I have had contact with Microsoft regarding this issue and it seems to be a bug on their end which they are currently correcting. It is part of a larger set of bugfixes all regarding similar issues so they could not give me a specific time when this specific issue was resolved, but they think around the 10th of July (2020).
In any case, as this was a bug due to changes pushed by MS this is no longer an issue to be solved.
I have received some replies that a few bugs were fixed connected to this issue but not all. I'm currently on vacation so i'm not sure if the main issue is fixed as well. They did promise a fix fast though.
For now all I can give you is a workaround. The issue happens when the only change that is happening is the unassignment of users, it simple won't execute this until at least 1 property from an assigned user is also changed. When anything is changed, it will fix all unassignments and disable them all, even if the unassignment was in a different sync cycle. So until the actual fix is pushed, that might be helpful to know.
I will keep this thread updated if I get more information.
Ps: The Azure team requested that if anyone else also ran into this issue they report it through Azure. Their dev team will see if your problem matches up with my issue or if it's something new. So please do that as well.

Is it possible to avoid "pending for revision" stage on Google Chrome Web Store?

I have a couple of months using Google Chrome Web Developer dashboard. Everything was very normal, publishing an updated version was taking around 30-40 mins, now that I added a few elements to my extension such as popmotion.js it keeps requiring manual revisions and my extension gets into "Pending for Review" state for so long.
My question is: Is this caused by something I could have done in the code? Is it possible to get rid of this condition that keeps telling Google's services that my extension needs to be manually reviewed?
Thanks in advance!
According to this link, Pending review means the Chrome Web Store automated systems have flagged your item for manual review.
Some of the reasons an item could be flagged for manual review include:
The item may have an NPAPI plugin, which requires a signed agreement from you. Check your email account associated with the item for an agreement notification from our abuse team.
The item is suspected to contain or to be distributed by malware or unwanted software.
The item is suspected to violate one of the developer program policies.
The item may have already been previously removed for a legal or policy violation, and has been resubmitted.
The item requests powerful permissions that require in-depth review.

Delay in manifest changes or not seeing add-in at all

We are seeing an odd behavior where we update a manifest in production (basically remove the old one, add the new one) through EAC, however it takes more than an hour to take effect. My understanding is that the admin-defined manifests are stored in a particular System Mailbox, so I am confused why there should be a lengthy delay. Is there way to troubleshoot this, and (2 for 1) is there a general way to troubleshoot an Outlook App not showing up in, say, Outlook 2013.
This is the expected behavior, it can take upto 4 hours to get the latest manifest if deployed via EAC. Please have a look at comment made in this post via Sreeram
