Azure Web Jobs - Fetch Last Run time & Status programatically - azure-web-app-service

Does Azure SDK provide an option to fetch the last job run time programmatically to check and apply a specific logic based on the time.

I think the api should have that info.
List all triggered jobs in swagger format
GET /api/triggeredwebjobsswagger
name: "jobName",
runCommand: "...\run.cmd",
type: "triggered",
url: "",
history_url: "",
extra_info_url: "",
id: "20131103120400",
status: "Success",
start_time: "2013-11-08T02:56:00.000000Z",
end_time: "2013-11-08T02:57:00.000000Z",
duration: "00:01:00",
output_url: "",
error_url: "",
url: ""

There really isn't an easy way to get that information programmatically. All that information is stored in the storage account that drives the WebJobs Dashboard, but the storage format is tailored for the Dashboard, so might not be easy to consume for your usage.
We have had feature requests for something similar to what you are asking for see this issue in our public repo. Feel free to add your scenario details to that issue.


presetOverride when creating Azure Media Services v3 Job

When creating an Azure Media Services Job via the REST API, I cannot set a presetOverrides property on the JobOutputAsset as defined in the documentation:
My request body is:
"properties": {
"input": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.JobInputAsset",
"assetName": "inputAsset"
"outputs": [
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.JobOutputAsset",
"assetName": "outputAsset",
"label": "en-US",
"presetOverride": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.AudioAnalyzerPreset",
"audioLanguage": "en-US",
"mode": "Basic"
"priority" : "Normal"
The error message thrown is:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidResource",
"message": "The property 'presetOverride' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.Media.JobOutputAsset'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type."
When removing the presetOverride data, everything works as expected. The official documentation clearly states that the Microsoft.Media.JobOutputAsset does have a presetOverride property though. What am I doing wrong?
It is important to select the correct API version when communicating with the Azure Media Services REST API.
In this case, api version 2020-05-01 from the Azure Media Services Postman examples was used. But the presetOverride option is only available starting with version 2021-06-01.
Setting api-version=2021-06-01 as a GET parameter enables Preset Overrides.
couple of concerns here Rene. I would not recommend using the raw REST API directly for any Azure services. Reason being is that there are a lot of built-in retry scenarios and retry policies that are already rolled into the client SDKs. We've had many customers try to roll their own REST API library but run into massive issues in production because they failed to read up on how to handle and write their own custom retry policy code.
Unless you are really familiar with rolling your own retry policies and how Azure Resource Management gateway works, try to avoid it and just use the official client SDKs - see here -
Now, to answer your specific question - try using my sample here in .NET and see if it answers your question.
I can also provide a working sample of this in Node.js/Typescript in this repo if you like. It is using the latest 10.0.0 release of our Javascript SDK.
I'm working on samples in this repo today -
UPDATE: Added basic audio in Typescript sample.
Shows how to use the preset override per job.

Azure search for user, groups, or service principle by name or email address via Rest API or python module (MS Graph)?

In azure when adding a user, group, or service principle to a role you can search by name and email address in the same search (screenshot below). When I look at the MS Graph APIs there are separate APIs for users, groups, and service principles (MS Graph API documentation links below). And it looks like the search options cannot be mixed (just display name or just email).
Does anyone know how to achieve a search like this using an Azure REST API. I'm curious if anyone knows what calls Azure is actually doing and if they are part of the published rest API? Or if one search is combining like multiple API calls which would be confusing since are paginated that would be hard to figure out what to display from which....
I'm building an app to add permissions and I'm trying to recreate a feature like this search.
Only way I can think of to achieve this now would be to select an option to search for either 'groups', 'users', or 'service principles'. Then another options to select search by 'email' or search by 'displayName' (but not both as the same search). This seems more clunky but technically ok.... but I'd rather do it like the azure screenshot below.
Microsoft Graph API provides batching functionality where you can batch multiple requests together and send them as a single request for processing. In your case, on the server-side (Graph API side) three requests will be processed but from your application you will be sending a single request and get a single response.
Your request would be something like:
"requests": [
"id": "1",
"method": "GET",
"url": "/users?$filter=<your-filter-criteria>"
"id": "2",
"method": "GET",
"url": "/groups?$filter=<your-filter-criteria>"
"id": "3",
"method": "GET",
"url": "/servicePrincipals?$filter=<your-filter-criteria>"
You can learn more about the batching capability in Microsoft Graph API here:
So the batching answer was not exactly what I wanted but something really cool that I'll likely end up using in the future!
Since batching could get ugly with the paging results since say I want 30 total results (so i set paging to 10,10,10) then if one gives 10 and has nextlink and the next gives 0 and the last give 5. I now have 15 results to display but paging with the other and the sorting of results after the next could throw results earlier. It might just be weird and I don't have time to think it through.
I just ended up doing a drop down for users, groups, and service principals. And you have to search separate. Not as cool as how MS does it internally but its consistent, predictable, and works.

Can Azure batch transcription results be directed to a non-public url

I would like to use the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service Speech-to-text. It offers a REST API, which I succesfully have used. I can point to an Azure blob storage using a SAS URI, and the files in the container are transcribed.
My problem is, that when I try to retrieve the transcription results from the API, they are published to a public url. Since voice data can be sensitive, I would like to keep the results stored privately. Is there any way to do this?
I does not seem like it is an option in the API schema, although you can set a destinationContainerUrl. I have tried to set the destinationContainerUrl, but the result does not appear in the container.
I have only used the API reference, which is why I am not posting any code.
You've found the correct option. Using destinationContainerUrl will write the results into this container. Make sure you provide a container SAS which allows listing and writing.
When the job succeeds, the results should be there. Please check that status of your job, maybe it was set to failed.
Documentation about transcriptions:
If the job succeeds and the files are not on this container, please let us know the $.self link of the job and the creation time, to help us gathering the logs.
Ok. So the solution was super simple. I just did the post request json wrong. destinationContainerUrl needs to be under properties, as shown below:
{"contentUrls": ["LINK-TO-BLOB-SAS-URI-TOKEN"],
"properties": {
"diarizationEnabled": false,
"wordLevelTimestampsEnabled": false,
"punctuationMode": "DictatedAndAutomatic",
"profanityFilterMode": "Masked",
"destinationContainerUrl": "LINK-TO-BLOB-SAS-URI-TOKEN"
"locale": "en-US",
"displayName": "Transcription from blob to blob"
} don't sends notifications

I'm using googleapis npm package ("apis/drive/v3.js") for Google Drive service. On backend I'm using NodeJS and ngrok for local testing. My problem is that I can't get notifications.
The following code:{
pageToken: startPageToken,
resource: {
id: uuid.v1(),
type: 'web_hook',
address: ''
}, function(err, result) {
returns some like:
kind: 'api#channel',
id: '8c9d74f0-fe7b-11e5-a764-fd0d7465593e',
resourceId: '9amJTbMCYabCkFvn8ssPrtzWvAM',
resourceUri: '',
expiration: '1460227829000'
When I try to change any files in Google Drive, the notifications do not comes. Dear colleges, what is wrong?
This should be a comment but i do not have enough (50points) experience to post one. Sorry if this is not a real answer but might help.
I learned this today. I'm doing practically the same thing like you - only not with Drive but Gmail api.
I see you have this error:
"push.webhookUrlUnauthorized", "message": "Unauthorized WebHook etc..."
I think this is because one of the 2 reasons:
you didn't give the Drive-api publisher permissions to your topic.
Second if you want to receive notifications, the authorized webHooks Url must be set both on the server( your project) and in your pub/sub service(Google Cloud).
See below - for me this setup works:
1. Create a topic
2. Give the Drive publish permissions to your topic. This is done by adding the Drive scope in the box and following steps 2 and 3.
3. Configure authorized WebHooks. Form the Create Topic page - click on add subscriptions. Not rely vizible here but once you are there you can manage.

Get id or name of Azure Webjob run when triggered externally

when I start a webjob using the rest api :
/api/triggeredwebjobs/{job name}/run?arguments={arguments}
I need to know if the program invoked ran successfully or not and for now I request the latest result from the history using .../api/triggeredwebjobs/{job name}/history
Now, is there a way to get the {id} of the Job just after I invoke ? Because obviously there's no way to be sure that the latest history is the job I just ran. Or is there another way to get things done?
Yes, we added a new binder in the extensions library to allow you to get the instance ID - ExecutionContext. See an example here in the extensions repo samples. To use this binding you'll have to pull in the beta1 Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions prerelease package, and add config.UseCore() to your startup code (as the sample app shows). This was added based on another ask similar to yours.
You can call this anywhere in your code and it works !
(Not in debug, but when published)
Console.Out.WriteLine("RUN NAME : " + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBJOBS_RUN_ID"));
We just added support for this in the WebJobs API. The way it works is that when you send the POST request to trigger the WebJob, you now get back a location attribute, with a URL to the details of the run that was started. e.g.
You can then query this URL to track the run, e.g.
"id": "201605192149381933",
"name": "201605192149381933",
"status": "Success",
"start_time": "2016-05-19T21:49:38.1933956Z",
"end_time": "2016-05-19T21:49:39.4826458Z",
"duration": "00:00:01.2892502",
"output_url": "",
"error_url": null,
"url": "",
"job_name": "SomeJob",
"trigger": "External - ARMClient/"
