Elasticsearch Error: SearchPhaseExecutionException: SearchParseException - node.js

I am getting the following error when I try and use a template search on an AWS elasticsearch cluster using the query
"match": { "title": "copyright" }
Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{\"match\"{\"title\":\"copyright\"}}]]];
nested: Parse Failure [No parser for element [match]]];
The query is failing during the search phase, whilst trying to parse the query.
Why is the Parse failing?
My query works fine for a localhost elasticsearch instance.
Here is my mapping for the index type:
properties: {
title: { type: 'string' },
toc: {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
title: { type: 'string' },

AWS Elasticsearch service supports an older version of elasticsearch to the one I was using, 1.5.2, compared to 2.1.
This older version supports a different syntax for template searches, where the template attribute is used instead of the inline attribute to supply your template, show here


How to check UUID using regular expressions?

In order to make validation over a api, i'm send companyId as UUID like: 71158c1a-56fd-4dd4-8e7f-fb95711a41de
To have this validation I used jsonschema with the following patterns (test all 3 of them):
companyId: {
type: "string",
default: "",
title: "The companyId Schema",
pattern: "/^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$",
examples: ["71158c1a-56fd-4dd4-8e7f-fb95711a41de"],
For some reason the validation returned me errors:
path: Ä 'companyId' Å,
property: 'instance.companyId',
message: 'does not match pattern "/ÜÄ0-9a-fA-FÅä8åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä12å$"',
schema: ä
type: 'string',
default: '',
title: 'The companyId Schema',
pattern: '/ÜÄ0-9a-fA-FÅä8åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä12å$',
examples: ÄArrayÅ
instance: 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee',
name: 'pattern',
argument: '/ÜÄ0-9a-fA-FÅä8åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä12å$',
stack: 'instance.companyId does not match pattern "/ÜÄ0-9a-fA-FÅä8åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä4åÖÖb-Ä0-9a-fA-FÅä12å$"'
Also im getting these cyrillic letters, maybe this is the reason?
The latest version of JSON Schema supports the uuid format (you may need to explicitly turn on format validation in the implementation, as by default it is supposed to be annotation-only):
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"type": "string",
"format": "uuid",
Also, you have a stray / in your pattern before the ^ anchor, so your pattern will never match.

ARANGODB ensureIndex to create full text not working

I have events collection inserted with a below record in ARANGODB. ( I am new to Arango )
"source": "ABC",
"target": "ZYX",
"tranno": "ABCDEF",
"type": "REST",
"attributes" : { "myID" : "12345"}
} INTO events
But trying to create full text index on attributes, resulting in error as given below. It would be great if you could help with this.
events.createIndex ({ type: "fulltext", fields: [ "attributes" ], minLength: 3 })
Query: AQL: syntax error, unexpected identifier near 'events.createIndex ({ type: "ful...' at position 1:1 (while parsing)
Unlike SQL, AQL is a language used for data selection and data manipulation.
It is not a data definition language, so you can't use AQL to create indexes.
In order to create an index, please use ArangoDB's web interface (Collections => target collection => Indexes => "+" icon) or the ArangoShell. The ArangoShell is a separate executable that is shipped with all ArangoDB packages.
In the ArangoShell you can use the command
db.events.createIndex ({ type: "fulltext", fields: [ "attributes" ], minLength: 3 })
to create the index.

Custom mapping type in Elasticsearch 7.3.2 using nodejs

I am trying to create custom mapping type in elasticsearch 7.3.2 using nodejs client!.But it's only creating default _doc type mapping.When I provide custom doc type it throws me an error that you should give include_type_name = true but in elasticsearch 7.3.2 mapping type has been deprecated!
I have already tried giving custom mapping type with include_type_name=true.
var indexName = req.body.indexName;
var mappingType = req.body.mappingType;
const mapping = {
properties: {
name: {
type: "text",
analyzer: "autocomplete",
search_analyzer: "standard"
createdate: {
type: "date"
await esClient.indices.putMapping({
index: indexName,
type: mappingType,
body: mapping
}, (err: any, resp: any, status: any) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).json({ status, err });
res.status(200).json({ resp, status });
Expected:I am trying to create custom mapping type because when I ingest the data from Mongodb by using Transporter it takes the mapping type as the name of the collection and the mapping that I am creating which has a default _doc type mapping.
Error:"Rejecting mapping update to [tag] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [_doc, tags]" tags(collection name
Yes, that's an expected behavior in ES 7 (onwards), only a single mapping type is supported and it's is called _doc by default.
As you've noticed, you can change that behavior in ES7 by adding include_type_name=true to your call. (That won't work in ES8 anymore, though).
The thing is that you can only do it at index creation time, i.e. you cannot modify the mapping type name after the index has been created. So, since you don't control the index creation from MongoDB, all you can do is to create an index template in ES that will kick in once your index will be created.
Run this in Kibana Dev Tools before the index creation:
PUT _template/tags?include_type_name=true
"index_patterns": ["my-index*"], <--- change this pattern to match yours
"mappings": {
"tags": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "autocomplete",
"search_analyzer": "standard"
"createdate": {
"type": "date"
That way, when the my-index index gets created, it will automatically get a mapping type called tags instead of the default _doc one.

Flask-restplus: how to define a nested model with 'allOf' operation?

Creating a python flask rest plus server application,
I'm trying to create a model for input body (in POST operation) with 'allOf' operator,
which is equivalent to the following example, taken from swagger.yaml I've created with the swagger editor:
description: something...
type: string
- oper_a
- oper_b
- oper_c
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperA'
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperB'
- $ref: '#/definitions/OperC'
It should be something like (just in my crazy imagination):
xxx_oper_model = api.model('XXXOperation', {
'oper_type': fields.String(required=True, enum['oper_a', 'oper_b', 'oper_c']),
'operation': fields.Nested([OperA, OperB, OperC], type='anyof')
when OperA, OperB, OperC are also defined as models.
How can I do that?
Actually, I prefer to use 'oneOf', but as I understand it's not supported even in the swagger editor, so I try to use the 'allOf' with not required fields.
Versions: flask restplus: 0.10.1, flask: 0.12.2, python: 3.6.2
Thanks a lot
You need to use api.inherit. As mentioned in page 30 of documentation example;
parent = api.model('Parent', {
'name': fields.String,
'class': fields.String(discriminator=True)
child = api.inherit('Child', parent, {
'extra': fields.String
this way, Child will have all properties of Parent + its own additional property extra
"Child": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/Parent"
"properties": {
"extra": {
"type": "string"

Allow swagger query param to be array of strings or integers

In building a rest api using swagger2 (openAPI), I want to allow a query param station_id to support the following:
?station_id=23 (returns station 23)
?station_id=23,45 (returns stations 23 and 45)
?station_id=[3:14] (returns stations 3 through 14)
?station_id=100% (%s act as wildcards so returns things like 1001,
10049, etc..)
I use the following swagger definition (an array of strings) as an attempt to accomplish this:
- name: station_id
in: query
description: filter stations by station_id
required: false
type: array
type: string
With this definition all of the previous examples work except ?station_id=23 as swagger validation fails with the following message:
"message": "Validation errors",
"errors": [
"errors": [
"code": "INVALID_TYPE",
"params": [
"message": "Expected type array but found type integer",
"path": [],
"description": "filter stations by station_id"
"in": "query",
"message": "Invalid parameter (station_id): Value failed JSON Schema validation",
"name": "station_id",
"path": [
note that if I quote the station_id like ?station_id='23' validation passes and I get a correct response. But I'd really prefer not to have to use quotes. Something like a union type would help solve this, but as far as I can tell they aren't supported.
I also have another endpoint /stations/{id} that can handle the case of a single id, but still have many other (non primary key) numerical fields that I want to filter on in the way specified above. For instance station_latitude.
Any ideas to a work around - maybe I can use pattern (regex) somehow? If there is no workaround in the swagger definition is there a way to tweak or bypass the validator? This is a nodejs project using swagger-node I've upgraded the version of swagger-express-mw to 0.7.0.
I think what you'd need is the anyOf or oneOf keyword similar to the one provided by JSON Schema so that you could define the type of your station_id parameter to be either a number or a string. anyOf and oneOf are supported in OpenAPI 3.0 but not in 2.0. An OpenAPI 3.0 definition would look like this:
openapi: 3.0.0
- in: query
name: station_id
required: true
explode: false
- type: integer # Optional? Array is supposed to cover the use case with a single number
example: 23
- type: array
type: integer
minItems: 1
example: [23, 45]
- type: string
- pattern: '^\[\d+:\d+]$'
- pattern: '^\d+%$'
# or using a single pattern
# pattern: '^(\[\d+:\d+])|(\d+%)$'
example: '[3:14]'
As an alternative, perhaps you could add sortBy, skip, and limit parameters to allow you to keep the type uniform. For example: ?sortBy=station_id&skip=10&limit=10 would retrieve only stations 10 - 20.
