SharePoint 2013 Document Organization - sharepoint

I'm trying to find a better way to organize a huge mass of documents on SharePoint 2013. I've done a lot of searching and I thought that Enterprise Metadata would be my solution but I have yet to find a good way to harness it. I fell like there must be a solution to what I need built into to SharePoint already.
I want to give each document a "tag" or Enterprise Metadata Keyword and then have a document library that only displays files that are associated with a specific keyword. Any ideas?

I'd suggest some built-in SharePoint document library features to consider to start with, before looking at any third-party offerings.
For a document library, (via the settings for the document library), you can enable Metadata Navigation Settings - this can allow a user to filter list items based on metadata fields. This may offer something along the lines of what you described. I'd advise caution for large lists though.
Another option would be to look at creating or amending views for the library - the options are found on the Library tab of the ribbon. You can setup some filtering or aggregration for the view.
There is also the option, if appropriate to make certain views only available at specific locations within the document library - set via the per-location view settings


Using PnP/CSOM to customise New SharePoint OOTB Document Libraries

Hoping someone could possibly help please.
Quite new to the PnP framework, but I have a template up and running, but I'm drawing a blank on customising the OOTB document library with our own custom content types and site columns. I’ve managed to do it for the initial provisioning process using PnP, but the bit I’m currently struggling with is when a user creates a new document library from either the 'addanapp.aspx' page or through a Modern Page, since that doesn’t use our content types or site columns, that just creates a default SPO Document Library.
I’ve been reading about the ECM Document Library core, List Definitions, Event Receivers and CSOM to achieve what I’m looking to do, but not sure where I should be starting.
Ideally, the outcome I'm looking to achieve is I want any new document library a user creates from a Modern Team Site to use only our custom content types and site columns, not the default OOTB ones.
Any help gratefully received, thanks.
Have you checked the demo ECM.DocumentLibraries?
Here is the general explanation video.
You need familiar with SharePoint add-in(app) first guideline here.

Features of SharePoint

I am looking for a document repository solution (hosted internally, not cloud-based) that has the following set of features:
Statuses: Users can set a status (pending, complete, etc) on the document. Notification system based on the status change.
Workflows: Ability to define who the documents go to based on the different statuses. Be able to customize these workflows.
Tagging: Users want to be able to tag different sections of a document with certain key words.
Search: Ability to search for documents based on content within the document as well as for tags.
Merging: Ability to select different pages and/or content within one document and merge that content to another document. Kinda like copy and paste, but more seamless.
Archiving: We need to be able to archive documents in some way.
Permission System: We want to limit document access to users based on roles (read, edit, delete, etc.)
Real-time collaboration: Users should be able to view documents at the same time.
I know that SharePoint has support for at least some of these features, but I am not sure which ones. I am having a difficult time navigating Microsoft's website on what SharePoint can actually do.
So my question is, do you guys know which of the above features SharePoint supports? Oh and any recommendations for other document repository solutions are also welcome.
Assuming that you are targeting SharePoint 2013 on premises;
Status - this can be done by adding a column to document library
Workflow - this is available out of the box. You can also enhance workflow capabilities with adding a third party workflow engine (e.g. Nintex)
Tagging - I am not sure I understand "tagging different sections of a document". Document tags are supported in SharePoint
Search - supported
Merging - this is "document set" functionality in SharePoint. But, it is limited to creating a set of documents with multiple files. Not sure this is what you want
Archiving - Look at records management processes in SharePoint. You can set file retention policies. You can declare records (so no one can change/delete them). Depending upon your definition of Archiving, this may or may not work for you.
Permissions System - most definitely available. More granular than NTFS IMHO
Real Time collaboration - available
Hope this helps

CAML query between farms

I need to plan and implement search functionality that would allow for search of document libraries based on set of metadata tags. I need to search through multiple document libraries and through multiple farms.
Does anybody implement similar solution? What would be best practices to implement such kind of requirements?
It is certain that the answer to this question depends on what version of SharePoint you are running, which is not specified. That said, in SharePoint 2010 (and SharePoint 2013) it is possible to configure cross-farm service applications. Search is a service application so it follows that you could setup a cross-farm search. Although, targeting specific document libraries could be tricky; you'd need to configure a content source that included the sites in which the document libraries reside.

Sharepoint Workflow: Where to store configuration settings?

I am currently writing a Sharepoint Workflow that is activated when a user saves an Excel file to a Library. Now I need to process this file and store certain information to a certain list.
Whats the best way to store configuration settings like the name of the output list, names of the Excel columns that the Workflow needs to process, etc?
I understand that there seem to be a lot of different possible solutions like web config, Properties, etc. But since I am totally new to Sharepoint, I cannot properly assess these methods. Which one is the easiest for me to use?
Thank you.
Edit: A Visual Studio Workflow, written in C#
This article is a good starting point Six Ways to to store settings in SharePoint but personally I would be following the MSDN SharePoint Guidance Library which uses the Property Bag storage for their implementation of a hierarchical Configuration Manager which allows you to do things like a farm wide setting but overridden for certain site collections/sites/lists etc.

To Create an Employee directory

We are researching the various options that exist in our environment to create an Employee Directory. We have a SharePoint portal, AD and recently moved from Lotus Notes to Exchange. Our current employee search is a custom Notes DB that has since been retired.
Since moving to SharePoint an year ago, we've used a custom list using SharePoint Profiles that are updated from AD. But the simple list interface isn't very user friendly and is very slow. Sone of the requirements include type-ahead, pictures, and details of skills/certifications and other demographic information etc. We are considering building an ASP.NET or SilverLight application that can consume the information in the SharePoint list. With the introduction of Outlook and the Global Address List, we are now wondering if it might be easier to build something within Outlook.
Has anybody traveled a similar path and what would you advice us to do?
Microsoft has a huge set of offerings for Collaboration and Social Computing in Sharepoint.
See this document, pages 8 and 9 for information about features related to an employee directory, including details of skills/certifications and other demographic information.
A la carte availability of individual features (such as People Profiles and People Search) and pricing may be an issue, but you may want to look into buying something rather than building it (if you can get the pieces you want for a price you can afford).
Sharepoint can connect with Outlook to keep the lists synchronized if you want to use outlook. And there are definitely a lot of different ways to change the way the lists are presented in the Sharepoint portal to make them more user-friendly. Having those details on the portal will certainly be a boon when combined with the powerful search and indexing features in SharePoint so you can identify employees based on their profile details easily.
We use the people search for this pretty effectively. We populate data in AD, then connect profile properties to AD attributes. That's only if you have MOSS, though. If you're working with WSS, you'll have to build something more custom.
One gotcha, though, is that the People Search out of the box doesn't easily do partial searches (i.e. searching for "john" doesn't match "johnson"). That's a big downer in my mind. You can use Ramon Scott's approach of a Content Editor Webpart with a form and some Javascript to work around it, and you can also get there via the advanced search box (albeit indirectly), but it sure would be nice if it were easy to make the default search box do partial name searches.
I recently just discoverd a somewhat easy visual basic script that draws information from the active directory where you can specify which OU to draw from where it displays all user information in a simple .HTM page. it includes a search bar, recognizes patterns (address) (company telephone number) etc... If you would like i can post it for you. you only need to fill in a few sections (display name for directory, OU, OU display, and tags) and you can always change the way things look too.
This should be taken care of by using the My Site feature that's available within SharePoint. You will then be able to search SharePoint users by skills, certifications, projects, and educational qualification.
Please refer to the SharePoint Planning and Deployment material on TechNet for more info.
