CAML query between farms - sharepoint

I need to plan and implement search functionality that would allow for search of document libraries based on set of metadata tags. I need to search through multiple document libraries and through multiple farms.
Does anybody implement similar solution? What would be best practices to implement such kind of requirements?

It is certain that the answer to this question depends on what version of SharePoint you are running, which is not specified. That said, in SharePoint 2010 (and SharePoint 2013) it is possible to configure cross-farm service applications. Search is a service application so it follows that you could setup a cross-farm search. Although, targeting specific document libraries could be tricky; you'd need to configure a content source that included the sites in which the document libraries reside.


Deploy List Definitions, content types and site columns on Office365

I was wondering which is the best way to deploy our typical SharePoint artifacts such as list definitions, content types and site columns that we usually design in Visual Studio to a Office365 site collection.
I have been working on O365 for more than an year now and the only solution that I came up with is to create a sandboxed solution with no code and obviously deploy it to my site.
Unfortunately many clients nowadays don't even want to hear the word "sandboxed", so is there an alternative solution?
Thanks for the help!
The Office 365 Patterns and Practices has examples on how to do that:
Mainly in you will find all the items you are looking for. contains a fully built solution with an xml based templating engine to fully provision sites/site collections.
Sandbox solutions are still very applicable, especially in O365 .CSOM with PowerShell is another viable alternative solution .This thread has discussed about this topic. Please refer to below article :
Programmatically creating Site Columns and Content Types using the App Model

SharePoint 2013 Document Organization

I'm trying to find a better way to organize a huge mass of documents on SharePoint 2013. I've done a lot of searching and I thought that Enterprise Metadata would be my solution but I have yet to find a good way to harness it. I fell like there must be a solution to what I need built into to SharePoint already.
I want to give each document a "tag" or Enterprise Metadata Keyword and then have a document library that only displays files that are associated with a specific keyword. Any ideas?
I'd suggest some built-in SharePoint document library features to consider to start with, before looking at any third-party offerings.
For a document library, (via the settings for the document library), you can enable Metadata Navigation Settings - this can allow a user to filter list items based on metadata fields. This may offer something along the lines of what you described. I'd advise caution for large lists though.
Another option would be to look at creating or amending views for the library - the options are found on the Library tab of the ribbon. You can setup some filtering or aggregration for the view.
There is also the option, if appropriate to make certain views only available at specific locations within the document library - set via the per-location view settings

How to access SharePoint files and folders from outside SharePoint?

I need to programatically interface with SharePoint folders, files and lists from outside SharePoint. Most tutorials focus on working within SharePoint itself, or at least on the same server where SharePoint is installed. I need to automate some tasks from completely different servers -- tasks that require reading SharePoint lists, browsing folders, checking files out and in, reading files stored in SharePoint libraries, etc. It used to be easy using UNC folder and file paths. Now many of our SharePoint sites don't allow UNC access (probably for good reasons), but my needs are the same. What languages / libraries / interfaces will allow this? I'd like to be able to do this from server-side .NET code and from PowerShell scripts (not on the SharePoint server). Thanks for any pointers.
SharePoint offers a web services API. I won't claim it's particularly friendly or fun, but it does work. You can get started learning here.
Use Sharepoint Web Services which provides a suite of standard web service endpoints you can use to do most anything you can through the objet model API.
You can use SPServices whichis a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
Here's anoth example of SPServices in use Example
if you are using SharePoint 2010 you can use the Client Side Object Model ( It will help you to access sharepoint objects, lists and everything. There are 3 types one for C#, Silverlight and Javascript.
there are more than one methods:
use csom (client side object model)
use rest services
use sharepoint out of the box web services.
If you want to be able to choose the language in which you program, I'd recommend using the Sharepoint REST API. I'm writing my service in Java, requesting data in JSON, and using Jackson to parse it into Java Objects.

Programmatically access a SharePoint document library?

How would I programmatically access a SharePoint document library from another machine? I want to recursively scan all the folders and generate a list of files with a certain custom property.
You'll need to use the List Data Retrieval web service. Example code using the service can be found on the Query method page.
Vinny is correct. I just wanted to elaborate a little on the next version of SharePoint, SharePoint 2010. There are several client based models for access that essentially wrap the web service calls. There is a managed .NET dll for Windorm/WPF applications, a library for use within websites that is JavaScript based and a Silverlight based implementation.
This MSDN article has links to more information on all three.

Tree View WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint like Confluence?

I keep my Process Documents on SVN and I want to create a Wiki page includes the information about these files. We use SharePoint in the company for basic document sharing and team sites. As it is mentioned in SharePoint Wiki lacks of usability. I need an easy to use wiki tool which is capable of showing the content like WikiPedia contents and it would be great if I could have the SharePoint tree view and Active Directory authentication also. I googled it and found Atlassian's Confluence and it seems that this product is capable of the requirements. We use Jira for issue tracking, so we can use it's reporting in dashboards. I need and it has a Wiki part which displays wiki pages in tree view. It should be like
Does anyone used Confluence or have an idea for other products which meets my requirements
Have you considered our Confluence Sharepoint connector? It sounds like that's what your after, it will allow you to use Sharepoint for all the other features, but use Confluence as your wiki
Seeing that you already use Jira, you could use Confluence and leverage off some level of integration between the two products.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sherif Mansour (#sherifmansour)
Confluence Product Manager
