Why are validations from my JSF composite facet being done when the facet is not rendered - jsf

I have a problem that validations from a composite's facet are being fired even when I do not render the composite.
I stripped the problem down to the following barebones code.
Here is the composite entityDetailPanel:
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<composite:attribute name="prefix" required="true" />
<composite:facet name="lowerPanel"/>
<h:form id="#{cc.attrs.prefix}entityDetailForm2"
styleClass="#{cc.attrs.prefix}EntityDetailPanelForm #{cc.attrs.prefix}Listener" >
<p:messages id="#{cc.attrs.prefix}messages" autoUpdate="true" closable="true"/>
update="#(.#{cc.attrs.prefix}Listener), #(.#{cc.attrs.prefix}EntityDetailPanelForm}"/>
<composite:renderFacet name="lowerPanel" rendered="false"/>
And here is the invocation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<common:entityDetailPanel id="foo" prefix="Instruments">
<f:facet name="lowerPanel">
<!-- <p:inputText id="assetClassPrompt" required="true" requiredMessage="Why do we get this message?"/>-->
<p:selectOneMenu id="assetClassPrompt" required="true" requiredMessage="Why do we get this message?"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="foo" itemValue="foo"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="bar" itemValue="bar"/>
The combobox does NOT show on the screen (because it's not rendered), but why would I be getting a validation for something that's not rendered?
This is what I see when I click the SAVE button:
Stranger yet, is that I see THIS validation error even on other invocations of the composite that do NOT have that combobox.
I also noticed that if I do not include a unique ID on the <messages> tag, the message from one use of the composite will show up in other uses of the composite.
Is this a PrimeFaces or JSF bug, or am I missing something?
You might notice that I have a commented out <inputText> tag. It's worth mentioning that when I replace the <selectOneMenu> and replace it with the <inputText> I no longer see the problem.
I thought it might help to elucidate a bit on the larger problem I'm trying to solve.
I want to create something akin to a <p:layout> that has both fixed elements (for all uses of the composite) and non-fixed elements/panels which are passed in parametrically (for EACH use of the component).
Here is a screenshot where the items indicated in read are things that vary with each invocation of the composite. Everything else is always present in all invocations of the composite.
As you can see, the parameters are:
A button panel (buttons vary depending on context)
Some additional fields to add to the end of a form (which might contain validations
An entire lower panel (which might contain validations)
It's worth mentioning that all these things are validated together (for "SAVE" buttons), so it's desirable to have the <form> tag be within the composite output (which includes the panels passed in as parameters).

This problem is two-fold.
First, the <cc:renderFacet> is never designed to work this way. It does not support the rendered attribute. That it somehow works is because the facet is internally re-interpreted as an UIPanel component and all attributes are (incorrectly) automatically inherited from the tag. You should not rely on that. The rendered attribute is incorrectly considered during render response, causing confusing behavior that it "works". This is technically a bug in the JSF implementation. The attributes are (correctly) not inherited during the postback, causing the trouble you observed. The components are still decoded and validated "in spite of" that they are not rendered.
Second, the <p:inputText> extends from UIInput which checks before validation if there's any submitted value. A submitted value of null is interpreted as complete absence of the input field in the form, so it's skipped. A submitted value of an empty string is interpeted as an empty value, so it's validated. The <p:selectOneMenu>, however, has overriden the standard UIInput behavior and considers null the same way as an empty string. Even when the submitted value is null (which means that the input field wasn't in the form at all), it's still being validated. This is technically a bug in PrimeFaces side.
Your intent is at least clear: conditionally render a facet. The <cc:xxx> tags are evaluated during Facelets compile time (which is a step before view build time), so conditionally building the <cc:renderFacet> using JSTL <c:if> will also not ever work.
Your best bet is redefining "render lower panel" as a composite attribute, and create a backing component to explicitly copy this attribute into the facet after it's being added to the view.
<cc:interface componentType="entityDetailPanelComposite">
<cc:facet name="lowerPanel" />
<cc:attribute name="renderLowerPanel" type="java.lang.Boolean" default="false" />
<f:event type="postAddToView" listener="#{cc.init}" />
<cc:renderFacet name="lowerPanel" />
public class EntityDetailPanelComposite extends UINamingContainer {
public void init() {
UIComponent lowerPanel = getFacets().get("lowerPanel");
ValueExpression renderLowerPanel = getValueExpression("renderLowerPanel");
if (renderLowerPanel != null) {
lowerPanel.setValueExpression("rendered", renderLowerPanel); // It's an EL expression.
} else {
lowerPanel.getAttributes().put("rendered", getAttributes().get("renderLowerPanel")); // It's a literal value, or the default value.
This has the additional benefit you can specify it from client on.
<my:entityDetailPanel ... renderLowerPanel="true" />


Accessing JSF nested composite component elements in JavaScript

I am trying to DRY up popup windows in my JSF 2 project using composite components.
This code base uses Icefaces 3.3.0 (with their 1.8.2 compatibility layer for historical reasons), Mojarra 2.2.7, and Glassfish 4.1.
I have input.xhtml which provides a text input and uses a 2-button popup (ok/cancel), which in turn builds on the basic popup.
<!-- ... -->
<composite:editableValueHolder name="forInput" targets="theInput"/>
<ice:inputText id="theInput" value="..."/>
<!-- ... -->
<ice:commandButton id="OkButton"
<ice:commandButton id="CancelButton"
<!-- ... -->
function setInputFocus(id) {
<f:facet name="body">
The popup works mostly as expected, i.e., I can enter something, the ok and cancel buttons work, and validation works as well.
What does not work is my JavaScript code that tries to focus the input when the popup opens.
When I look at the page in Firebug, I see that the input's ID is MyForm:j_idt63:j_idt64:j_idt67:theInput, but the JavaScript code tries to focus an element with the ID MyForm:j_idt63:theInput.
Why is #{cc.clientId} in input.xhtml not the correct ID that the input ends up getting later? What do I need to do to make this work?
I've seen BalusC's hint on adding a binding but I don't want a binding so that the composite component can be independent of any backing beans.
Is there something else I am missing here?
Composite components are implicitly naming containers. I.e. they prepend their ID to the client ID of the children. This makes it possible to use multiple of them in the same view without their children causing duplicate IDs in generated HTML output.
In your specific case, you wrapped the input field in another composite which is in turn wrapped in again another composite. If you're absolutely positive that you don't need multiple naming containers wrapping in each other in this specific composition, then those (popup2buttons.xhtml and popup.xhtml) probably shouldn't be composites, but rather <ui:decorate> templates or <ui:composition> tagfiles. See also When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
Coming back to the technical problem, it's caused because the #{cc.clientId} does not refer the ID of the nested composite component, but of the current composite component. And thus this would be off. As to the potential solution with binding, the answer which you found does nowhere tell that you should use a backing bean for this. The binding="#{foo}" code in the answer was as-is. It really works that way, without a bean property, see also JSF component binding without bean property. However, this construct would indeed fail when you include the same composite multiple times in the same view and thus multiple components share the same binding="#{foo}". It indeed isn't supposed to be shared by multiple components, see also What is component binding in JSF? When it is preferred to be used?
To solve this without a backing bean, you can use a so-called backing component.
public class InputComposite extends UINamingContainer {
private UIInput input;
// +getter+setter.
<cc:interface componentType="inputComposite">
<h:inputText binding="#{cc.input}" ... />
The alternative is to rework them into templates or tagfiles. Be careful that you don't overvalue/overuse composites.

#{cc.clientId} evaluated in wrong composite after upgrading to JSF 2.2

I have a tag library which was written in JSF 2.0 + PrimeFaces 3.4, now i am trying to update to JSF 2.2 and PrimeFaces 4.0.
But i realized that the value of attributes passed to component evaluated in composite component and it leads to wrong id for rendering.
enum.xhtml (composite component)
<cc:attribute name="render" default="#this"/>
<h:selectOneMenu ......../>
<p:ajax update="#{cc.attrs.render}" process="#{cc.attrs.execute}" />
usage :
<t:enum id="authenticationSource" value="#{authenticationStrategy}" .....
render attribute value which is :#{cc.clientId}:tabView:passwordVisibility, should be
But it is evaluated as
Attribute value of render is evaluated in composite component and it caused to error. It should be evaluated where it is used and it was like that in JSF 2.0.
Is there any configuration property or anything to overcome this error.
I'm using wildfly 8.1.0-Final
This composite is not rightly designed. You're not supposed to use #{cc.clientId} outside the composite's context. More generally, you're not supposed to know anything about the composite's internals from outside the composite. The composite itself should worry about this.
This construct will fail if you're nesting composite components in each other. The #{cc} would then actually refer the "current" composite component. Perhaps you were relying on a bug in an older JSF implementation where the #{cc} scope isn't properly being cleared out after the nested composite component (i.e. it would refer the last assigned value instead of the value available in the current context).
Perhaps you're victim of overusing composite components for the wrong puspose only and only because of the zero-configuration nature as compared to regular tagfiles/includes. For detail as to when exactly to use the one or other, head to When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components? To the point, use a composite only and only if you want to bind a bunch of closely related components to a single bean property, and thus certainly not to a "whole" bean with several properties.
If you're absolutely positive that a composite is the right solution for your requirement, and/or you've refactored the composite accordingly to eliminate the mentioned misuse, then there are 2 possible approaches for applying client behavior on the composite component, depending on the concrete functional requirement (you can even combine the both ways if necessary).
If you want to let the composite ajax-render a component outside the composite, externalize <p:ajax> (or <f:ajax>) as <cc:clientBehavior>:
<cc:clientBehavior name="myCustomEventName" targets="idOfTargetComponent" event="valueChange" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="idOfTargetComponent" ...>
<f:selectItems ... />
Which is to be used as:
<t:enum ...>
<p:ajax event="myCustomEventName" update=":absoluteClientIdOfComponentOUTSIDEComposite" />
<x:someComponent id="idOfComponentOUTSIDEComposite" />
If you want to let the composite ajax-render a component inside the composite, then let the composite do it all by itself.
<h:selectOneMenu ...>
<f:selectItems ... />
<p:ajax update="idOfComponentINSIDEComposite" />
<x:someComponent id="idOfComponentINSIDEComposite" />
And use it the usual way:
<t:enum ... />

PrimeFaces p:ajax Unable to resolve bean

I am writing an application with PrimeFaces 5, currently I am writing a screen with a couple of AutoComplete elements, with the idea that the value of one autocomplete influences the selections available in the second autocomplete.
The way I have tried to get this to work is that when the first autocomplete it filled in, an Ajax event is fired to update the backing bean with the value, so that when the second autocomplete is invoked, it had the value from the first autocompleted ready to switch on.
This is the page:
<pf:panel id="header" header="Details" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<h:panelGrid columns="3" style="margin-bottom:10px;border-style:solid;border-width:0.1em;width:100%" cellpadding="5">
<pf:outputLabel id="input1Label" for="input1" value="Specify Input 1" />
<pf:autoComplete id="input1" value="#{bean.input1}" completeMethod="#{bean.completeInput1}"
var="input1" itemLabel="#{input1}" itemValue="#{input1}" >
<pf:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{bean.input1ItemSelect}"/>
<pf:message id="input1Msg" for="input1"/>
<pf:outputLabel id="input2Label" for="input2" value="Input 2?" />
<pf:autoComplete id="input2" value="#{bean.input2}" completeMethod="#{bean.completeInput2}"
var="input2" itemLabel="#{input2}" itemValue="#{input2}" />
<pf:message id="input2Msg" for="input2"/>
However when a value is selected in input1, I get this error:
Unreachable, identifier 'bean' resolved to null: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Target Unreachable, identifier 'bean' resolved to null
Now the next thing to point out is that this composition is included in a parent composition and "bean" is passed in as a parameter in the following fashion:
<c:forEach items="#{parentBean.blockNames}" var="blockName" varStatus="loop">
<f:subview id="block_subview_#{loop.index}">
<ui:include src="#{blockName}">
<ui:param name="bean" value="#{parentBean.blockBeans[loop.index]}"/>
What I've been able to establish is that if I change the reference "bean" in the pf:ajax tag to a named bean it is able to resolve the bean reference and attempts to invoke the listener method. So it seems like for some reason the pf:ajax tag is unable to cope with the "bean" reference because it is not the name of an actual bean but rather the name of a bean parameter passed in from the parent. However all the other tags are perfectly able to resolve "bean" here.
Is there a way round this?
Changing the pf:ajax to a f:ajax seems to make the error go away, at least the correct listener method is then invoked. I'd rather not use this approach but maybe this information is useful.
You could try to put the content of the included page in a composite component and then use the composite component instead of the ui:include.
I worked at several complex JSF websites and never had any problems with the composite component technique while those ui:include always created some kind of problems in a loop.
Found out the cause, turns out the backing bean (or specifically, the backing bean of the parent page) was using #RequestScoped (or rather it was defaulting to this since no scope was specified), so presumably no longer existed by the time the user invoked the ajax call to it. Changing it to #ViewScoped fixed the problem.
this is probably happening because of the c:forEach tag. Try to use ui:repeat instead.
c:forEach is not a JSF tag, and it may cause confusion.

f:param does not work with p:commandLink or h:commandLink on query string

f:param works great with h:link, but not with p:commandLink or h:commandLink.
For example, I have two pages test_first.xhtml and test_second.xhtml, and a backing java bean TestBean.java.
I start running test_first.xhtml.
If I click link1, which is a h:link, the page will redirect to test_second.xhtml. With the help of f:param, the address bar of the browser will show .../test_second.xhtml?id=1. On that page, testBean.userId gets printed.
If I click link2 or link3, the page redirects to test_second.xhtml. However, the address bar only shows .../test_second.xhtml, there is NO ?id=#! And testBean.userId does not get printed on that page.
How can I make commandLink work with f:param? Sometimes I want the link not to redirect to another page but to call some methods of bean depending on the data.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<h:link value="link1" outcome="test_second" >
<f:param name="id" value="1"/>
<h:commandLink value="link2" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true" >
<f:param name="id" value="2" />
<p:commandLink value="link3" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true">
<f:param name="id" value="3" />
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{testBean.userId}" />
This is the second page.
<h:outputText value="Selected id is #{testBean.userId}" />
<h:commandButton value="Print page id" action="#{testBean.print()}" />
public class TestBean implements Serializable{
private Integer userId;
public void print() {
public Integer getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(Integer userId) {
this.userId = userId;
You misinterpreted the meaning of those two tags, namely <h:link> and <h:commandLink>, therefore, you also misinterpreted the meaning of <f:param> attached to either of the two. In anycase it is worthwhile to always read the documentation before asking the questions to get more insight.
<h:link> renders an HTML "a" anchor element. The value of the component is rendered as the anchor text and the outcome of the component is used to determine the target URL rendered in the "href" attribute. Any child UIParameter components are appended to the String to be output as the value of the "href" attribute as query parameters before rendering...
<h:commandLink> render an HTML "a" anchor element that acts like a form submit button* when clicked ... if the disabled attribute is not present, or its value is false. It renders "#" as the value of the "href" attribute, renders the current value of the component as the link text if it is specified and *renders JavaScript that is functionally equivalent to the following as the value of the "onclick" attribute:
document.forms['CLIENT_ID']['PARAM2_NAME'].value='PARAM2_VALUE'; return false;
where hiddenFieldName is as described above, CLIENT_ID is the clientId of the UICommand component, PARAM_NAME and PARAM_VALUE are the names and values, respectively, of any nested UIParameter children.
In other words, within <h:link> tag nested <f:param> will end up as a query parameter of the generated URL, while within <h:commandLink> tag nested <f:param> will end up as a request parameter with a given value.
While the first one is clear, the second one deserves a better elaboration. To understand what it does, consider that if we abstract away from the details <h:commandLink> sends a POST request and attaches all nested <f:param> tags as request parameters. But it is up to you how you will handle them, as navigation is entirely in your hands.
So, the first option is to set a hardcoded action attribute, which use case is dubious, like in action="second-page", in which way you didn't pass any query parameter at all. What will be done is POSTing to the same view and forwarding to the second without undertaking any action. Quite a dumb action.
The second option is to specify an action method, like in action="#{bean.action}". In this case you must handle navigation in the provided action method, i.e. return null/void from the method for a postback, or return a navigation case outcome as a string to make a forward to the specified view. As for the request parameters that you passed with <f:param> they will be available with standard JSF means like #ManagedProperty("#{param.name}") on a request-scoped bean, or by calling ExternalContext#getRequestParameterMap() in any-scoped bean, for example, in action method, like in String param = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name"). So now you have your parameter in action method that you're free to use how you like, just adhere to a set of rules that exist for URLs.
Two things left worth mentioning. Remember that request parameters passed with calling the command link will be available only within that same request, as you might expect it to survive a faces-redirect=true that basically fires another request. The other option is to specify includeviewparams=true to pass through the paramaters of the current view, if that's desired, as mentioned in the other answer.
You could do it by concatenating the parameters with & directly at the action attribute:
<p:commandLink value="link3" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true&id=3"/>
Update 1
You might also consider to add &includeViewParams=true. This way view parameters of your target navigation will be included automatically.

How to create a composite component which switches between inputText and inputSecret?

I'm writing a Facelets composite component that switches between using inputText and inputSecret based on a parameter:
<composite:attribute name="myId" required="true"/>
<composite:attribute name="secret" required="false" default="false" />
<h:inputSecret rendered="#{cc.attrs.secret}" id="#{cc.attrs.myId}" />
<h:inputText rendered="#{!cc.attrs.secret}" id="#{cc.attrs.myId}" />
The problem is that I get the following error:
Component ID [JSF mangled id] has already been found in the view.
Use a view build time tag like JSTL <c:if> or <c:choose> instead of the JSF component's rendered attribute. View build time tags are evaluated during constructing the JSF component tree, while the rendered attribute is only evaluated during generating HTML based on the JSF component tree (and thus you still end up with both components with the same ID in the JSF component tree!).
<c:if test="#{not cc.attrs.secret}">
<h:inputText id="input" />
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.secret}">
<h:inputSecret id="input" />
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the myId doesn't make sense. Just give those a fixed ID. In case the reason was the inability to reference them from outside by ajax, head to Referring composite component ID in f:ajax render.
Whether or not the component is actually rendered doesn't matter.Both components will still exist in the view's internal component tree and will require a unique id. We ran into this problem as well.
We suffixed the id with a _1 and _2 and if we need to get a hold of the id inside javaScript, we use JQuery's partial matchers.
In your case, can you not make your bean's getMyId() method return a different id based on the value of the secret property?
