Covert general text to number when prefixed with a ~ - excel

I have a column in excel which is formatted a general and it contains numbers, some of which are prefixed with a ~. I know that this character is representing leading zeroes, but in some cases it is one, or it can be two, three or more leading zeroes.
Is there a way to convert this to a number and preserve the correct number of leading zeroes? I need this to lookup on another list and match them, and the format must be identical.

There needs to be a way to determine how many leading zeros are required. If you want to replace the tilda with a single leading 0, then use the Replace Dialog to replace two tildas with single-quote 0:
(use as many zeros as are required.)


Adding Leading Zeros in .csv file

I am trying to create a PowerShell script that adds two leading zeros to all the numbers in a particular column.This script is able to add the two zeros to the column values, but only at the end of the values.
When I change the order of the variables on line 16 to '$zeros + $employeeNumber', the 7DigitEmployeeNumber column does not include the leading zeros.
I have tried converting the data type of $zeros and $employeeNumber but have been unable to get the script to add leading zeros to the column values. Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
That's because numbers don't have leading zeros. If you want to pad zeros to the left of the number you have to treat it like a string.
$employeeNumber = 73128
$employeeNumberString = $employeeNumber.ToString()
$paddedEmployeeNumberString = $employeeNumberString.PadLeft(7,'0')
That will leave $paddedEmployeeNumberString with a value of 0073128.
Looking at the images you posted, this is not just about padding numbers with leading zeroes, but mainly that these leading zeroes 'dissapear' when the csv file is opened in Excel.
If you want to have Excel respect those zeroes, write them out in your CSV file prefixed with a TAB character:
"`t{0:D7}" -f 73128
produces 0073128
If you need more total digits, just change {0:D7} into {0:D9} or {0:D25} or..

Replace all non-alphanumeric characters, including wildcards

I take this beautiful formula from JvdV answer:
This formula replace any non-alphanumeric character (&^%]#$) with simple space " ".
I put in formula some exception (-./ ), but this is not all exceptions.
How about wildcards? How to filter wildcards (~*?) with this formula?
I think: Ok, I will use FIND instead of SEARCH and all will be right, just put lowercase and uppercase alphabet in the FIND index, like this: *"-./ 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"*
Then lowercase and uppercase alphabet is too much for FIND index.
Ok, for SEARCH index is also too much, because function accept max. 255 length, but lets say we have only 200 characters in index (numbers, alphabet and some diacritics)
So, the question is available:
How to filter (replace with space) wildcards (~*?) with this kind of formula?
As I read this question there are a few problems:
How to include over 255 characters in the 2nd parameter of SEARCH();
How to exclude literal wildcard characters in the 2nd parameter of SEARCH();
One way around the length limit is to feed SEARCH() an array of options, in this case an array of two elements of a lenght of <255:
Formula in C1:
What we did here is:
Use an horizontal array {abc;xyz} to check against our characters which was an vertical array {a,b,c}. Note the difference between semi-column and comma.
The result will be a 2D-array which MMULT() can sum. Meaning if the character was found in any of the two elements of the array it will return that same character. Otherwise, a space.
The special wildcard characters are now also included with an extra tilde to escape them as with actually all characters.
If Excel doesn't recognize all lowercase diacritics as their uppercase counterparts, just add them to one of the two elements. If need be, add a 3rd. But know that you'd need to extend on the 2nd parameter in MMULT() too then.
To visualize the above:
Remember, you are using Excel 2019 which means you need to CSE-enter this formula. Needles to say that all will be much easier in ms365 using its dynamic array functionality.

how can I calculate how many characters trimstart removes

I have a string, and I need to calculate the number of spaces that I remove when I do trimStart.
For example, I have the following string \t\t \tabcs
so I have two tabs and two spaces and another tab that will be removed using trim start (the rest is non space related chars).
I need to know how many spaces will be removed. since I don't know how much is \t, I can't just count it as a single char.
(My purpose is to calculate the column shift of a string due to the trimming action. Obviously comparing the lengths before and after the trim will not return me the desired result.
Do you have any ideas?

Keeping leading zeros with find and replace

I'm using Excels find and replace to remove hyphens from long numbers. They are mixed between birth dates and organisation numbers that have been filled with leading zeros to have the same number of characters. There are a LOT of numbers so find and replace seems to be the simplest solution to remove the hyphens.
But when i use find and replace the leading zeros are truncated and I have not found a solution to keep them afterwards.
For example i have:
and after find and replace I have
but want the format as:
So I want to keep the leading zeros after find and replace. I've tried formatting the cells as text, but it doesn't work as the find and replace automatically truncates the leading zero and keeps the remaining characters, so the zero is completely removed. I am using Excel 2010, but answers for several versions are appreciated.
Just put a single quote in front of your leading number - ex. '01234 It will take the number as-is literally and the quote will not show in the field.
Use the SUBSTITUTE formula instead of Find and Replace like so:
The result is text.

How in Excel to Remove only 1st comma (exact character, symbol or string)

I have numbers witch when is 1000 then has comma "," before hundreds like 1,234,00
How to remove 1st comma or make 2nd to appear so it would be 1234,00 or in excel as it works as number if has only space then with space or comma?
I have formula so far for getting number
=MID(LEFT($A604;FIND(" on ";$A604)-1);FIND("?";$A604)+1;LEN($A604))*1
And for removing all i put it in substitute to remove commas but that makes number wrong higher like 123400
=SUBSTITUTE(MID(LEFT($A604;FIND(" on ";$A604)-1);FIND("?";$A604)+1;LEN($A604));",";"")*1
The issue is the format #,##0, puts a comma before every third number. You need to treat it as a string
Try this in B2:
Depending on your use it might be best to remove the IF
