Adding Leading Zeros in .csv file - excel

I am trying to create a PowerShell script that adds two leading zeros to all the numbers in a particular column.This script is able to add the two zeros to the column values, but only at the end of the values.
When I change the order of the variables on line 16 to '$zeros + $employeeNumber', the 7DigitEmployeeNumber column does not include the leading zeros.
I have tried converting the data type of $zeros and $employeeNumber but have been unable to get the script to add leading zeros to the column values. Any guidance is greatly appreciated!

That's because numbers don't have leading zeros. If you want to pad zeros to the left of the number you have to treat it like a string.
$employeeNumber = 73128
$employeeNumberString = $employeeNumber.ToString()
$paddedEmployeeNumberString = $employeeNumberString.PadLeft(7,'0')
That will leave $paddedEmployeeNumberString with a value of 0073128.

Looking at the images you posted, this is not just about padding numbers with leading zeroes, but mainly that these leading zeroes 'dissapear' when the csv file is opened in Excel.
If you want to have Excel respect those zeroes, write them out in your CSV file prefixed with a TAB character:
"`t{0:D7}" -f 73128
produces 0073128
If you need more total digits, just change {0:D7} into {0:D9} or {0:D25} or..


Excel TEXT function - Number Positioning

I'm calculating the difference between 2 columns of data and calculating the numeric difference and % increase. I wanted to combine these two values in one cell using the text function.
The problem: I have successfully done this in excel but have a formatting problem. I have separated the numeric and percent difference by the delimiter "|". Sometimes the % difference value is two digits and some times its 1 digit. I'd like to have a placeholder for the tens digit so all of the delimiters align in the column. Is there any way to do this using the function?
For example, you could solve this problem by adding "000" in the format_text argument for the second text function, but I don't want any leading zeros in my display cell.
Thank you,
You can use ? to add leading or trailing space:
= H70-F70 & Text(H70/F70-1, " | ??%")
You can also use Monospaced font like Courier New for better alignment.

Keeping leading zeros with find and replace

I'm using Excels find and replace to remove hyphens from long numbers. They are mixed between birth dates and organisation numbers that have been filled with leading zeros to have the same number of characters. There are a LOT of numbers so find and replace seems to be the simplest solution to remove the hyphens.
But when i use find and replace the leading zeros are truncated and I have not found a solution to keep them afterwards.
For example i have:
and after find and replace I have
but want the format as:
So I want to keep the leading zeros after find and replace. I've tried formatting the cells as text, but it doesn't work as the find and replace automatically truncates the leading zero and keeps the remaining characters, so the zero is completely removed. I am using Excel 2010, but answers for several versions are appreciated.
Just put a single quote in front of your leading number - ex. '01234 It will take the number as-is literally and the quote will not show in the field.
Use the SUBSTITUTE formula instead of Find and Replace like so:
The result is text.

Replace "." with "," in Excel 2013

I have an Excel file, generated from database. It contains a column filled with number values that looks like this:
My problem is, that Excel finds numbers only when they are used with "," separator. How can I change all the "." to ",", so all values in that column would be recognized as numbers (aligned to right side of column).
Also, I have a lot of those files to maintain, so an automatic procedure would be highly appriciated.
Select the Column and Hit CRTL+H,
Enter '.' in 'Find What' and enter ',' in 'Replace with' and hit 'Replace All' button
Your data sample looks wrong. It's inconsistent.
If your system uses the comma as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the comma for the decimal.
If your database system uses a dot as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the dot for the decimal.
The numbers in your example are a random mix of comma and dot as the decimal separator.
You may want to configure your source system to apply the decimal separator in a consistent way.
It's quite inconceivable why your system would use a comma for one value, but use a dot for another value. You may need to get to the bottom of that logic before you can proceed any further.
Possibly, the "numbers" are really text values from other data sources that use either comma or dot for the decimal separator.

Covert general text to number when prefixed with a ~

I have a column in excel which is formatted a general and it contains numbers, some of which are prefixed with a ~. I know that this character is representing leading zeroes, but in some cases it is one, or it can be two, three or more leading zeroes.
Is there a way to convert this to a number and preserve the correct number of leading zeroes? I need this to lookup on another list and match them, and the format must be identical.
There needs to be a way to determine how many leading zeros are required. If you want to replace the tilda with a single leading 0, then use the Replace Dialog to replace two tildas with single-quote 0:
(use as many zeros as are required.)

How can I prevent leading zeroes from being stripped from columns in my CSV?

I need to upload a CSV file, but my text data 080108 keeps converting to a number 80108. What do I do?
Use Quoted CSV
Use quotes in your CSV so that the column is treated as a string instead of an integer. For example:
I have seen this often when viewing the CSV using Microsoft Excel. Excel will truncate leading zeros in all number fields. if the output is not coming from excel then check the output in note pad. If it is coming from excel you need to add a single quote mark ' to the beginning of each zip code. then excel will retain the leading 0.
