Need to modify KDEInit entry - linux

I'm running mint 17.2 kde.
I installed intellij CE by running in ~/Downloads/
Then I moved intellij to /usr/lib/. Now I get this when I try to open intellij from the Application Launcher:
KDEInit could not launch '/home/******/Downloads/idea-IC-143.1821.5/bin/'
I know I could just move it back, but I would really prefer to point Application Launcher in the right direction.
I've already checked out .kde/share/config and didn't find any mention of, jetbrains, or intellij that seemed like a relevant entry.
Is there somewhere else that Application Launcher entries are saved? Is it possible to remove entries then add new ones from the application itself?

I ended up grepping through my entire home directory for files that used the full path posted in the error message.
grep -rnw '/home/******/' -e ".*/home/******/Downloads/idea-IC-143.1821.5/bin/*"
This returned jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop in my .gnome, .kde, and .local directories, all of which I modified. I could launch intellij from the Application Launcher after this.


Netbeans, can't save file

I have a problem with netbeans, and i can't find a solution on google.
When i try to save a file, the pointer shows loading icon, and linux wait's indefinitely.
At this moment i can't even close netbeans, and have to run kill or pkill command.
Restarting netbeans or computer doesn't change that.
If i want to be able to save a file again, I have to kill netbeans, and remove the cache
(rm -rf ~/.cache/netbeans/8.0.2/*)
If I run strace -p , it gives me :
after removing cache and restarting netbeans, i can save file only if I don't change too much lines (about 10 lines are enough to crash netbeans again)
i have no idea about what is happening, i never had this problem before.
I think it could be a svn problem, or a disk size problem but I am absolutely not sure of that
This computer is my work computer, so i prefer not reinstall netbeans if you can help me to find out what's happening.
I am working on linux (centos 7) with netbeans 8.0.2
ps : this problem is on 1 file only, i can work fine with the rest of my project's files (of course that's the file I need right now :( )
ps2 :
I found some more details.
fuser ~/.netbeans/8.0.2/lock gave me a pid of a netbeans child process (his ppid is netbeans pid).
strace -p gives me :
futex(0xa280a0c, FUTEX_WAIT, , NULL
So it seems a thread can't release futex?
Does that seems possible to you?
If yes how can I find if it's a netbean's bug or a system problem?
So after a few days looking for a solution, i may have found what's happening.
It seems the problem doesn't come from netbeans but from centOS.
Apparently, CentOS 6.6 and 7.X have an error in the futex management (a default is missing in a switch).!topic/mechanical-sympathy/QbmpZxp6C64
I don't know if the person who posted this is good in system administration, but after i found this post, i have found some more saying the same thing.
I don't use the solved button right know because i'm waiting for the administrator to look at this, but I post what I found if it can help someone else.

Adding blackberry10 platform in cordova(3.0.0) is showing "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting"

I had installed blackberry 10 required software.
Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting.
I'm having the same problem. It works when I specify android but not when I specify blackberry10.
As pointed out by Ludivoc above, node is in my path. My command sequence is:
mydir>cordova create test com.example.test Test
mydir>cd test
mydir\test>cordova platform add android
mydir\test>cordova platform add blackberry10
[Error: node cannot be found in path. Aborting.
mydir\test>where node
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
I have also verified that the bbndk is in my path:
mydir\test>where blackberry-signer
FWIW, I'm running Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
It seems to me that this problem is specific to the cordova scripts for blackberry10 and not to the node installation.
SOLVED: I've had some luck with this problem and there is an answer posted on my thread at The thread actually discusses another problem, but I was able to get this one solved as well (I think:-)). Essentially, you have to make some edits to the init.bat file at C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin
We had the same problem and managed to fix it.
The first problem "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting." is related to a file called check_reqs.bat which can be found in the .cordova dir, normally situated in your users home eg. C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat
This script tries to check for some files using a variable called %CORDOVA_NODE% e.g.
if not exist "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node.exe" (
No matter what I do, this variable is NEVER set when I call cordova so I just set it by hand
SET %CORDOVA_NODE%=somepath_dont_use_quotes
You might also have to adjust %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS%, on one of our machines it worked, on one it didn't, I was NOT in the mood figuring out why.
The same CORDOVA_NODE issue has to be fixed in your build.bat situated at
Last but not least we had a problem in packager.js. There is a logger used in there which gives an error whenever the packager tries to call it so we just put it under comments.
I know this is a little bit of a hack us the %CORDOVA variables should be taken from your system but as those paths shouldn't change we are h appy with the solution.
Open the check_reqs.bat file under C:\Users.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat and:
replace %CORDOVA_NODE% with your path to nodejs, mine is C:\Program Files\nodejs.
Then repalce %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS% with the path the blackberry sdk, mine is: C:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin.
Finally replace the last line "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %* by "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %*
It works for me
I believe you would get this error if 1) you have not installed node.js or 2) you have installed node.js but not yet added it to your system path.
These two pages provide further detail that may be helpful:
If you install nodejs in the default location, it should be installed in a location that is already in the system path on MacOS
i have updated cordova to 3.2.0,now everything is working fine in win7.
Thank you all
Have u downloaded the Blackberry SDK. You have install the blackberry sdk manually from blackberry's website. only then u can use it in phonegap.
This error occurs in C:\Users\{username}\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\{version}\bin\init.bat
The fix for me was to add a new environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BB10 WebWorks SDK\cordova-blackberry\bin\dependencies\bb-tools\bin
Your path might not be the exact same. If you can't find it do a search for blackberry-nativepackager.bat and the folder that contains that is the directory you need to set as the value.

How do i resolve the procedure entry point_impure_ptr error in cygwin/opencobol?

Whenever I try to run my .exe cobol file, i get this error..
fileName.exe Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point_impure_ptr could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
I am using OpenCObol and cygwin ver1.7.15.thanks
You'll need to specify the proper path for the command below, but Cygwin seems pretty persnickety with entry point addresses and updates, The system includes a rebaseall command to help fix this problem. Most times I've witnessed it is after a setup.exe pass, while the Cygwin system was still active (and perhaps only in the background and not visible).
C:\Users\btiffin\cygwin\bin\dash -c '/usr/bin/rebaseall'
Run that from a Windows CMD shell (while Cygwin isn't active, say after a clean boot and before running the Cygwin shell. Basically cygwin1.dll can't be open). You'll need to use the proper Windows path to dash for your particular install. Google Cygwin rebase for detailed articles.
I had a similar error message after upgrading from cygwin version 1.5 to 1.7. I solved it by completely removing and reinstalling 1.7 from scratch. I was told there might have been a problem with multiple versions of dlls.

Installing perforce visual client on linux

I am from Mac background trying my hand at installing perforce client visual(P4V) on my linux box.For this I download the correct version here and untar the files.
Then I cd to the directory
I also say
chmod +x p4*
After this i try running p4v (by double clicking) but I dont see anything .The file type is shown as a "text executable" but i dont know why it is not running.
On mac i had done the same thing -just clicked on p4v and the client would show up(where I filled the server address and everything )But not sure what is going wrong here.Can someone give me directions?
FWIW i did check out this link
and I do see the desktop (so GNOME is probably installed ?) .Hence p4v should be able to run.
I know we don't like link-based answers, but there is a rather complete walk-through here:
Probably should be on Super User though.
You may have a 64bit Linux and tried to install a x86 P4V or vice versa, which is why the command doesn't run. Check that the OS and app types match.

Installing flash 9 debugger in linux

I've been trying for some time to use the method in flash, to no avail (see here: actionscript + javascript here: Using ExternalInterface in Flash and here: Flash trace output in firefox, linux) and now I'm trying to trace ExternalInterface.available. So far my best option seems to be FlashTracer for firefox, except that I have to have flash player 9 installed. I've removed my old flash player and downloaded the appropriate files ( According to the readme included these are the steps for installation:
Installing the debugger plugin tar.gz using Install script:
o the debugger plugin is located at:
o Unpack the tar.gz file
o In terminal, navigate to the unpacked directory and enter:
+ $ ./flashplayer-installer
+ Click Enter key and follow prompts
except there's no file called flashplayer in the debugger directory. Anyone else ran into this? How can I install flash player 9 debugger on my Ubuntu system?
If you're using something like Ubuntu, the Flash plugin is probably a system wide thing. Under Ubuntu 8.10 for example, I have it at:
additionally you'll find at:
links to it, so you can change which .so is used depending on the user.
The easiest thing you could probably do if the ./flashplayer-installer file doesn't exist (though it does in mine) is to copy the debug flashplayer library to this directory. e.g:
root#me:/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer# mv
root#me:/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer# cp ~jamie/Adobe_Flex_Builder_Linux/Player/linux/install_flash_player_9_linux/
root#me:/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer# ln -s
I haven't seen the issues you have, and perhaps your requirements restrict you to an older version, but I've had great success with flashplayer 10's debugger. You might try this one and see if it works.
Edit: Ahh, I just noticed one very pertinent statement you made: you require flashplayer 9. Sorry =(
Edit 2: I just had the same thing happen to me on Linux. When I extracted the tar.gz from Adobe, the installation script wasn't present. This said, I was able to get the debugger version of 9 installed anyway.
When you extracted, did you see a file? I didn't have an installation script, but I did get this file. If so, all you need to do is this:
Close all instances of Firefox
Backup your current module: ~/.mozilla/plugins/ (this way, if something goes wrong, you can always put it back)
Copy the version you extracted from the Flash player download to the same plugins directory: cp /path/to/vers/9/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
Restart Firefox, open a Flash app, and right-click to check for the version
These steps worked perfectly for me, and I was able to run Flex Builder's debugger in Linux. Hope it works for you!
One way you can do it is downloading the flex 3 SDK for linux. When you download it you'll get a couple of tar's. You can find this in ~/flex_sdk_3/runtimes/10 if you want to install the flashplayer 10 and ~/flex_sdk_3/runtimes/lnx/ if you want the flashplayer 9. Uncompress those files (flashplayer.tar.gz and with tar -xvf). Now cp the file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and if you want create symbolic links (ln -s flashplayer /usr/local/bin to have the player on your path
A tip for anyone who searches for this like I did... find out where currently is on your system:
sudo locate
Mine was in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/
Once I replaced that file with the debug version of the file, Firefox reported that I had the debug version of the player.
I also had the same issue with flash player debugger. I followed the instructions given by bedwyr. It worked for me. To make it work, you create a directory named 'plugins' into ~/.mozilla if plugins directory is not found.
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
Then I copied to plugins directory. Now flash player debugger worked for my Flex Builder's application.
