Installing perforce visual client on linux - linux

I am from Mac background trying my hand at installing perforce client visual(P4V) on my linux box.For this I download the correct version here and untar the files.
Then I cd to the directory
I also say
chmod +x p4*
After this i try running p4v (by double clicking) but I dont see anything .The file type is shown as a "text executable" but i dont know why it is not running.
On mac i had done the same thing -just clicked on p4v and the client would show up(where I filled the server address and everything )But not sure what is going wrong here.Can someone give me directions?
FWIW i did check out this link
and I do see the desktop (so GNOME is probably installed ?) .Hence p4v should be able to run.

I know we don't like link-based answers, but there is a rather complete walk-through here:
Probably should be on Super User though.

You may have a 64bit Linux and tried to install a x86 P4V or vice versa, which is why the command doesn't run. Check that the OS and app types match.


Solana Can't find devnet.json

I'm following this article as a practice.
And stuck with
cat .config/solana/devnet.json
I realize that windows OS doesn't have cat so I tried
type ~/.config/solana/devnet.json
that result in
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
so I try again with
type "~/.config/solana/devnet.json"
and this time, it leads to
The system cannot find the file specified.
It's kind of surprise me so I browse that directory(C:\Users\my-name\.config\solana) and found devnet.json is truly not there.
My questions are where could this file be? Or which step I might do wrong so the file was not generated? I check the result message of each step, things look fine...
It turns out since I didn't change the working directory so the devnet.json is saved in C:\Windows\System32\~\.config\solana
Got the same problem
It seems that there is no devnet.json file created but the devnet wallet works successfully
you may download git bash on your windows machine and can simply use cat and all bash commands after?
You're following Linux instructions which are not 100% compatible with your Windows OS. ~ is alias for home directory in Linux and it doesn't work in Windows where ~ is a normal char. That led to you the initial confusion. Also other differences like type / cat. On Windows use full path to your home directory (usually something like C:\Users..., etc.). So your key-gen command can look like something like this
solana-keygen new --outfile C:/Users/hsiao/keys/devnet.json
Then you can use
solana config --keypair C:/Users/hsiao/keys/devnet.json
and be happy ever after!

how to use exiftool with cygwin basic startup

ok here is the situation. I'm a complete newbie at all this and have no idea what is going on. Currently I have a race website with thousands of photos and each time I basically upload via FTP to a temporary folder and use Cygwin with exiftool (I think) to tag each image and then use Cygwin to move them to where I want on my website. During the process I make a file and then do a chmod 755 and then tell it to run and I can tag several thousand photos individually with my file data. All that is good. Most of the time. haaha.
My question is I want to keep the images on my desktop and tag them using the same steps and then FTP them to my site. So I think what I'm trying to figure out is how to get exiftool to work on my desktop computer the way it works on my website.
I tried to do all the right things, but when I run the file it says:
exiftool command not found
What do I need to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
install perl
then cpan Image::ExifTool
The exiftool command is available through Cygwin Ports, an extra package repository for Cygwin.
To install:
Follow the Cygwin Ports installation guide (summarized here)
Download the regular Cygwin installer from
In a cygwin terminal, run cygstart -- /path/to/setup-x86.exe -K The Cygwin installer should open.
On the Choose Installation Type page, select "Install from Internet".
On the Choose Download Site(s) page, select a regular cygwin distro mirror, then enter in the User URL field and press Add. Select both, then click Next.
At the Select Packages screen
Set the View dropdown to "Full"
Search for perl-Image-exiftool
Click it to install it
Continue to click Next until the installation completes

Xampp on linux mint

im trying to install xampp on "new" linux mint machine.
However im quite a noob to linux since i havnt used it for that long.
When i try to run the file that ive download from the following page:
Xampp download
i get the following error two errors:
Could not display "/home/marc/Downloads/".
and if i click yes
Installing mime type handlers isn't supported
To search and install software which can open certain file types you have to install app-install-data.
can anyone tell me what the problem is and how i might fix it?
you need to execute the file (e.g. open a terminal, navigate to your Downloads folder and run bash (possibly it might need to be run otherwise, but thats my best guess)).
alternatively you might be presented to run/execute the file (instead of displaying it). if so, choose this option.
on the other hand, you might consider installing apache/php/mysql via your package manager.
what you can do is that you can use the chmod +x /your folder location/.run file that you want to install
after that you can run following command
./and your .run file name
in my case :- User#user~$su root
it will ask for password so give it
User#user~chmod +x /Downloads/

How do i resolve the procedure entry point_impure_ptr error in cygwin/opencobol?

Whenever I try to run my .exe cobol file, i get this error..
fileName.exe Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point_impure_ptr could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
I am using OpenCObol and cygwin ver1.7.15.thanks
You'll need to specify the proper path for the command below, but Cygwin seems pretty persnickety with entry point addresses and updates, The system includes a rebaseall command to help fix this problem. Most times I've witnessed it is after a setup.exe pass, while the Cygwin system was still active (and perhaps only in the background and not visible).
C:\Users\btiffin\cygwin\bin\dash -c '/usr/bin/rebaseall'
Run that from a Windows CMD shell (while Cygwin isn't active, say after a clean boot and before running the Cygwin shell. Basically cygwin1.dll can't be open). You'll need to use the proper Windows path to dash for your particular install. Google Cygwin rebase for detailed articles.
I had a similar error message after upgrading from cygwin version 1.5 to 1.7. I solved it by completely removing and reinstalling 1.7 from scratch. I was told there might have been a problem with multiple versions of dlls.

What has happened to startx on Cygwin?

I just had my desktop computer replaced. Both my previous computer and this one have Windows XP. In order to work with the many Linux servers we have, I installed Cygwin along with its xterm package. However, I cannot run startx to start the X-window server as I did with my previous computer. I've been looking online to see why startx is missing from my install, but I haven't found anything yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Does more research] Well, I just installed the xinit package, which I do not recall having to do before. (It may have been a requirement for the xterm package the last time I installed Cygwin.) startx now exists, but I wouldn't say it works. The X-window server it starts creates a window that covers my entire monitor with three terminals within it, unlike the old 25 line x 80 column single terminal window I'm used to. Worse, I can't just spawn child windows like I used to, which was the real power of using Cygwin with X-windows.
OK, after doing more research and getting help from one of my coworkers, I have found a solution to my problem.
What has happened is that, although startx exists, it now starts the X server in fullscreen mode by default instead of multiwindow mode. Looking back, I probably could have copied /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc and customized it. However, it turns out that there are other startup scripts for the X server which are easier to modify. (See
In this case, I took the script startxwin.bat. I then made a couple of changes to startxwin.bat:
I added a drive letter to the CYGWIN_ROOT because my work environment has my home directory outside of the C drive.
I added a "+tb" option to the xterm call to suppress the menubar at the top of the X-window.
The nifty thing is that by going to Start → Programs → Cygwin-X → Xwin Server, I can open a GUI Cygwin X-window without ever opening the standard Cygwin command line. This was decidedly not the case with my previous installation.
I should add that I made these changes after expanding my selection of packages. Instead of just installing X11 → xterm, I followed the recommendations in step 15 of and installed:
X11 → X-start-menu-icons
X11 → xinit
X11 → xorg-docs
X11 → xorg-server
(This selection picked up X11 → xterm as a required package.) While I see no obvious reason why the directions above wouldn't have worked with just X11 → xterm and X11 → xinit installed, I haven't put that theory to the test, and I have little desire to blow away my current installation and rebuild it to prove my theory.
I hope this helps other people avoid some pain.
Disclaimer: I know this answer does not answer your question directly, but it offers a good alternative.
I use Cygwin + XMing to run remote X applications:
Launch XMing
Start my favorite Cygwin shell (zsh)
export DISPLAY=localhost:0
ssh -X myserver.domain
Run X programs
Works like a charm. The best part is that XMing can neatly integrate X windows into the Windows GUI, i.e. each X app has its own full-right window.
Thanks, this helped me a bit (finding out about installing xinit). That new startx window was really crappy, a friend helped me solve it in another way: by starting with: instead of startx. Then it looked like the "old" one, and worked much better.
When you installed Cygwin, did you install the full package set? The default is to only install a baseline of packages which may not include X.
Run setup.exe again and ensure the X11 packages are installed. I just click on the little double arrows next to "All" until it says "Install". It may be you chose "Default" instead.
It's better to have a full install since I remember having problems with Cygwin dependencies in the past and now, when I run 'Start', 'All Programs', 'CygWin-X', 'XWin Server', it runs fine, opening up one shell, then 'xterm &' opens another shell.
So I really think you need to install the lot. You could try, at a bare minimum, the whole X11 group (not just xinit) but you may as well do the lot, especially given the powerful commands you get.
I always run Cygwin install twice ... the first time, I just install default packages, and the second time, I install EVERYTHING. The download takes forever, but in this way I always have almost everything I could possibly want. (I like how on Cygwin I can install everything and there are no conflicts, unlike some Linux distributions where there are packages that do the same thing in different ways which can't be installed at the same time. But of course Cygwin has an easier job of this than a full OS ... there's no Cygwin sendmail, for example.)
I have to install Cygwin on a new machine tomorrow, so this question freaks me out. I'm going to die if startx isn't working. I hope it turns out that you're just missing a package. I highly recommend installing everything.
