How can I share a website to a client in which I have built locally using MAMP but is not hosted yet? - web

How can I show a website to a client in which I have built locally using MAMP but is not hosted yet ?

Bring your Mac to the client, and show them the website.

Send them the html, php, javascript etc. files via email. Tell them to put the files in one directory and to run the main html file.

in your internet router, make a port forwarder, lets say 1333
make this port forward to your computer local ip address/localhost, ex
give your client the ip address and the port, ex


How can I forward my localhost to my public IP on a VPS?

I'm running a website on my Linux VPS.
This is what I get on my terminal when the website is running:
Navigate to in a browser
The problem is that I cannot connect to this on the browser because it's not MY machine's localhost.
Is there a way I can forward this to my VPS's Public IP?
for example, the IP address I use to access the server? To explain better I want to access the website from anywhere from my phone, laptop, etc.
You could possibly use iptables/firewalld such as port recirection
What you are probably searching for is one of these tools:
These tools will let you access your local page from anywhere in the world.

Does a Node js web server need a domain name to communicate with clients on other devices?

I am working on a swift project for osx with Firebase. I have a node web server to communicate between the clients and the Firebase-server, but it's a localhost-server. Do I need a real domain name to make the server accessible to end-users on another device? (I don't want a web app, just the backend for myself)
you doesn't need a domain .. but you need a serve to deploy having ip address .. suggestion you can use cloud server
You have two ways:
make request on port that the nodejs uses, example
use nginx like proxy, in this setup make your requests on 80 port (it's default), example
If you wont make something like dev environment on local machine use first case (don't forgot open port for other devices), for production - second.

Covert home pc to web server steps

I want to convert my home pc to a web server. Already IIS8 has been installed. The sample page has been published on default web site. In windows firewall the port 80 has been opened. I have access to this page through different computers that connect to the same ADSL router. However, when I try to connect to the page from another ISP, I get the error of 'web page not find'. Because I don't have static IP now, I find IP of the server from I wonder if anybody help my to solve this issue.
One workaround it to use no-ip
this would give you static IP.
From this point is just normal domain setup.

Node.js Proxy for out going calls

I am trying to create a local mockup server for an iOS app. I have a running deployed server like url: "" I would like to be able to use a local using node.js.
In the app i would user
I have seen "Charles" application can do this. Maybe someone have done this in Nodes, so you a able to test agents a local mockup using only node.js?
Setup your browser to use as a proxy (network settings), then run your code on localhost ( and respond to the request. The url can stay the same as the original one. You can use node-http-proxy to forward the request to the original server, if you want to.
You can add the url to your hosts file. If your on OSX or Linux you can find it in etc/hosts. On windows the file is at %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\ just map the url to your local IP localhost
# mapping some-running-server to localhost for development
Just remember to remove the entry when you go to production!

What is the best way to test a video chat application locally?

If I am running a local server that is hosting a video chat application what is the best way to test the application with another user? Lets say I have two computers, is there a way I can allow computer B to connect to the local server that is running on computer A? The goal is to simply test whether the video chat application works properly in two completely different browsers running on separate computers. If there is a way I can trick the app into thinking the computer that is running the local server is another host, please let me know.
But Remember that the app needs access to the computers webcam. Thanks!
Addition Info: Nodejs application that uses the Tokbox, express, and APIs
Just make sure your web server is listening on a routable IP like "", which you specify when you call http.createServer(port, ip, handler). Then point the browsers at the server's IP address such as (fill in your specific IP and port). You can use the command ifconfig -a on linux or osx to get your server's local IP address, and ipconfig on windows.
