Just curious to know to how one can export the access rights of user groups in hybris. Searched hybris wiki but git no help...
Basically i want to retrieve data like(For example):
UserGroup Read Create Change
CronJobGroup + - +
Thanks in advance,
You can generate export scripts in the hMC, you will get:
"#% impex.setLocale( new Locale( ""en"" , """" ) );"
"#% impex.setTargetFile( ""UserRight.csv"" , true, 0, 0 );"
"#% impex.exportItems( ""UserRight"" , false );"
You can use this in the hac under impex export (or hMC).
I have created a new usergroup and have given permission to read,write,delete Types and attributes. Here I observe I am not able to access Facet Search configuration through backoffice with that user. I dont want to assign 'admingroup' to the user. Is there any type or attribute to which I can assign access to that user such that user can run indexing.
Below is impex I have used to assign role :-
# Access Rights for Products & Catalog;;;;;;;;;
After some research I was able to fix this. Added below line in impex code mentioned in question
Is it possible to typecast an attribute of an itemtype in ImpEx export script to be fired via Admin Console in Hybris.I wanted to do something like this:
if(student instanceof UGStudent)
UGStudent ugStudent = (UGStudent) ugstudent;
so that I can have attributes specific to the subtype as well.
I don't understand completely what exactly you are trying to do. May be this can help you.
Export Script :
"#% impex.setLocale( new Locale( ""en"" , """" ) );"
"#% impex.exportItems(""SELECT {pk} FROM {UGStudent}"", Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.singletonList( Item.class ), true, true, -1, -1 );"
You can define UGStudent specific attributes in INSERT_UPDATE.
I don't know whether the below impex is correct for my requirement.please correct me if i am wrong.i want to assign categories to classification class.
INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];$classificationClasses;$catalogVersion;
I think your missing some elements
First you need to define a classification catalog version macro:
INSERT_UPDATE ClassificationSystem; id[unique=true]; name[lang=en];
;$systemName;Telco ClassificationSystem;
Then you define the Classification class macro
You create the DB object :
INSERT_UPDATE ClassificationSystemversion; catalog(id)[unique=true] ; version[unique=true] ; active ; writeprincipals(uid); languages(isocode); inclPacking[virtual=true,default=true]; inclDuty[virtual=true,default=true]; inclFreight[virtual=true,default=true]; inclAssurance[virtual=true,default=true]
;$systemName ;$systemVersion ;true ;employeegroup;en;
INSERT_UPDATE ClassificationClass;$classCatalogVersion[unique=true];code[unique=true];allowedPrincipals(uid)[default='customergroup']
You define the attribute for classification :
INSERT_UPDATE ClassificationAttribute;$classSystemVersion;code[unique=true]
INSERT_UPDATE ClassificationAttributeValue;code[unique=true];$classSystemVersion
INSERT_UPDATE ClassAttributeAssignment;$class;$attribute;position;$unit;attributeType(code[default=string]);multiValued[default=false];range[default=false];localized[default=false];attributeValues(code,$classSystemVersion)
And you link it to a product
UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];$feature1;$catalogversion
For category:
INSERT_UPDATE Category;code[unique=true];allowedPrincipals(uid)[default='customergroup'];$catalogversion
UPDATE Category; $catalogversion; code[unique=true]; supercategories(code,$classCatalogVersion)[mode=append]
Old question, but here is the answer, for the product instead of assigning the attribute assign the category.
UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];supercategories(code)[mode = append];
; 5476; <code of your classification class>;
INSERT_UPDATE ClassAttributeAssignment;$class;$attribute;multiValued[default=false];range[default=false];attributeType(code[default=string]);localized[default=true];$unit;attributeValues(code,$classificationSystemVersion);
The problem is the use of macro for code(i.e $code).I modified the impex and bellow version should work(However it will not insert nothing in DB):
INSERT_UPDATE ClassAttributeAssignment;$class;$attribute;multiValued[default=false];range[default=false];attributeType(code[default=string]);localized[default=true];$unit;attributeValues(code,$classificationSystemVersion);
An example of inserting an instance in DB would be:
INSERT_UPDATE ClassAttributeAssignment;$class;$attribute;multiValued[default=false];range[default=false];attributeType(code[default=string]);localized[default=true];$unit;attributeValues(code,$classificationSystemVersion);
Where "accessoryclassification" is the code of an already existing(in DB) Classification Class and "bands" is the code of already existing classification attribute
I'm using to paramters with following commands:
[BUSINESS VIEW].[All Business View].[STAGES] in (prompt('STAGES1','string','Arrival announced'))
[BUSINESS VIEW].[All Business View].[NEXTSTAGE] in (prompt('NEXTSTAGE','string','Arrival announced'))
As you see what i'm trying to do is set default value in case user didn't select one both of them are optional.
When running the report i get this error:
Data source adapter error: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, SQLERRMC=PROMPT;FUNCTION, DRIVER=3.63.123 - when processing query: SELECT
prompt('STAGES1','string','Arrival announced') ) AND
prompt('NEXTSTAGE','string','Arrival announced') )
I keep trying all day to get to set default value to parameter in case user didn't select but didn't find a way to get it run successfully. Anyone had luck with that ?
[BUSINESS VIEW].[All Business View].[STAGES] in (#promptmany('STAGES1','string','''Arrival announced''')#)
[BUSINESS VIEW].[All Business View].[NEXTSTAGE] in (#promptmany('NEXTSTAGE','string','''Arrival announced''')#)