Access facetSolrSearch/indexing to usergroup in hybris - sap-commerce-cloud

I have created a new usergroup and have given permission to read,write,delete Types and attributes. Here I observe I am not able to access Facet Search configuration through backoffice with that user. I dont want to assign 'admingroup' to the user. Is there any type or attribute to which I can assign access to that user such that user can run indexing.
Below is impex I have used to assign role :-
# Access Rights for Products & Catalog;;;;;;;;;

After some research I was able to fix this. Added below line in impex code mentioned in question


Update LDAP attribute in AD with Python

When I try to update an Active Directory attribute with this code:
dn = (
"OU=Service Accounts,OU=Domain Users,DC=company-corp,DC=global"
# define the server
server = ldap3.Server(
"", get_info=ldap3.ALL, port=636, use_ssl=True
# define the connection
conn = ldap3.Connection(server, dn, psw, auto_bind=True)
userID = "jdoe"
# perform the Modify operation
f"CN={userID},OU=managed,OU=Domain Users,DC=company-corp,DC=global",
{"displayName": [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, ["Doe, John D"])]},
I get the following error:
{'result': 32, 'description': 'noSuchObject', 'dn': 'OU=Managed,OU=Domain Users,DC=company-corp,DC=global', 'message': "0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100241, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:\n\t'OU=Managed,OU=Domain Users,DC=ssnc-corp,DC=global'\n\x00", 'referrals': None, 'type': 'modifyResponse'}
Please advise.
Thanks in advance.
The NO_OBJECT error generally means an object with the specified DN (in this case cn=jdoe,ou=managed,ou=domain users,dc=company-corp,dc=global) cannot be found. It's possible to get the error when the service account doesn't have rights to read the record or when the fully qualified DN is incorrect.
To eliminate an incorrect fully qualified DN, you could try searching for an object (like do a search for sAMAccountName=LogonIDGoesHere) and retrieving the DN value.
To eliminate access, you can check an account's effective permissions to an object using Active Directory Users & Computers. On the "Security" tab, click "Advanced". In the advanced security settings window, click on the "Effective Access" tab. Click the 'select a user' link to select your service account then click "View effective access" to see if something like 'read all properties' or 'read general information' are allowed.

Set Multi Tenant in Active Admin Controllers (required for Searchkick index)

I am using Active Admin in my multi tenant app. I also use Searchkick which has a custom tenant specific index in each model:
class Budget < ApplicationRecord
multi_tenant :company
searchkick inheritance: true,index_name: -> { [MultiTenant.current_tenant.tenant_name, model_name.plural, Rails.env].join('_') }
The issue is that in AA this logic fails because on the tenant is set. I want to be able to set this in AA when updating a record.
For example I would update http://localhost:4000/admin/budgets/dt2kqvgm where dt2kqvgm is the Friendly ID of the record. So I want to call something like:
MultiTenant.current_tenant = Budget.friendly.find(params['budget']['company_id'])
when I create / update a record etc.
Currently I get:
undefined method `tenant_name' for nil:NilClass
because in my application controller the tenant is set based on the user authentication to scope the current company etc. In AA I want/ need to set this based on the params which it seems you can't access from the AA controller logic. My params look like this in AA:
{"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"patch", "authenticity_token"=>"PrhNGnPvV1Qfb5RCwTVv4Wwz9tjf9SFy2VWDcyJXoFLytM8y5ZAyF7h8I7xa+fy01E9Fc/v2CvR52I4/LKOLHQ==", "budget"=>{"company_id"=>"9", "name"=>"qweqwe", "description"=>"qweqwe", "notes"=>"qwee", "flag_active"=>"1", "slug"=>"dt2kqvgm", "title"=>"qweqwe"}, "commit"=>"Update Budget", "controller"=>"admin/budgets", "action"=>"update", "id"=>"dt2kqvgm"}
I don't know if this is the best way to do this but it works. I am know it needs tweaks but it's a start - you needs to:
set an around_action filter
add permitted_params
around_action :set_tenant, only: :update
controller do
def set_tenant
MultiTenant.with(Company.find(resource.company_id)) do
def permitted_params
params.permit location: %[ company_id ]
It would seem this is required for each controller. Perhaps there is a way to add this as a default AA filter?
I also added the filter to just the update action.

get user type from res.users in odoo 12

i am trying to get user type from res.users in odoo12.
i did not found a field named sel_groups_1_9_10
here is my code,
current_user = fields.Many2one('res.users','Current User', default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
def add_followers(self):
it generates an error: object res.users has no attribute sel_groups_1_9_10.
how can i get user type?
milan vala
It is not any field that you can access. It is the group can be classified along with the user of which type.
You can check group with this has_group like this :
self.env.user.has_group('base.group_user') # Check for Internal User
self.env.user.has_group('base.group_portal') # Check for Portal User
self.env.user.has_group('base.group_public') # Check for Public User

SharePoint - KQL - Department property contains value

Requirement: I do have "People search" webpart and I need to return ONLY users with a value associated to Department property.
Additional comments:
If in the SharePoint User Profile, the department property does not hold any value, I don't need to return this specific user.
I expected to have this one (below) working but it still returns users with no values associated to the Department property
{searchboxquery}* Department<>""
Can't filter based on empty value directly, you could check the 'workaround' here.

Query Trac for all tickets related to a user

How do I query for all trac tickets related to a user. i.e. all tickets for which the tickets were once assigned, assigned now, created , etc etc
Create custom queries to the ticket_change table. Some SQL required. For assigned once/now, look for rows where field='owner', newvalue column contains the user name the ticket was assigned to. For created tickets, just query by reporter in the ticket table.
SELECT p.value AS __color__,
id AS ticket, summary, component, version, milestone,
t.type AS type, priority, t.time AS created,
changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
reporter AS _reporter
FROM ticket t, enum p, ticket_change c
WHERE = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
AND c.field = 'owner'
AND c.newvalue = '$USER'
AND c.ticket =
ORDER BY p.value, milestone, t.type, t.time
You can express this with a TraqQuery expression. E.g. if you want the columns id, summary and status to show up and query all the tickets for the currently logged in user ($USER) then use the following query.
However this query assumes that the owner hasn't been the same during the lifetime of a ticket (since ownership can be changed).
If you want a specific user then replace $USER with the actual username. Also if you're using the Agilo plugin you can easily create new queries on the fly via the web-UI. This is done by looking at a report and adding filters to the report.
