redux onEnter dispatch could work on server rendering? - node.js

i have a working client side app which uses redux-router.
i dispatch the initial state of user page from my api.
my routes file:
export default function ({ dispatch, getState }) {
function getUser(nextState, replaceState) {
return (
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="user/:id" component={User} onEnter={getUser}/>
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
so on the client it works great.
i would like to get my markup rendered-to-string after the getUserData dispatch is back with data.
thats my server matching and rendering (from the official server-rendering example):
app.use((req, res) => {
const store = reduxReactRouter({ routes, createHistory: createMemoryHistory })(createStore)(reducer);
const query = qs.stringify(req.query);
const url = req.path + (query.length ? '?' + query : '');
store.dispatch(match(url, (error, redirectLocation, routerState) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Router error:', error);
} else if (redirectLocation) {
res.redirect(302, redirectLocation.pathname +;
} else if (!routerState) {
res.status(400).send('Not Found');
} else {
is it possible to get this working while using onEnter?
or it only fires on the browser?
would appreciate any help guys!

I don't understand - I assume getUser is async, rendering is always synchronous in React. You'd have to get the data ahead of time. Relying on onEnter is a nice idea but it wouldn't work.
First: you need to expose your methods that grab data so they can be called on the server outside of flux. The action/dispatcher/store doesn't work well on request/response cylce and make sure you have a file with API calls.
Second: put all your routes in a JSON file, React Router (or whatever router) reads that JSON and adds the routes in a loop with their handler, the server-side code reads those routes and adds express routes for the same routes pointing to the method, each route in the JSON also contains a reference to the data the component needs to a real initial render (what async calls). You create an empty copy of the initial state object, each handler on the express side performs all the calls to the relevant API methods (from the JSON) and when a Promise.all resolves on "getting the data and filling it in the state" resolves you render,
The render now contains the relevant data.
Third, you need to figure out how to pass state to the server, how the user is logged in, what they can do and so on - I recommend having a second server act as a cache since rendering is CPU bound in React so you need caching. We cache based on route, user status, device and a few other basic things.
Fourth, you point your non-rendering server (the caching one) to the rendering one and forward requests, hopefully requests should hit the cache, you need to have the non-rendering server "fall back" to client-side rendering only if the rendering server fails. This also lets you "hot swap" the rendering server on deploy.
You also need some way to deliver the JavaScript itself from the rendering server (so there is a single source of truth) that shouldn't be too big of an issue.
There are a lot more delicate parts in the flow - but that's pretty much how we do it and we have sub-second full renders which I think is nice. Went down from 5 seconds when our site was mostly Angular and rendered on the client.


Next.js Protect Routes Which Use Static Site Generation

In Next.js you have the option of server side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG). Throughout the Next.js docs and community, SSG is recommended over SSR for performance reasons.
I have a Next.js build that uses SSG throughout the application, using getStaticProps() etc. to generate the content/pages at build time by integrating with an external CMS (Prismic). I prefer this because as mentioned it gives a performance boost and also most of the codebase can then use the same data-fetching strategy (at build time).
However, some of these pages need to be protected - meaning they should only be accessed by authenticated users. We are using Auth0 to generate a JWT token and have a React context provider save the status of the user (logged in or not) after validating the token in an API call.
But, I am struck that I don't seem to have a good way to protect SSG pages with this token. The recommended way here strikes me as odd because as far as I can tell this is a client-side redirect that could be manipulated by the client (for example - the client could manipulate it's local state/context or else tamper with whatever is returned from notloggedincondition) to show the static content or otherwise short-circuit the redirect.
For reference, here is a paste of that code:
import {useEffect} from 'react'
import {useRouter} from 'next/router'
export async function getStaticProps() {
return {
props: {
hello: 'Hello World'
export default (props) => {
const router = useRouter()
useEffect(() => {
if(notloggedincondition) {
}, [])
return <h1>Rest of the page</h1>
Note the <h1>Rest of the page</h1> could still be accessed by manipulating the client... so I want to secure the SSG at the request/response level and do a server side redirect (if need be), or something like that.
Short of something like this, is there no way to securely protect a SSG page without having to rely on client-side routing? Do I need to SSR the content even though it is no different really from the rest of the content, save for the requirement that only authenticated users can see it?
Perhaps I am missing something obvious, but it seems to me that even with a static site there should be a way to protect it without relying on client side routing. That is to say, it does not seem intrinsic to the concept of a statically generated site that every page must be public, so I'm wondering about a way to do this in Next.js that is secure.
The best way I could find to accomplish this is via SWR fetches, statically generating a skeleton of the page with initial unprotected static data and then hydrating it with the refresh, if the refresh returns content.
This does require that you move logic gathering data for the protected page behind an API or CMS (anything which would clear your view of permissions), and converting existing routes to use API calls isn't a trivial task, so YMMV.
Important note: your redirect would still need to be client-side, but you can avoid having anything protected shown to an unauthorized user as that'd still be controlled at the server level. Since your biggest concern appears to be a user actively trying to compromise content by manipulating code, this seems to meet your risk remediation criteria (they would still be unable to access protected content).
Example page code:
import {useEffect} from 'react'
import {useRouter} from 'next/router'
import useSWR from 'swr'
export async function getStaticProps() {
return {
props: {
hello: 'Hello World'
export default (props) => {
const router = useRouter()
// Access the protected content via an API route,
// provide the initial unprotected static content via the initialData param
const { data } = useSWR('/api/protected-content', fetcher, { initialData: props })
useEffect(() => {
if(notloggedincondition) {
}, [])
return <h1>{ data.hello }</h1>
Then, an example API implementation at pages/api/protected-content:
export default async function ProtectedContent(req, res) {
// Get a session object based on request cookies
let session = await initUserSession(req, res);
// If a session is available, return the protected content
if (session.props.userSession) {
return res.status(200).json({hello: 'This is protected content'});
} else {
return res.status(401).send("UNAUTHENTICATED");
Next js now has middleware that can redirect request based on the context.
Encountered the same problem at work, and opted for a custom server that sits in front of Next.js.
We're using Express, but any Node framework would work really. This lets us move authentication concerns to a separate server framework, which in turn forwards the requests to Next.js.

React fullstack architecture: When adding a react front-end to a node/express application, what aspects does react's state generally handle?

I have a fully built node/express application that I want to add react to in order to practice that relationship in full stack applications. I've built apps in react before, and in node, but never together and I am confused about how react fits into the MVC architecture.
In a react-node full stack application does react state then handle all of the data I was previously passing into my ejs views?
I have been looking through tutorials on full stack applications with node and react, but they only seem to go into issues like how does react fetch data from the back end, or how to set up the configuration,
but I get that part, I just don't understand what react does in a full stack application, what part of the model-controller-view architecture of a node/express backend app does react take over? How are the responsibilities split between the backend and front end?
So for example, I'm working with a reddit-clone type app so when you click on a post title to see the post my controller queries the database for that post and then passes it to the view as {post}:
show(req, res, next){
postQueries.getPost(, (error, post) => {
if(error || post == null){
res.redirect(404, "/");
} else {
res.render("posts/show", {post});
So when I add a front-end with react, would that {post} object then be something handled by react? So react would fetch that data and use it in a post component to create what is currently my view show.ejs file?
So when I add a front-end with react, would that {post} object then be something handled by react? So react would fetch that data and use it in a post component to create what is currently my view show.ejs file?
Yes. The show.ejs would be a React view or a page that contains a component to handle how to show it.
To simplify:
React -- is a virtual DOM, so it'll swap views/containers/components in and out based upon events (like clicking a button), which in turn, will: retrieve, display, manipulate and/or send data to the API. In development, it is completely separate from your back-end. All the routing will be handled by a front-end router package. In production, all of the front-end src code is compiled into a dist or build folder that contains your assets (images, fonts, css) and most importantly bundle.js file(s) that are then served by express.
Express + some database -- will act as your API where it'll CRUD data based upon the front-end request(s). If your app is a MPA (multiple page application), then a common practice is to delineate your back-end routes from your front-end routes with a /api/ prefix. In production, if express doesn't recognize the route (it's not a /api/ request), then it'll fall back into the front-end bundle.js file where it'll be handled by the front-end router.
See a working example here: (client is the frontend, everything else is the backend)
See a working codesandbox (where I'm making a GET request to an API that returns json):
For your example above, your show controller will just be sending JSON (or a string message) back to the frontend (redirects will happen on the frontend via a router -- like react-router-dom):
show(req, res, next){
postQueries.getPost(, (error, post) => {
if(error || post == null){
// res.status(404).send("Unable to locate posts.");
res.status(404).json({ err: Unable to locate posts });
} else {
res.status(200).json({ post });
You can even simplify the above using async/await:
const show = async (req, res, done) => {
try {
const post = await postQueries.getPost(;
res.status(200).json({ post });
} catch(err) {
// res.status(404).send("Unable to locate posts.");
res.status(404).json({ err: Unable to locate posts });
And then the React front-end handles the response.

Redirect from React to an Express route from my API server on the same domain

I have both a React APP and a Express API server on the same server/domain. Nginx is serving the React APP and proxying the express server to /api.
Nginx configuration
(Right now I am using the IP directly instead of a domain)
From the React APP, when the user does something I want him to download a file. I used a express route on my API server that serve the file. This works fine when the user put the URL.
This is my express route:
.get((req, res) => {
const file = '/tmp/PASOP180901.txt';;
This is my react redirect:
if (this.state.downloadFile === true) {
this.setState({ downloadFile: false });
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = '/api/downloadFile';
}, 100);
The address changes but the download don't start. If I press F5 then the download starts just fine. If I use a external URL to host my file, the download start just fine too.
First things first. Don't use setTimeout, but rather use the callback function of setState to execute code after the state is set ensuring it has been modified. Calling the callback function will guarantee the state is changed before that code in the callback is executed.
from the official docs:
setState() enqueues changes to the component state and tells React
that this component and its children need to be re-rendered with the
updated state. This is the primary method you use to update the user
interface in response to event handlers and server responses.
setState() does not always immediately update the component. It may
batch or defer the update until later. This makes reading this.state
right after calling setState() a potential pitfall. Instead, use
componentDidUpdate or a setState callback (setState(updater,
callback)), either of which are guaranteed to fire after the update
has been applied.
setState(stateChange[, callback])
The second parameter to setState() is an optional callback function
that will be executed once setState is completed and the component is
re-rendered. Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for
such logic instead.
So, instead of:
if (this.state.downloadFile === true) {
this.setState({ downloadFile: false });
setTimeout(() => {
// execute code, or redirect, or whatever
}, 100);
you should do:
if (this.state.downloadFile === true) {
this.setState({ downloadFile: false }, () => {
// execute code, or redirect, or whatever
Now, for your specific problem
Set headers in your server side
You can set the Content-Disposition header to tell the browser to download the attachment:
from here:
In a regular HTTP response, the Content-Disposition response header is
a header indicating if the content is expected to be displayed inline
in the browser, that is, as a Web page or as part of a Web page, or as
an attachment, that is downloaded and saved locally.
Set it like this:
('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="/tmp/PASOP180901.txt"');
Force download from the client
There are multiple ways to force the download from the client, but this is the only one I've tried.
For this to work, you have to have the content of text somehow in the client (your express route can return it for example) and create a filename for the file that will be downloaded.
let element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
element.setAttribute('download', filename);
Basically you are creating an empty link component, setting the data attribute to it with the text's content, attaching the link to the body, clicking the link and then removing the link from the body.
Open the link in a new tab
Opening the link in a new tab will trigger the download as well:'/api/downloadFile');
Redirect programatically
Have a look at this question in SO
You can do this:
If cannot access this.props.history you can import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; and export default withRouter(yourComponent); to access it.

Node Express API + Front-End

I'm coding my first "solo" nodejs webapp. Its based on a previous app (that I coded by following some kind of tutorial/course) which was an Express REST API that allows you to add/remove/update/list a Todo list. I've also implemented user authentication using jwt/bcrypt. All this is stored in a MongoDB database.
Also note that all the endpoints return JSON.
I'm now trying to add a front-end to the app. The API endpoints are at /api/endpoint1, /api/endpoint2, etc., and the views are rendered on /view1, /view2, etc. I'm doing this on purpose so that I can get the responses in plain JSON from the API, or show it in a webpage rendered.
I started by using jQuery's ajax to make the calls but I realized this was not the way I wanted to do this. I removed all the js scripts on my webpage and started working directly on the server, rendering the pages with the info fetched from the api.
This is what I have now:
server.js (main file) [sample]
app.get('/todos', authenticate, (req, res) => {
let auth = req.cookies['x-auth'];
url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/todos',
headers: {
'x-auth': auth
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
return res.status(response.statusCode || 500).send('Error'); // TODO
let bodyJSON = JSON.parse(body);
res.render('todos', {
title: 'Todo App - Todos',
todos: bodyJSON.todos
// API endpoint to 'GET TODOs' (JSON)
app.get('/api/todos', authenticate, (req, res) => {
_creator: req.user._id
}).then((todos) => {
}, (err) => {
I don't know why, but all this looks weird to me. I'm wondering if this is how I'm supposed to do this. I mean, is this a good approach/practice on making a API+front-end node app ?
Also, I'm using an auth middleware twice: in the views and in the API itself. I guess this is OK?
It would probably be better to use React/Angular but this is such a small app and I just wanted to make a really simple front-end.
Just keep things simple.
If you go with server-side HTML rendering, you don't need a REST API, just drop it. You need an API in case of an ajax frontend or mobile app.
If you needed a combined approach (server-side rendering + mobile app or server side rendering with some ajax), at the very first step you would want to isolate your database querying code into a separate module (which is actually always a good idea) and use the module from your API and from your views directly, avoiding API usage from server-side views.
This way you will eliminate excessive auth and make debugging much easier, also your code will become cleaner, thus more maintainable.
Also, React is not that complex, i would definitely give it a shot :)

Using with sails js

While there used to be very good documentation for using sockets, thanks to Irl Nathon's Sails Cast series. Things have changed in v0.11, with the sails team wrapping and burying the routines.
The sails site e.g. SailsSocket is maddeningly concise, saying what to do, but not how or where to do it, or if I need to npm or bower something. This has been particularly frustrating trying to use the sails.config.sockets talked about on the sails site. Which I cannot even find in my v0.11 directories.
First, I would like to know how and where to create my own response to a io.socket.get or .post or whatever. Right now when I do a get with something like:
method: 'get',
url: '/sites/2',
params: {},
headers: {}
},function serverResponded(body, JWR){console.log("Body: ", JSON.stringify(body,null, 4)); console.log(' JWR: ', JWR.body)});'
I get back:
VM1149:7 "Not implemented in core yet"
VM1149:7 JWR: Not implemented in core yet
I can see the sites being called in the sails console, but nothing comes across.
I believe it is because I have defined my own routes and have my own find: function in my site controller and I manually need to push something into the server side socket. But I am confused as to how I am to call a whole page with HTTP and just the tables with in the same controller routine.
Where do I write my own low level routines that can be called from a web page?
Do I still do it in the app.js file?
Sails Cast showed it being done there, but again things have changed.
Sails "virtual requests" (what they call these HTTP-ish request) are generally used to retrieve or post JSON data to the server. Additionally, if a client-side script makes a virtual request, the server may add or remove the requesting socket to/from rooms.
Note that using a "virtual method" will ultimately run the same controller action, but will set req.isSocket = true.
This example is a view that renders a view for HTML-wanting requests but returns JSON data for socket-based requests:
// 'get /sites/:id': 'SomeController.showSite' (should be put in your `routes.js`)
showSite: function(req, res) {
// load something from the database
Site.findOne(req.param('id')).exec(function(err, site) {
// handler errors (same for HTTP or sockets)
if (err) return res.serverError();
if (!site) return res.notFound();
if (req.isSocket) return res.json(site); // render JSON response for our `site` object
else return res.view('sites/show', {site: site}); // render an HTML view
As for low-level, sails provides the global variable io (from, which is an instance of SailsSocket. It allows you to make HTTP-ish "virtual requests". More info here (although it seems you have already read all there is to read about SailsSocket :). You can access the underlying client with io.socket._raw.
// do this in the browser.
// should be included in layout.ejs by default.
io.socket.get('/site/2', console.log); // "virtual request"
// neat little trick ^^^^^^^^^^^ for testing :)
var rawIO = io.socket._raw;
rawIO.emit('some:event', "using native");
Hope this helps!
