Anyway to change the default exec call length? - linux

I have a bash script and will have the first line start with # and followed by the command to execute the script, and it seems the limitation is 80 characters due to the exec call has such limitation, is there anyway to change that ? because sometimes my path will be very long.
My case is that I use virtualenv to generate a clean python environment. And in this environment, there's one executable file called pip, the shebang line is python executable path and sometimes this path will be very long, e.g.

If you don't want to modify your path to include the directory in which the executable, you can create a simple wrapper:
/Users/myname/github/myproject/virtualenv_python3.4/bin/python3.4 <(cat <<"EOF"
# Python script goes here
EOF) "$#"


Getting bash script to update parent shell's Environment

I am attempting to write a bash command line tool that is usable immediately after installation, i.e. in the same shell as its installation script was called. Lets say (designed for Ubuntu) looks like:
# Get the script's absolute path:
pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
# Add lines to bash.bashrc to export the environment variable:
echo "SCRIPT_HOME=${SCRIPTPATH}" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
echo "export SCRIPT_HOME" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
# Create a new command:
cp ${SCRIPTPATH}/newcomm /usr/bin
chmod a+x /usr/bin/newcomm
The idea is that the new command newcomm uses the SCRIPT_HOME environment variable to reference the main script - which is also in SCRIPTPATH:
exec "${SCRIPT_HOME}/"
Now, the updated bash.bashrc hasn't been loaded into the parent shell yet. Worse, I cannot source it from within the script - which is running in a child shell. Using export to change SCRIPT_HOME in the parent shell would at best be duct-taping the issue, but even this is impossible. Also note that the installation script needs to be run using sudo so it cannot be called from the parent shell using source.
It should be possible since package managers like apt do it. Is there a robust way to patch up my approach? How is this usually done, and is there a good guide to writing bash installers?
You can't. Neither can apt.
A package manager will instead just write required data/variables to a file, which are read either by the program itself, by a patch to the program, or by a wrapper.
Good examples can be found in /etc/default/*. These are files with variable definitions, and some even helpfully describe where they're sourced from:
$ cat /etc/default/ssh
# Default settings for openssh-server. This file is sourced by /bin/sh from
# /etc/init.d/ssh.
# Options to pass to sshd
You'll notice that none of the options are set in your current shell after installing a package, since programs get them straight from the files in one way or another.
The only way to modify the current shell is to source a script. That's unavoidable, so start there. Write a script that is sourced. That script will in turn call your current script.
Your current script will need to communicate with the sourced one to tell it what to change. A common way is to echo variable assignments that can be directly executed by the caller. For instance:
printf 'export SCRIPT_HOME=%q\n' "$SCRIPTPATH"
Using printf with %q ensures any special characters will be escaped properly.
Then have the sourced script eval the inner script.
eval "$(sudo"
If you want to hide the sourceing of the top script you could hide it behind an alias or shell function.

Why i can excute a newly created file which is not executable?

In Ubuntu, The default umask on Ubuntu is 022 which means that newly created files are readable by everyone, but only writable by the owner, nobody can excute it.
In this case, i create a new file :
touch test.rb # Its content is: puts "hello world"
ls -l demo.rb # -rw-r--r--
Then i excute test.rb :
ruby test.rb # output: "hello world"
Since the owner of the file does not have the "x" permission , then why I can successfully run the file ? or I have missed some knowledge about it ?
You are not executing the file as a binary. You are executing ruby binary with argument test.rb and it interprets the Ruby script. Therefore, only ruby binary needs execution privilage and not the script itself.
You can check the privileges of the binary by running stat (which ruby).
On the other hand if you place
on the top of your script and make it executable with chmod a+x test.rb you could then make Linux run it. The binfmt module of the kernel will check search for #! (called shebang) in the file and run the interpreter for you.
You can find this shebang in lot of the shell scripts. Nowadays it is common to put #!/usr/bin/env ruby or #!/usr/bin/env python in order to use interpreter binary in other location that is available on PATH variable like /usr/local/bin/ruby. Again env is just another binary program. It will run its argument as a program. The kernel will pass script as the parameter which will result in command /usr/bin/env ruby test.rb.
Grzegorz Żur is right.
you can modify your test.rb like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts 'hello world'
and then you excute it with .:
$ ./test.rb
you will see Permission denied.

How bash and other smart shells can find executable files?

They handle executable elfs, scripts and symbolic links from PATH, however what the algorithm of this doing? I'm afraid of I cannot find a source code of this part of a shell.
UDP: Oh, I'm stupid. It looks for EACH executable file in PATH, either directory or ordinary file.
Well, the actual search is performed by find_user_command_in_path() in findcmd.c:553.
The algorithm to search for a command ${foo} is basically:
check if ${foo} is absolute: if it is return this path and stop searching
iterate over all elements in PATH: for p in ${PATH}
construct a path ${p}/${foo} and see if it exists
if it exists and is executable return this path and stop searching
I'm no expert in this area, but I'm almost perfectly sure that on Linux the executable bit in file permissions is all that matters. No sophisticated algorithm needed.
Let's say that we have a file called hello in the current directory, and that the file contains just one line: echo "hello"
If you ran chmod 755 on the file and and you subsequently execute the file, then the bash shell will look through every path that you have listed in the PATH variable of say .bashrc, starting with the first path, until it locates the first path that contains your hello executable. Think of PATH as a linked list and think of the bash shell as going through the linked list of paths, path by path. If the bash shell is not running the hello executable that you want it to run, you have one option: put your hello executable in any one of the preceeding paths.
I am lazy. I don't bother to turn hello into an executable i.e. I am not running the chmod command and I just run
bash hello
where the bash shell is going to look for the hello file in the current directory, fork a bash process and the forked bash process is going to run the hello file before the forked bash process dies.
I am using the bash shell as an example but any other shell will behave the same way.

Why does a bash script require an execute bit if a windows batch script can just be executed?

Yesterday I ran into the git execute bit bash script quirk - the one that requires:
git update-index --add --chmod=+x
and it seemed strange to me that it was even possible to get stuck in this situation. (Ie having created a script file that you don't have permission to run).
If I have created a shell script - surely I can run it under the permissions of the shell execute permissions. Why would it need it's own execute permission bit?
My question is: Why does a bash script require an execute bit if a windows batch script can just be executed?
To run a script you have two options in unix like systems. First Option is to use a direct interpreter call with the script as parameter.
# run a bash script
# run a python scripts
The second option is mark your file as executable, with the execute bit and after a call like this ...
# sample bash
# sample python
... your system tries to find the right interpreter for you. For this the first line 'shebang' of the script is used.
Bash example:
# points to the installed bash interpreter - bash example
Python example:
# points to the installed python interpreter
To your question windows only use the file extension to detect a executable file.
Well, Linux is not Windows. Linux/Unix file systems support the executable bit to distinguish executable from pure data files, and to control exec permissions for user|group|others. You can still run the script if you prefix it with the name of the shell/binary you want to start it with, but if you want to do ./ or execute it from the path it needs to be flagged as executable for you as the onwer|a group member|some other user, and for scripts usually the shebang in the first line that defines the interpreter to start the script with: #!/bin/bash.

How to change Example.bat to

I have read other threads enter link description herethat discuss .bat to L/unix conversions, but none has been satisfactory. I have also tried a lot of hack type approach in writing my own scripts.
I have the following example.bat script that is representative of the kind of script I want to run on unix.
echo "Example.bat"
perl script1
perl script2 stuff.D2D stuff.D2C
program.exe stuff.D2C
perl script3 stuff.DIS results.out
My problem is I don't know how to handle the perl and program.exe in the unix bash shell. I have tried putting them in a system(), but that did not work. Can someone please help me?
Thank you!
Provided that you have an executable file named program.exe somewhere in your $PATH (which you well might — Unix executables don't have to end in .exe, but nothing says they can't), the code you've pasted is a valid shell script. If you save it in a file named, say, example.bat, you can run it by typing
sh example.bat
into the shell prompt.
Of course, Unix shell scripts are usually given the suffix .sh — or no suffix at all — rather than .bat. Also, if you want your script to be executable directly, by typing just
rather than sh, you need to do three things:
Start the script with a "shebang" line: a line that begins with #! and the full path to the shell interpreter you want to use to run it (e.g. /bin/sh for the basic Bourne shell), like this:
echo "This is a shell script."
# ... more commands here ...
Mark your script as executable using the chmod command, e.g.
chmod a+rx
Put your script somewhere along your $PATH. On Unix, the default path will not normally contain the current directory ., so you can't execute programs from the current directory just by typing their name. You can, however, run them by specifying an explicit path, e.g.
./ # runs from the current directory
To find out what your $PATH is, just type echo $PATH into the shell.
