Glassfish custom default app not working on Firefox - jsf

For my app to be available from instead of having to add the contextPath like this: I set the default web module as my app under the
Configurations >> server-config >> Virtual servers >> server
It works perfect in all browsers except for Firefox, here the default page is still showing:
GlassFish Server Your server is now running
To replace this page, overwrite the file index.html in the document
root folder of this server. The document root folder for this server
is the docroot subdirectory of this server's domain directory.
To manage a server on the local host with the default administration
port, go to the Administration Console.
I'm using GlassFish 4.1 and deploying a JSF 2.2 web app
Thanks in advance.

Turns out that #Geinmachi was right, even though its weird since I only have firefox and some other browsers for testing purposes, I had never placed the domain url there but clearing the cache did the trick. Thank you #Geinmachi


IIS showing default page when website stopped intead of sending 404 error when behind load balancer F5

On dev server when I take website down , I am getting 404 on browsing web site. After promoting application to Stage or PAT server (which is equivalent to PROD env) F5 fail over is failing because when website is made down (stopped) F5 is not gettting 404 from the node 1( from the IIS server) instead it is redirecting to IIS default page and F5 is not switiching to node 2.
Please help.
To do some reverse engineering, now I am trying to get default page on dev enviroment. But its always sending 404 when website is stopped. Any options that I can try to get default page in Dev environment. Any help is appreciated !!.
Found the root cause. Default web site and my web site was set at same IP address and port 80. When my web site is down(stopped) iis is defaulting to default web site page.

Is it true that ASP.NET MVC Browser link does not work for https (SSL) url?

I am trying the Browserlink feature of ASP.NET MVC 5 and everything works great for non SSL pages. But if I navigate to a SSL page (with https url), I see 0 connections in the Browser link dashboard. So, is it true that Browser link works only for non SSL urls ? Or am I am missing any settings which will allow me to get Browser Link connection for both SSL and Non SSL urls ?
(I am testing from IIS)
According to this link, Microsoft is working on it.
I have been able to get around the issue by following these steps (using Chrome):
When the debugger opens the browser, open the F12 tools.
Go to the Console tab.
There should be an error message that looks something like this: GET https://localhost:[port]/[guid]/browserLink net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
Open the link in a new tab.
Click Proceed anyway.
Close the Browser Link tab.
Reload the tab with your app.
Browser Link should then start working.
I've also worked around it by getting the script link, reducing it to the root, and browsing there. Once there, accept the cert warning then view the cert and install it into the trusted roots. From then on, the cert will be trusted and the script will load automatically.
It appears that this limitation has been removed in Visual Studio 2015. I do not see any mention of this in the release notes, but Browser Link is fully operational in my dev environment under SSL.
I was unable to get Browser Link, Web Essentials, to work with SSL, even with the mentioned remedies. I was able to find a way, however, to get it work for me.
I am running my app through IIS (not express) and my app was nested under the default website. When debugging the site I saw that Chrome was dumping a connection error with a URL using port 44399. Adding a binding for this port, for https, then allowed the connection to be successful. I also used a local development cert for the SSL Certificate.
DISCLAIMER: Visual Studio tries to be your buddy and not use ports that you've bound to in IIS so once you close and re-open Visual Studio it will likely not use the 44399 port anymore. It looks like it decrements until it finds the next available port. So assuming you're not using 44398 this will be your number. Once you unbind 44399, then close and re-open Visual Studio it will likely rebind to 44399 again.
Hopefully this helps some of you out.
I had a similar issue involving custom domains and subdomains on IIS Express over HTTPS.
(Using SSL certificate I self-signed with support for localhost and my custom domain, installed with self-signed root authority in the trusted certificate store)
I had got IISEx to use the certificate and serve it on port 443 (as admin user), but browserlink was failing with CONNECTION_RESET.
This persisted even after switching back to using localhost as the website url for IIS etc.
Turns out I had forgotten to replace the certificate associated with the other ports IIS Express uses (specifically port 44399), which were still associated with the default development certificate used by IIS Express
[Simple Guide but missing the delete existing certificate bindings guidance]
For Windows 10 IIS Express users.
In visual studio click "View in Browser" in Browser Link
Dashboard .
An IIS Express icon will appear in system tray.
Right Click the IIS Express icon.Your application should be listed in both HTTP and HTTPS.
Hope it helps.

tinymce plugin & tinymce.init() on different domain

How can i run tinymce cross-domain?
tinymce.js, tiny_mce_popup.js & its plugin are located on a server, while tinymce.init() is initialised on index.html at local file system. Local file system can access all paths from server, but tiny_mce_popup.js seems to be not working.
It was all working when index.html & all plugin set of tinymce was located at localhost,i.e. my domain was localhost.
Any idea/advice/suggestion?
Please make sure that the document.domain is the same in all frames (mainwindow and tinymce iframe)!
Assuming you're running on version 3,
As per documentation here TinyMCE cannot be run crossdomain, only cross-subdomain.
If you want to run it cross-subdomain, you should set
document.domain =
Once this is done, you can have your tinymce files hosted on a CDN subdomain, for example, and use it in your website.

Asp.Net publish on server does not some html controls

I have a web application which works fine when i publish and host it on my localhost ...
The same published folder i host to a remote server and a few controls go missing on load of the page .I log into remote desktop to the server and try opening the site on the server itself it works fine. But only when i access it from my local system some controls go missing .Is there something i am missing on the Browserused on the swerver as well as my local system is IE 8 .
Thanks & Regards,
Francis P.
You probably have some URLs with a hard-coded http://localhost/....
Change all of your absolute URLs to relative URLs.
Fiddler and Firebug will be very helpful to see which URLs are being requested.

IIS 7.0 Multiple Domain Site Bindings

I've got three web sites each with its own domain going to my one Windows Server 2008 IIS 7.0 web server.
The site bindings for each:
IIS 7.0 Site Bindings
IIS 7.0 Site Bindings
IIS 7.0 Site Bindings
When I navigate to, then I see my example1 web site.
When I navigate to, then I see my example2 web site.
But, when I navigate to, I see my example1 web site--not the example3 web site I expect.
What's going on? Why might work, but fail?
Issue resolved!
I removed and then recreated the web site within IIS and it's now working.
I didn't change anything. It either originally had a simple typo or the act of recreating it just happened to fix a hiccup within IIS.
It's stopped working again after I setup additional redirects within IIS forcing web sites to use sub domains: redirects to
I've again removed and then recreated the web sites; I've reset IIS; I've rebooted the server. It's still not working correctly.
I've figured it out. It's not an IIS issue. It's a DNS issue.
The traffic is for some reason directed to a web server at a different company. THEY serve up a page with only an HTML frame on it. That frame loads a page with the address That's what I need to handle on MY web server.
I would validate that you have pointing to the proper location on disk. Also ensure that it is not stopped.
The fallback to example1 is due to the binding entry with no header value.
