tinymce plugin & tinymce.init() on different domain - dns

How can i run tinymce cross-domain?
tinymce.js, tiny_mce_popup.js & its plugin are located on a server, while tinymce.init() is initialised on index.html at local file system. Local file system can access all paths from server, but tiny_mce_popup.js seems to be not working.
It was all working when index.html & all plugin set of tinymce was located at localhost,i.e. my domain was localhost.
Any idea/advice/suggestion?

Please make sure that the document.domain is the same in all frames (mainwindow and tinymce iframe)!

Assuming you're running on version 3,
As per documentation here TinyMCE cannot be run crossdomain, only cross-subdomain.
If you want to run it cross-subdomain, you should set
document.domain = example.com
Once this is done, you can have your tinymce files hosted on a CDN subdomain, for example, and use it in your website.


Elastic Beanstalk Node Static Files are not Loaded

I am having trouble serving my static files on Elastic Beanstalk using NodeJS deployed on Linux 2. My local environment works, but my deployment is unable to serve the static files located in a top-level static folder called 'public'.
My configuration is as follows:
/images: public/images
/javascripts: public/javascripts
/stylesheets: public/stylesheets
I am certain that the configuration is processed correctly because I can view the results of the static file configuration within AWS UI. When I navigate to the home directory of my site (using http:// protocol), the HTML page is loaded, but the CSS and JS under the public directory is not. The error I get is as follows:
GET https://<domain name>/stylesheets/layout.css net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
Note that the https:// protocol is used. From my understanding, the reason my local environment works is that my application serves the static files with the correct protocol. Here are my questions:
Why are my static files being served with protocol https:// when I request my home directory using http://?
I don't want to serve my static files through the application to reduce the number of requests to my application, noted here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/command-options-general.html#command-options-general-environmentproxystaticfiles. Is there anything actually wrong with the configuration?
Issue was resolved. I am using Helmet JS for Content Security Policy (CSP), and it has a directive for converting insecure requests to secure ones: upgrade-insecure-requests. Make sure to remove that in the development phase for a site that is relying on http:// for content. Best practice is to use https:// when possible.

Do I need to make any changes in my node.js codes to deploy it over the web?

I've created a website using html,css,sass,js, node, express & ejs. Do I need to make any changes in the code to deploy it over the web?
P.S. I've set the port to process.env thing and added the css & js files to a public folder. Are there any other changes I need to make?
Not sure what you are asking.
You basically need to make it publicly available.
You could either do it using a host provider or in theory you could set up your own server using apache ,nginx etc then reroute your home router to your machine (laptop).
Your server will run the same way as locally in theory.
You just need something to redirect the traffic in and out.

Glassfish custom default app not working on Firefox

For my app to be available from mydomain.com instead of having to add the contextPath like this: mydomain.com/myapp/ I set the default web module as my app under the
Configurations >> server-config >> Virtual servers >> server
It works perfect in all browsers except for Firefox, here the default page is still showing:
GlassFish Server Your server is now running
To replace this page, overwrite the file index.html in the document
root folder of this server. The document root folder for this server
is the docroot subdirectory of this server's domain directory.
To manage a server on the local host with the default administration
port, go to the Administration Console.
I'm using GlassFish 4.1 and deploying a JSF 2.2 web app
Thanks in advance.
Turns out that #Geinmachi was right, even though its weird since I only have firefox and some other browsers for testing purposes, I had never placed the domain url there but clearing the cache did the trick. Thank you #Geinmachi

CouchApp paths are wrong after import

I'm using CouchApp to push an existing html&javascript application. The application uses jquery and twitter bootstrap and it works perfectly fine from a regular web server / when opened locally.
(The application is basically a ready made app I bought and which I wish to redesign)
After I push the application (which is structured in many folders) I can't open it from couchdb since all the paths are "wrong".
My HTML files are under Page/PageType/Pagename.html so every css for example is accessed via ../../stylesheet/style.css but the URL can't be accessed when calling couchdb.
For example I have this page:
Which is displayed in the browser but without style/js/images because the path is: (So _design/coreadmin is missing)
Is it possible to upload the project as is and make it work or do I have to go over all the files and fix the paths? (which means it will not work on any other web server...)
The problem was with the URL - by replacing the %2f to / everything everything is now working just fine.

Asp.Net publish on server does not some html controls

I have a web application which works fine when i publish and host it on my localhost ...
The same published folder i host to a remote server and a few controls go missing on load of the page .I log into remote desktop to the server and try opening the site on the server itself it works fine. But only when i access it from my local system some controls go missing .Is there something i am missing on the Browserused on the swerver as well as my local system is IE 8 .
Thanks & Regards,
Francis P.
You probably have some URLs with a hard-coded http://localhost/....
Change all of your absolute URLs to relative URLs.
Fiddler and Firebug will be very helpful to see which URLs are being requested.
