Capitalize Every Other Letter in a String -- take / drop versus head / tail for Lists - string

I have spent the past afternoon or two poking at my computer as if I had never seen one before. Today's topic Lists
The exercise is to take a string and capitalize every other letter. I did not get very far...
Let's take a list x = String.toList "abcde" and try to analyze it. If we add the results of take 1 and drop 1 we get back the original list
> x = String.toList "abcde"
['a','b','c','d','e'] : List Char
> (List.take 1 x) ++ (List.drop 1 x)
['a','b','c','d','e'] : List Char
I thought head and tail did the same thing, but I get a big error message:
> [List.head x] ++ (List.tail x)
==================================== ERRORS ====================================
-- TYPE MISMATCH --------------------------------------------- repl-temp-000.elm
The right argument of (++) is causing a type mismatch.
7│ [List.head x] ++ (List.tail x)
(++) is expecting the right argument to be a:
List (Maybe Char)
But the right argument is:
Maybe (List Char)
Hint: I always figure out the type of the left argument first and if it is
acceptable on its own, I assume it is "correct" in subsequent checks. So the
problem may actually be in how the left and right arguments interact.
The error message tells me a lot of what's wrong. Not 100% sure how I would fix it. The list joining operator ++ is expecting [Maybe Char] and instead got Maybe [Char]
Let's just try to capitalize the first letter in a string (which is less cool, but actually realistic).
[String.toUpper ( List.head x)] ++ (List.drop 1 x)
This is wrong since Char.toUpper requires String and instead List.head x is a Maybe Char.
[Char.toUpper ( List.head x)] ++ (List.drop 1 x)
This also wrong since Char.toUpper requires Char instead of Maybe Char.
In real life a user could break a script like this by typing non-Unicode character (like an emoji). So maybe Elm's feedback is right. This should be an easy problem it takes "abcde" and turns into "AbCdE" (or possibly "aBcDe"). How to handle errors properly?
The same question in JavaScript: How do I make the first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript?

In Elm, List.head and List.tail both return they Maybe type because either function could be passed an invalid value; specifically, the empty list. Some languages, like Haskell, throw an error when passing an empty list to head or tail, but Elm tries to eliminate as many runtime errors as possible.
Because of this, you must explicitly handle the exceptional case of the empty list if you choose to use head or tail.
Note: There are probably better ways to achieve your end goal of string mixed capitalization, but I'll focus on the head and tail issue because it's a good learning tool.
Since you're using the concatenation operator, ++, you'll need a List for both arguments, so it's safe to say you could create a couple functions that handle the Maybe return values and translate them to an empty list, which would allow you to use your concatenation operator.
myHead list =
case List.head list of
Just h -> [h]
Nothing -> []
myTail list =
case List.tail list of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> []
Using the case statements above, you can handle all possible outcomes and map them to something usable for your circumstances. Now you can swap myHead and myTail into your code and you should be all set.


Pattern matching (x:_): why is the list head bounded to x?

Just struggling here with Haskell... i have a pretty bad terminology, and given my native language is not english, it's a little complicated to make the right searches :P i was following some haskell tutorials/books (Learn you a Haskell, Real World Haskell, Happy Learn Haskell, also a mailing list, and some random pages), and now i'm stopped here:
head' :: [Char] -> Char
head' (x:_) = x
This function receives a list of elements of String type, and if i apply it like this:
head' "hello"
It returns "h", which is bounded to x, and "ello" is bounded to _, but it does not matter because i don't use it. I understand that the (:) function (or used as an infix operator) receives an element which will be put and the start of a new list, whose tail will be the other received element:
'a' : ['b', 'c'] will return "abc" But, why when i use ":" inside parentheses, the first element is bounded to x and the rest to _? What happens here?
I read a few SO questions like this (x:xs) pattern Haskell logic and this (which is more closer to answer my question i think) What does (x:_) and [x:_] mean? but the accepted question of this last one says:
": is a constructor for lists, which takes the head of the new list as its left argument and the tail as its right argument. If you use it as a pattern like here that means that the head of the list you match is given to the right pattern and the tail to the left."
"The head of the list is given to the right, and the tail to the left"... it really confuses me: if the head is given to "_" and the tail to "x" when used ":" on pattern matching, why x has the value of the list head?
I think maybe its my bad english level which makes me difficult to grasp this. I will also appreciate some hint (like a specific search) instead of a direct answer.
EDIT: For another noob like me.... as said by the accepted answer, "abcd" is just 'a':'b':'c':'d', the pattern (x:_) matches 'a':'b' and so on, the underscore means "i don't care about the rest", and receives the rest of the characters. Just that :)
The list data type is defined like this:
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
That means that a list of as is either empty, or a head element attached to a tail element using the : (cons) constructor.
When you pattern match on a list, you define your function for each of these two cases. In the case of head', it just fails when given an empty list, so we only match one case: the a : [a] case.
If you called head' "hello" (as it exists right now, with the type signature included) it should fail, because "hello" is actually a String -- an alias for [Char] in Haskell. "hello" is merely syntactic sugar for the following construction:
"hello" = 'h':'e':'l':'l':'o':[]
So, when you pattern match on the list using head', you get 'h' on the left side of the first :, and the rest of the list (which we don't care about) bound to _.

Error: Non-exhaustive patterns in function Haskell

I did a thread for an error like this one, in it I explain my program. here's the link
I'm going forward in my project and I have an another problem like that one. I did an other thread but if I just need to edit the first one just tell me.
I want to reverse my matrix. For example [[B,B,N],[N,B,B]] will become [[B,N],[B,B],[N,B]]. Here's my code:
transpose :: Grille -> Grille
transpose [] = []
transpose g
| head(g) == [] = []
| otherwise = [premierElem(g)] ++ transpose(supp g)
supp :: Grille -> Grille
supp [] = []
supp (g:xg) = [tail(g)] ++ supp(xg)
premierElem :: Grille -> [Case]
premierElem [] = []
premierElem (x:xg) = [head(x)] ++ premierElem(xg)
I got the exact same error and I tried like for the first one but that's not it.
EDIT: The exact error
*Main> transpose g0
[[B,B,N,B,N,B],[B,B,B,B,N,B],[B,N,N,B,N,B],[B,B,N,N,B,N],[B,N,N,N,B,N],[B,B,N,B,B,B],[N,B,N,N,B,N],[*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
The problem is that your transpose function has a broken termination condition. How does it know when to stop? Try walking through the final step by hand...
In general, your case transpose [] = [] will never occur, because your supp function never changes the number of lists in its argument. A well-formed matrix will end up as [[],[],[],...], which will not match []. The only thing that will stop it is an error like you received.
So, you need to check the remaining length of your nested (row?) vectors, and stop if it is zero. There are many ways to approach this; if it's not cheating, you could look at the implementation of transpose in the Prelude documents.
Also, re your comment above: if you expect your input to be well-formed in some way, you should cover any excluded cases by complaining about the ill-formed input, such as reporting an error.
Fixing Your Code
You should avoid using partial functions, such as tail and head, and instead make your own functions do (more) pattern matching. For example:
premierElem g = [head(head(g))] ++ premierElem(tail(g))
Yuck! If you want the first element of the first list in g then match on the pattern:
premierElem ((a:_):rest) = [a] ++ premierElem rest
This in and of itself is insufficient, you'll want to handle the case where the first list of the Grille is an empty list and at least give a useful error message if you can't use a reasonable default value:
premeirElem ([]:rest) = premeirElem rest
Making Better Code
Eventually you will become more comfortable in the language and learn to express what you want using higher level operations, which often means you'll be able to reuse functions already provided in base or other libraries. In this case:
premeirElem :: [[a]] -> [a]
premeirElem = concatMap (take 1)
Which assumes you are OK with silently ignoring []. If that isn't your intent then other similarly concise solutions can work well, but we'd need clarity on the goal.

"For all" statements in Haskell

I'm building comfort going through some Haskell toy problems and I've written the following speck of code
multipOf :: [a] -> (Int, a)
multipOf x = (length x, head x)
gmcompress x = (map multipOf).group $ x
which successfully preforms the following operation
gmcompress [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3] = [(4,1),(3,2),(1,3)]
Now I want this function to instead of telling me that an element of the set had multiplicity 1, to just leave it alone. So to give the result [(4,1),(3,2),3] instead. It be great if there were a way to say (either during or after turning the list into one of pairs) for all elements of multiplicity 1, leave as just an element; else, pair. My initial, naive, thought was to do the following.
multipOf :: [a] -> (Int, a)
multipOf x = if length x = 1 then head x else (length x, head x)
gmcompress x = (map multipOf).group $ x
BUT this doesn't work. I think because the then and else clauses have different types, and unfortunately you can't piece-wise define the (co)domain of your functions. How might I go about getting past this issue?
BUT this doesn't work. I think because the then and else clauses have different types, and unfortunately you can't piece-wise define the (co)domain of your functions. How might I go about getting past this issue?
Your diagnosis is right; the then and else must have the same type. There's no "getting past this issue," strictly speaking. Whatever solution you adopt has to use same type in both branches of the conditional. One way would be to design a custom data type that encodes the possibilities that you want, and use that instead. Something like this would work:
-- | A 'Run' of #a# is either 'One' #a# or 'Many' of them (with the number
-- as an argument to the 'Many' constructor).
data Run a = One a | Many Int a
But to tell you the truth, I don't think this would really gain you anything. I'd stick to the (Int, a) encoding rather than going to this Run type.

Why am I receiving this syntax error - possibly due to bad layout?

I've just started trying to learn haskell and functional programming. I'm trying to write this function that will convert a binary string into its decimal equivalent. Please could someone point out why I am constantly getting the error:
"BinToDecimal.hs":19 - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `}', possibly due to bad layout)
module BinToDecimal where
total :: [Integer]
total = []
binToDecimal :: String -> Integer
binToDecimal a = if (null a) then (sum total)
else if (head a == "0") then binToDecimal (tail a)
else if (head a == "1") then total ++ (2^((length a)-1))
binToDecimal (tail a)
So, total may not be doing what you think it is. total isn't a mutable variable that you're changing, it will always be the empty list []. I think your function should include another parameter for the list you're building up. I would implement this by having binToDecimal call a helper function with the starting case of an empty list, like so:
binToDecimal :: String -> Integer
binToDecimal s = binToDecimal' s []
binToDecimal' :: String -> [Integer] -> Integer
-- implement binToDecimal' here
In addition to what #Sibi has said, I would highly recommend using pattern matching rather than nested if-else. For example, I'd implement the base case of binToDecimal' like so:
binToDecimal' :: String -> [Integer] -> Integer
binToDecimal' "" total = sum total -- when the first argument is the empty string, just sum total. Equivalent to `if (null a) then (sum total)`
-- Include other pattern matching statements here to handle your other if/else cases
If you think it'd be helpful, I can provide the full implementation of this function instead of giving tips.
Ok, let me give you hints to get you started:
You cannot do head a == "0" because "0" is String. Since the type of a is [Char], the type of head a is Char and you have to compare it with an Char. You can solve it using head a == '0'. Note that "0" and '0' are different.
Similarly, rectify your type error in head a == "1"
This won't typecheck: total ++ (2^((length a)-1)) because the type of total is [Integer] and the type of (2^((length a)-1)) is Integer. For the function ++ to typecheck both arguments passed to it should be list of the same type.
You are possible missing an else block at last. (before the code binToDecimal (tail a))
That being said, instead of using nested if else expression, try to use guards as they will increase the readability greatly.
There are many things we can improve here (but no worries, this is perfectly normal in the beginning, there is so much to learn when we start Haskell!!!).
First of all, a string is definitely not an appropriate way to represent a binary, because nothing prevents us to write "éaldkgjasdg" in place of a proper binary. So, the first thing is to define our binary type:
data Binary = Zero | One deriving (Show)
We just say that it can be Zero or One. The deriving (Show) will allow us to have the result displayed when run in GHCI.
In Haskell to solve problem we tend to start with a more general case to dive then in our particular case. The thing we need here is a function with an additional argument which holds the total. Note the use of pattern matching instead of ifs which makes the function easier to read.
binToDecimalAcc :: [Binary] -> Integer -> Integer
binToDecimalAcc [] acc = acc
binToDecimalAcc (Zero:xs) acc = binToDecimalAcc xs acc
binToDecimalAcc (One:xs) acc = binToDecimalAcc xs $ acc + 2^(length xs)
Finally, since we want only to have to pass a single parameter we define or specific function where the acc value is 0:
binToDecimal :: [Binary] -> Integer
binToDecimal binaries = binToDecimalAcc binaries 0
We can run a test in GHCI:
test1 = binToDecimal [One, Zero, One, Zero, One, Zero]
> 42
OK, all fine, but what if you really need to convert a string to a decimal? Then, we need a function able to convert this string to a binary. The problem as seen above is that not all strings are proper binaries. To handle this, we will need to report some sort of error. The solution I will use here is very common in Haskell: it is to use "Maybe". If the string is correct, it will return "Just result" else it will return "Nothing". Let's see that in practice!
The first function we will write is to convert a char to a binary. As discussed above, Nothing represents an error.
charToBinary :: Char -> Maybe Binary
charToBinary '0' = Just Zero
charToBinary '1' = Just One
charToBinary _ = Nothing
Then, we can write a function for a whole string (which is a list of Char). So [Char] is equivalent to String. I used it here to make clearer that we are dealing with a list.
stringToBinary :: [Char] -> Maybe [Binary]
stringToBinary [] = Just []
stringToBinary chars = mapM charToBinary chars
The function mapM is a kind of variation of map which acts on monads (Maybe is actually a monad). To learn about monads I recommend reading Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
We can notice once more that if there are any errors, Nothing will be returned.
A dedicated function to convert strings holding binaries can now be written.
binStringToDecimal :: [Char] -> Maybe Integer
binStringToDecimal = fmap binToDecimal . stringToBinary
The use of the "." function allow us to define this function as an equality with another function, so we do not need to mention the parameter (point free notation).
The fmap function allow us to run binToDecimal (which expect a [Binary] as argument) on the return of stringToBinary (which is of type "Maybe [Binary]"). Once again, Learn you a Haskell... is a very good reference to learn more about fmap:
Now, we can run a second test:
test2 = binStringToDecimal "101010"
> Just 42
And finally, we can test our error handling system with a mistake in the string:
test3 = binStringToDecimal "102010"
> Nothing

How to access nth element in a Haskell tuple

I have this:
get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) = a
which works fine in GHCI but I want to compile it with GHC and it gives error. If I want to write a function to get the nth element of a tuple and be able to run in GHC what should I do?
my all program is like below, what should I do with that?
get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) = a
main = do
mytuple <- getLine
print $ get3th mytuple
Your problem is that getLine gives you a String, but you want a tuple of some kind. You can fix your problem by converting the String to a tuple – for example by using the built-in read function. The third line here tries to parse the String into a six-tuple of Ints.
main = do
mystring <- getLine
let mytuple = read mystring :: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
print $ get3th mytuple
Note however that while this is useful for learning about types and such, you should never write this kind of code in practise. There are at least two warning signs:
You have a tuple with more than three or so elements. Such a tuple is very rarely needed and can often be replaced by a list, a vector or a custom data type. Tuples are rarely used more than temporarily to bring two kinds of data into one value. If you start using tuples often, think about whether or not you can create your own data type instead.
Using read to read a structure is not a good idea. read will explode your program with a terrible error message at any tiny little mistake, and that's usually not what you want. If you need to parse structures, it's a good idea to use a real parser. read can be enough for simple integers and such, but no more than that.
The type of getLine is IO String, so your program won't type check because you are supplying a String instead of a tuple.
Your program will work if proper parameter is supplied, i.e:
main = do
print $ get3th (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
It seems to me that your confusion is between tuples and lists. That is an understandable confusion when you first meet Haskell as many other languages only have one similar construct. Tuples use round parens: (1,2). A tuple with n values in it is a type, and each value can be a different type which results in a different tuple type. So (Int, Int) is a different type from (Int, Float), both are two tuples. There are some functions in the prelude which are polymorphic over two tuples, ie fst :: (a,b) -> a which takes the first element. fst is easy to define using pattern matching like your own function:
fst (a,b) = a
Note that fst (1,2) evaluates to 1, but fst (1,2,3) is ill-typed and won't compile.
Now, lists on the other hand, can be of any length, including zero, and still be the same type; but each element must be of the same type. Lists use square brackets: [1,2,3]. The type for a list with elements of type a is written [a]. Lists are constructed from appending values onto the empty list [], so a list with one element can be typed [a], but this is syntactic sugar for a:[], where : is the cons operator which appends a value to the head of the list. Like tuples can be pattern matched, you can use the empty list and the cons operator to pattern match:
head :: [a] -> a
head (x:xs) = x
The pattern match means x is of type a and xs is of type [a], and it is the former we want for head. (This is a prelude function and there is an analogous function tail.)
Note that head is a partial function as we cannot define what it does in the case of the empty list. Calling it on an empty list will result in a runtime error as you can check for yourself in GHCi. A safer option is to use the Maybe type.
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
safeHead [] = Nothing
String in Haskell is simply a synonym for [Char]. So all of these list functions can be used on strings, and getLine returns a String.
Now, in your case you want the 3rd element. There are a couple of ways you could do this, you could call tail a few times then call head, or you could pattern match like (a:b:c:xs). But there is another utility function in the prelude, (!!) which gets the nth element. (Writing this function is a very good beginner exercise). So your program can be written
main = do
myString <- getLine
print $ myString !! 2 --zero indexed
Testing gives
Prelude> main
So remember, tuples us ()and are strictly of a given length, but can have members of different types; whereas lists use '[]', can be any length, but each element must be the same type. And Strings are really lists of characters.
As an aside, I thought I'd mention that there is a neater way of writing this main function if you are interested.
main = getLine >>= print . (!!3)
