Is cassandra a row column database? - cassandra

Im trying to learn cassandra but im confused with the terminology.
Many instances it says the row stores key/value pairs.
but, when I define a table its more like declaring a SQL table ie; you create a table and specify the column names and data types.
Can someone clarify this?

Cassandra is a column based NoSQL database. While yes at its lowest level it does store simple key-value pairs it stores these key-value pairs in collections. This grouping of keys and collections is analogous to rows and columns in a traditional relational model. Cassandra tables contain a schema and can be referenced (with restrictions) using a SQL-like language called CQL.
In your comment you ask about Apples being stored in a different table from oranges. The answer to that specific question is No it will be in the same table. However Cassandra tables have an additional concept call the Partition Key that doesn't really have an analgous concept in the relational world. Take for example the following table definition
CREATE TABLE fruit_types {
fruit text,
location text,
cost float,
PRIMARY KEY ((fruit), location)
In this table definition you will notice that we are defining the schema for the table. You will also notice that we are defining a PRIMARY KEY. This primary key is similar but not exactly like a relational concept. In Cassandra the PRIMAY KEY is made up of two parts the PARTITION KEY and CLUSTERING COLUMNS. The PARTITION KEY is the first fields specified in the PRIMARY KEY and can contain one or more fields delimitated by parenthesis. The purpose of the PARTITION KEY is to be hashed and used to define the node that owns the data and is also used to physically divide the information on the disk into files. The CLUSTERING COLUMNS make up the other columns listed in the PRIMARY KEY and amongst other things are used for defining how the data is physically stored on the disk inside the different files as specified by the PARTITION KEY. I suggest you do some additional reading on the PRIMARY KEY here if your interested in more detail:

Basically cassandra storage is like sparse matrix, earlier version has a command line tool called cqlsh which can show the exact storage foot print of your columnfamily(aka table in latest version). Later community decided to keep RDBMS kind of syntax for better understanding coz the query language(CQL) syntax is similar to sql.
main storage is key(partition) (which is hash function result of chosen partition column in your table and rest of the columns will be tagged to it like sparse matrix.


Cassandra IN clause for non primary key column

I want to use the IN clause for the non-primary key column in Cassandra. Is it possible? if it is not is there any alternate or suggestion?
Three possible solutions
Create a secondary index. This is not recommended due to performance problems.
See if you can designate that column in the existing table as part of the primary key
Create another denormalised table that table is optimised for your query. i.e data model by query pattern
And also even after you move that to primary key, operations with IN clause can be further optimised. I found this cassandra lookup by list of primary keys in java very useful

Cassandra - Same partition key in different tables - when it is right?

I modeled my Cassandra in a way that i have couple of tables with the same partition key - Uuid.
Each table has it's partition key and others column representing data for specific query i would like to ask.
For example - 1 table have Uuid and column regarding it's status (no other clustering keys in this table) and table 2 will contain the same Uuid (Also without clustering keys) but with different columns representing the data for this Uuid.
Is it the right modeling? Is it wrong to duplicate the same partition key around tables in order to group each table to hold relevant column for specific use case? or it preferred to use only 1 table and query them and taking the relevant data for the specific use case in the code?
There's nothing wrong with this modeling. Whether it is better, or worse, than the obvious alternative of having just one table with both pieces of data, depends on your workload:
For example, if you commonly need to read both status and data columns of the same uuid, then these reads will be more efficient if both things are in the same table, which only needs to be looked up once. If you always read just one but not both, then reads will be more efficient from separate tables. Also, if this workload is not read-mostly but rather write-mostly, then writing to just one table instead of two will be more efficient.

Query in Cassandra that will sort the whole table by a specific field

I have a table like this
CREATE TABLE my_table(
category text,
name text,
PRIMARY KEY((category), name)
I want to write a query that will sort by name through the entire table, not just each partition.
Is that possible? What would be the "Cassandra way" of writing that query?
I've read other answers in the StackOverflow site and some examples created single partition with one id (bucket) which was the primary key but I don't want that because I want to have my data spread across the nodes by category
Cassandra doesn't support sorting across partitions; it only supports sorting within partitions.
So what you could do is query each category separately and it would return the sorted names for each partition. Then you could do a merge of those sorted results in your client (which is much faster than a full sort).
Another way would be to use Spark to read the table into an RDD and sort it inside Spark.
Always model cassandra tables through the access patterns (relational db / cassandra fill different needs).
Up to Cassandra 2.X, one had to model new column families (tables) for each access pattern. So if your access pattern needs a specific column to be sorted then model a table with that column in the partition/clustering key. So the code will have to insert into both the master table and into the projection table. Note depending on your business logic this may be difficult to synchronise if there's concurrent update, especially if there's update to perform after a read on the projections.
With Cassandra 3.x, there is now materialized views, that will allow you to have a similar feature, but that will be handled internally by Cassandra. Not sure it may fit your problem as I didn't play too much with 3.X but that may be worth investigation.
More on materialized view on their blog.

How to add the multiple column as a primary keys in cassandra?

I have an existing table with millions of records and initially we have two columns as partitioning key and clustering key and now I want add two more columns in a table as a partitioning key.
If you make a change to the partition key you will need to create a new table and import the existing data. This is due to, in part, the fact that a partition key is not equal to a primary key in a relational database. The partition key is hashed by Cassandra and that hash is used to find partitions on disk. If you change the partition key you change the hash value and can no longer look up the partition!
// Here we declare the partition key columns and clustering columns
//If you need to change the default clustering order declare that here
You could export the data to CSV using COPY and then import the data to the new table via COPY or use the SSTABLELOADER. There is plenty of documentation and walkthroughs on how to use those tools. For example, this Datastax blog post talks about the changes made to the updated SSTABLELOADER. If you create a new table and import the existing data you will create new partitions and new hashes. Cassandra will not let you simply add additional columns to the partition key after the table has been created.
Understanding your data and the Cassandra data modeling techniques will help mitigate the amount of work you may find yourself doing changing partition keys. Check out the self-paced courses provided by Datastax. DS220: Data Modeling could really help.

Is Cassandra a column oriented or columnar database

Columnar database should store group of columns together. But Cassandra stores data row-wise.
SS Table will hold multiple rows of data mapped to their corresponding partition key. So I feel like Cassandra is a row wise data store like MySQL but has other benefits like "wide rows" and every columns are not necessarily to be present for all the rows and of course it's in memory . Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If you go to the Apache Cassandra project on GitHub, and scroll down to the "Executive Summary," you will get your answer:
Cassandra is a partitioned row store. Rows are organized into tables
with a required primary key.
Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across
multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will
automatically repartition as machines are added and removed from the
Row store means that like relational databases, Cassandra organizes
data by rows and columns.
"So I feel like Cassandra is a row wise data store"
And that would be correct.
In a Column oriented or a columnar database data are stored on disk in a column wise manner.
e.g: Table Bonuses table
ID Last First Bonus
1 Doe John 8000
2 Smith Jane 4000
3 Beck Sam 1000
In a row-oriented database management system, the data would be stored like this: 1,Doe,John,8000;2,Smith,Jane,4000;3,Beck,Sam,1000;
In a column-oriented database management system, the data would be stored like this:
Cassandra is basically a column-family store
Cassandra would store the above data as:
Bonuses: { row1: { "ID":1, "Last":"Doe", "First":"John", "Bonus":8000}, row2: { "ID":2, "Last":"Smith", "Jane":"John", "Bonus":4000} ... }
Vertica, VectorWise, MonetDB are some column oriented databases that I've heard of.
Read this for more details.
Hope this helps.
A good way of thinking about cassandra is as a map of maps, where the inner maps are sorted by key. A partition has many columns, and they are always stored together. They are sorted by clustering keys - first by the first key, then the next, then next...and so on. Partitions are then replicated amongst replicas. It's not necessarily stored as "rows" as different rows are stored on different nodes based on replication strategy and active hashing algorithm. In other words, a partition for ProductId 1 is likely not stored next to ProductId 2 if ProductId is the partition key. However the coloumns for Product Id 1, are always stored together.
As for definitions, most NoSQL stores are blurring the lines one way or the other. They usually span multiple categories. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether this qualifies as a columnar database or not :)
It is a wide column database and is also known as column family databases.
The definition from Wikipedia also helps further:
Wide-column stores such as Bigtable and Apache Cassandra are not column stores in the original sense of the term, since their two-level structures do not use a columnar data layout. In genuine column stores, a columnar data layout is adopted such that each column is stored separately on disk. Wide-column stores do often support the notion of column families that are stored separately. However, each such column family typically contains multiple columns that are used together, similar to traditional relational database tables. Within a given column family, all data is stored in a row-by-row fashion, such that the columns for a given row are stored together, rather than each column being stored separately. Wide-column stores that support column families are also known as column family databases.
