How to add the multiple column as a primary keys in cassandra? - cassandra

I have an existing table with millions of records and initially we have two columns as partitioning key and clustering key and now I want add two more columns in a table as a partitioning key.

If you make a change to the partition key you will need to create a new table and import the existing data. This is due to, in part, the fact that a partition key is not equal to a primary key in a relational database. The partition key is hashed by Cassandra and that hash is used to find partitions on disk. If you change the partition key you change the hash value and can no longer look up the partition!
// Here we declare the partition key columns and clustering columns
//If you need to change the default clustering order declare that here
You could export the data to CSV using COPY and then import the data to the new table via COPY or use the SSTABLELOADER. There is plenty of documentation and walkthroughs on how to use those tools. For example, this Datastax blog post talks about the changes made to the updated SSTABLELOADER. If you create a new table and import the existing data you will create new partitions and new hashes. Cassandra will not let you simply add additional columns to the partition key after the table has been created.
Understanding your data and the Cassandra data modeling techniques will help mitigate the amount of work you may find yourself doing changing partition keys. Check out the self-paced courses provided by Datastax. DS220: Data Modeling could really help.


Should every table in Cassandra have a partition key?

I am trying to create a Cassandra table where i store the logs for a shop as per the timestamp. I also want to create a query which returns the data in a descending order with respect to the timestamp. If I make my timestamp as the primary key it will be automatically be the partition key as i don't have any other columns as composite primary key.
And in Cassandra we can't do ORDER BY on partition keys. Is there any way that I make my timestamp as primary key and not as partition key (A Cassandra DB without a partition key).
Thanks in advance.
table creation if required :
CREATE TABLE myCass.logs(timestamp timestamp, logs text, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp));
Since you have the timestamp you know the year, month, day. You could use those as your partition key and have the timestamp as a clustering column. In this way you would satisfy also the need for a partition key, you will have a primary key for the data, you could order by on timestamps and you would evenly spread your data across the cluster.
This way of splitting data is called bucketing. Here is some good reading on this subject - Cassandra Time Series Data Modeling For Massive Scale

Are sorted columns in Cassandra using just one set of nodes? (one set = repeat factor)

Using older versions of Cassandra, we were expected to create our own sorted rows using a special row of columns, because columns are saved sorted in Cassandra.
Is Cassandra 3.0 with CQL using the same concept when you create a PRIMARY KEY?
Say, for example, that I create a table like so:
CREATE TABLE my_table (
created_on timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (created_on)
Then I add various entries like so:
INSERT INTO my_table (created_on, ...) VALUES (1, ...);
INSERT INTO my_table (created_on, ...) VALUES (9, ...);
How does Cassandra manage the sort on the PRIMARY KEY? Will that happens on all nodes, or only one set (what I call a set is the number of replicates, so if you have a cluster of 100 nodes with a replication factor of 4, would the primary key appear on 100 nodes, 25, or just 4? With older versions, it would only be on 4 nodes.)
In your case the primary key is the partition key, which used to be the row key. Which means the data your are inserting will be present on 4 out of 100 nodes if the replication factor is set to 4.
In CQL you can add more columns to the primary key, which are called clustering keys. When querying C* with CQL the result set might contain more than one row for a partition key. Those rows are logical and are stored in the partition of which they share the partition key (but vary in their clustering key values). The data in those logical rows is replicated as the partition is.
Have a look at the example for possible primary keys in the official documentation of the CREATE TABLE statement.
EDIT (row sorting):
C* keeps the partitions of a table in the order of their partition key values' hash code. The ordering is therefor not straight forward and results for range queries by partition key values are not what you would expect them to be. But as partitions are in fact ordered you still can do server side pagination with the help of the token function.
That said, you could employ the ByteOrderedPartitioner to achieve lexical ordering of your partitions. But it is very easy to create hotspots with that partitioner and it is generally discouraged to use it.
The rows of a given partition are ordered by the actual values of their clustering keys. Range queries on those behave as you'd expect them to.

Is cassandra a row column database?

Im trying to learn cassandra but im confused with the terminology.
Many instances it says the row stores key/value pairs.
but, when I define a table its more like declaring a SQL table ie; you create a table and specify the column names and data types.
Can someone clarify this?
Cassandra is a column based NoSQL database. While yes at its lowest level it does store simple key-value pairs it stores these key-value pairs in collections. This grouping of keys and collections is analogous to rows and columns in a traditional relational model. Cassandra tables contain a schema and can be referenced (with restrictions) using a SQL-like language called CQL.
In your comment you ask about Apples being stored in a different table from oranges. The answer to that specific question is No it will be in the same table. However Cassandra tables have an additional concept call the Partition Key that doesn't really have an analgous concept in the relational world. Take for example the following table definition
CREATE TABLE fruit_types {
fruit text,
location text,
cost float,
PRIMARY KEY ((fruit), location)
In this table definition you will notice that we are defining the schema for the table. You will also notice that we are defining a PRIMARY KEY. This primary key is similar but not exactly like a relational concept. In Cassandra the PRIMAY KEY is made up of two parts the PARTITION KEY and CLUSTERING COLUMNS. The PARTITION KEY is the first fields specified in the PRIMARY KEY and can contain one or more fields delimitated by parenthesis. The purpose of the PARTITION KEY is to be hashed and used to define the node that owns the data and is also used to physically divide the information on the disk into files. The CLUSTERING COLUMNS make up the other columns listed in the PRIMARY KEY and amongst other things are used for defining how the data is physically stored on the disk inside the different files as specified by the PARTITION KEY. I suggest you do some additional reading on the PRIMARY KEY here if your interested in more detail:
Basically cassandra storage is like sparse matrix, earlier version has a command line tool called cqlsh which can show the exact storage foot print of your columnfamily(aka table in latest version). Later community decided to keep RDBMS kind of syntax for better understanding coz the query language(CQL) syntax is similar to sql.
main storage is key(partition) (which is hash function result of chosen partition column in your table and rest of the columns will be tagged to it like sparse matrix.

row key in cassandra table

I am new to Cassandra, I am confused between rowkey and partition key in Cassandra.
I am creating a table like:
Create table events( day text, hour text, dip text, sip text, count counter,
primary key((day,hour), dip, sip));
As per my understanding, in the above table day and hour columns form a partition key and dip,sip columns form a clustering key.
My understanding is that row key is nothing but partition key i.e. day, hour columns form a row key.
Is my understanding correct? Can any one clarify this?
Is my understanding correct, Can any one clarify this?
Yes, your understanding is correct. The row key is the "old school" way of referring to a partition key. The partition key (as you probably understand) is the part of the CQL PRIMARY KEY which determines where the data is stored in the cluster. In your case, data within your partition keys will be sorted by dip and sip (your clustering keys).
You should give John Berryman's article Understanding How CQL3 Maps To Cassandra’s Internal Data Structure a read. It does a great job of explaining how your table structures map "under the hood."

Select Cassandra row key

What criteria should be considered when selecting a rowid for a column family in cassandra? I want to migrate a relational database which does not contain any primary key. In that case what should be the best rowid selection?
Use natural keys that can be derived from the dataset if possible (e.g. phone_number for phone book, user_name for user table). If thats not possible, use a UUID.
There are many things to consider when consider the primary key of the cassandra system
Understand the difference between primary and partition key
user_name varchar PRIMARY KEY,
password varchar,
In the above case primary and partition keys are the same.
user_name varchar,
user_email varchar,
password varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, user_email)
Here Primary key is the user_name and user_email together, where as user_name is the partition keys.
user_name varchar,
user_email varchar,
password varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name, user_email))
Here the primary key and partition keys are both equal to user_name,user_email
Carefully define your partition key. Partition keys are used for lookups by cassandra, so you must define your partition key by looking at your select queries.
Cassandra organizes data where partition keys are used for lookups, using the previous example
For the first case:
user_name ---> email:password email:data_of_birth
ABC -->
In the second case:
user_name,email ---> password data_of_birth ABC, --> abc123 22/02/1950
Making partition key more complex containing many data will make sure that you have many rows instead of a single row with many columns. It might be beneficial to balance the number of rows you might induce vs the number of columns each row might have. Having incredible large of small rows might not be too beneficial for reads
Partition keys indicate how data is distributed across nodes, so consider whether you have hotspots and decide whether you want to break it further.
Case 1:
All users named ABC will be in a single node
Case 2:
Users named ABC might or might not be in the single node, depending on the key that is generated along with their email.
Your partition key(s) should be how you want to store the data and how you will always look it up. You can only retrieve data by partition key, so it's important to choose something that you will naturally look up (this is why sometimes data is denormalized in Cassandra by storing it in multiple tables that mimic materialized views).
The clustering column key(s), if any, are mostly useful if you sometimes want to retrieve all the data in a partition and sometimes only want some of it. This is great for things like timeseries data because you can cluster the data on a timeuuid, store it sorted, and then do efficient range queries over the data.
